Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1998: Treacherous and Wisdom

"The sky is too much!" Amway Jinsan couldn't help furious after seeing the conditions attached to Su Mu.

At this time, Yoshizawa Chi and other people also walked forward and took a look at the contract, and then they were furious, but they did not dare to yell like Amway Jinsan.

They all stared at Su Mu, but they saw Su Mu standing up, and then faintly said: "Xia Feng, you said, what will happen if the God's Domain Empire is opened directly in this East Island country?"

Xia Feng was startled, but Chen Yongqi grinned and said, "President, I have a way."

Su Mu smiled slightly and said, "Say."

Xia Feng looked dumbfounded, but Chen Yongqi said: "If we massacre all the people of the East Island Country and then rename the East Island Country to the Divine Realm Empire, if we develop our people here, we will not conflict with the territory of the Huadu Empire. At that time, we can develop into our own country here. Of course, for the follow-up security considerations, all the people in the East Island country must be killed!"


Everyone was shocked to no avail!

Tu Guang? Tu Guang all? What about the massacre of Nima?

However, Amway Jinsan and Yoshizawa Chi frowned. The latter said: "Chairman Su, do you think more than one million people can kill the entire East Island country?"

Su Mu suddenly turned around and stared at Ji Zezhi: "Then you should know that in the reincarnation of the earth, a **** of strong sun sunk Wadao Island?!"

Yoshizawa Chi was shocked!

In the Earth’s reincarnation, Su Mu’s Sun Sovereign had indeed sunk the entire Wadao area. The current Earth Reincarnation Wadao area is still unknown, so Su Mu’s words surprised Yoshizawa Chi suddenly. !

If this is the case, then Su Mu really has this ability. If you put a blazing sun **** in the east island kingdom of the time cycle, although the entire east island nation will not be sunk, the players in the entire area will probably be dead. The place of burial!

Yoshizawa Chi stared at Su Mu in both fear and anger and stopped talking.

And from the conversation between the two, Amway Jinsan and other high-level officials can read some information, that is, Yoshizawa Zhi and Cen came from a mysterious place, and in that mysterious place, they seem to know Su Mu, and from their previous Judging from the dialogue, this Su Mu is actually capable of sinking a country? Are you kidding me? Even in the Mahayana Period, the Transcendental Period is impossible!

However, Su Mu faintly said: "This matter may not be impossible. Amway is nearly three minutes away. I will give you one minute of thinking time. If the last condition is not attached, I can kill your entire East Island nation in one day! Try it!"

It was quiet again in an instant. Everyone stared at Su Mu, but they didn't dare to say anything. At this time, if Su Mu's last condition is agreed, then the entire East Island country will be completely ashamed in the time cycle, but if you don't agree , What if it is true that what Su Mu said, slaughtering the entire East Island country?

At this moment, Amway nearly three regretted letting Yu Chuanxin go to attack the border waters of the Huadu Empire this year. If it weren't for Yu Chuanxin, so many things would not have happened, but the matter is now, he also understands. Nowadays, is it a humiliating condition to accept or to fight back... However, is the latter possible? Now that all the soldiers have discarded their weapons and armor, what else do they use to fight? Also, looking at Yoshizawa Chi’s expression, it seems that the conversation just now was not a lie. What kind of existence is this Su Mu?

"What if the East Island country adds 10,000 women to your country every year?!" Amway Jinsan said suddenly.

Su Mu was startled when he heard the words.

Chen Yongqi said strangely: "Ten thousand women?"

Amway Jinsan nodded: "Yes, how about these 10,000 women with perfect body, donating to your country every year to offset this additional condition?"


Su Mu instantly shot the case and shouted: "Fuck! You can do such nasty things! Damn, the additional conditions are definitely not allowed to be revoked. If you don't agree, I will immediately issue an offensive order! Make your own decision!"

Su Mu's rage came from Yoshizawa Mingjing, because she was killed in her arms as a kind of exchange. If this were not the case, Yoshizawa Mingjing should still be that quiet and stubborn little girl...

Ten thousand women in exchange, only this East Island country in the entire world can do such a thing!

Take women as victims of war, and treat women as items of trade!

Su Mu disdains and does not agree with this approach, because in Su Mu's heart, women and men are the same, and should not be victims of war, let alone trade in goods!

If this is not the case, as Su Mu, he could have countless women, so why is it necessary to be angry because of Yoshizawa Mingjing?

Regarding Su Mu's anger, Amway and the third party completely did not understand.

So at this time, Amway Jinsan and everyone looked at each other. Although all the high-level officials were extremely angry, but looking at Su Mu's meaning, it was impossible not to agree.

Whether it is a humiliating promise or the danger of destroying the country, Amway Jinsan must make the right decision.

Therefore, at this moment, Amway sat down sluggishly, and then picked up the pen...

"The Lord!"

"The Lord is not allowed!"

"Lord, will become a sinner if you do this..."


In the entire hall, everyone was blocking, but Amway Jinsan resolutely signed, and the high-level people who blocked him did not make a substantial interception, because they also knew that this matter must be resolved in this way , Otherwise, suffer the pain of destroying the country? Or is it really like what Yoshizawa Chi and Su Mu said, see a ‘splendid picture’ of a skill destroying a country? !



The three Su Mu slowly walked out of the hall, and then slowly walked down the steps.

When the three of them were about to come to the gate, Xia Feng shouted: "Shan Xiong, Huang Tian, ​​Yin Fengyang, Pang Zhihu, let the army retreat fifty meters!"

Everyone was startled when they heard the words, but they quickly gave orders.

The sound of footsteps quickly retreated, and then stopped after giving way to the gate of the entire district government for a few hundred square meters.

At this time, the three Su Mu also walked out, and then they walked straight ahead of the army.

Surprisingly, at this time, Amway Jinsan and Yoshizawa Chi and more than 20 people all walked out. There were tens of thousands of soldiers from the East Island country behind them. Although they had taken off their weapons and armor, at this time they He is still the soldier of the East Island country, and the guard of Amway Jinsan...

It's just that all the people in the Huadu Empire and the East Island Country are not clear, why should the Amway third-class and the senior leaders of the East Island Country follow? Send Su Mu? Do not make jokes!

So at this time, everyone looked at the gate area of ​​the district mansion with curious eyes...

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