Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2007: Ye Na

"I should have thought of it long ago!" Su Mu stepped forward, then looked at the woman in front of him.

Several goddesses were also quite surprised. They didn't expect this woman to appear here, or even that she was the messenger of the Ninth Element!

Because the goddesses know who the ninth element is, the woman in front of them is not the real ninth element at all!

She is Yena!

Heyang's girlfriend!

He Yang's death was largely directly related to this girl.

At the beginning, Su Mu had contacted her because he had no contact with Kuanglan, and did not expect to meet here. At the beginning, Su Mu seemed to have encountered a girl with a veil after the battle with the false mastermind of Reincarnation. The Nine Element Envoy, Su Mu suspected that it was this girl at first, but she did not expect it to be her!

Ye Na changed the way she met Su Mu in Haitian City. At this time, she became extremely strong, and she became disdainful of Su Mu. She walked around and looked at Su Mu and said, "What? Know it's me? Have you ever wondered how I became like this?"

Su Mu was silent.

Because Su Mu knew what this woman would say next, Su Mu had heard Mr. 2 say that the ninth element is probably no longer in the cycle of time, but now it seems that this matter may have become true.

At this time, when she saw Su Mu who was silent, Ye Na continued: "Since you knew it was me, you should also know that Heyang is not dead yet?"

"Of course!" Su Mu said, if it weren't the case, Su Mu wouldn't have scratched Heyang's tombstone on Earth.

Ye Na nodded and smiled and said, "So, what can you say now?"

"I want to know all the passing!" Su Mu said while looking at Ye Na. From the time he was teleported to this place, Su Mu seemed to have been manipulated by others. Su Mu must understand these passages, and Ye Na's appearance seems to be today. If you can’t go out, just ask directly.

But Su Mu also knew that Ye Na's confidence must be due to the ninth element. Otherwise, how could she be an ordinary earth girl who could play such a big role in a palace?

And he is still here waiting for himself, and he is the one who guards and imprisons all the goddesses!

It seemed that Su Mu's thoughts were confirmed, Ye Na nodded and said: "Okay, then I will tell you all the story... This, should I start when you left China?"

Ye Na laughed at herself, and then looked at Su Mu with a sarcasm: "Eight years ago, you left Haitian City alone and left Heyang here. This journey lasted seven years. Do you think After returning home to see Heyang? Have you ever thought about what life Heyang leads in Haitian City? Huh?"

"I called Heyang countless times on the way to let him go to the U.S. Empire, but Heyang couldn't choose to come. Why does this have to do with me again?" Su Mu frowned.

And Ye Na sneered: "You know that he is Wen Ren's illegitimate child, then you should also know how Wen Ren's family wants to treat him, so at the beginning, in Haitian City, Heyang not only had to be in the world of Datang every day. As the head of the group, I must also worry about Wen's entanglement. Although Wenren Zihan eventually came to Haitian City, this does not affect Wen's style of doing things, right? She is a daughter who is in control of Wen's entire family. Ren Zhiyuan is still too tender..."

Su Mu's brows furrowed. In fact, Su Mu already knew about the matter, but now that Ye Na said it personally, Su Mu still couldn't accept it, especially when the truth was shown on the table.

"He Yang was unaccompanied in Haitian City. He had only you as a brother. But your brother is far away in the US Empire and Eastern Europe. What can he do? He can only fight in Haitian City by himself. Wen Zihan Kindly founded Ziyang Studio in Haitian City, but Wenren used this to plant a huge conspiracy in the game. This conspiracy also includes sacrificing me. Wenren and you should be condemned by God!"

At this time, the goddess of water blue couldn't bear to say: "What does this have to do with Susu?"

Ye Na glanced at the goddess Shuilan and said, "What does it have to do with him? Ask who has his left eyeball? Ask him how Heyang died!"

The goddesses were puzzled.

At this time, Su Mu shook his head helplessly and said: "He Yang... was framed by someone heard..."


The goddess of water blue and the goddess of fire were taken aback. The two of them appeared in the real world relatively often, so at this time Su Mu’s words made their minds go straight. Heyang is Wenren’s illegitimate child, and it can be considered Wenren’s illegitimate child. The young master of the family, how could he be the mastermind of the frame of Heyang?

Su Mu said: "I really wanted to avenge Heyang after finding out the truth, but because of..."

"Because your woman is Wenren Zihan, so you dare not, and you don't want to avenge Heyang, do you?" Ye Na snorted coldly: "As the leader of the remnant soul, you are even carrying seven Years of glory returned to China to investigate the cause of Heyang’s death, but when you found out how Heyang died, you couldn’t stop it! This is the friend who Heyang gave his eyes to you without hesitation? Brother? Hehe..."

Su Mu was speechless!

Su Mu was extremely angry when he faced his brother's hatred!

However, the murderer of the brother is the brother's family, what should I do? How does this make Su Mu choose?

Su Mu was truly shocked by the truth of He Yang's death at the time, because he never thought that the real mastermind of He Yang's death was Wenren Zhiyuan!

Ye Na sneered again at this time: "Wen Ren, for the sake of her status and face in Kyoto, she would not hesitate to kill her own family bloodline, and even use her own daughter to plan this matter. He is so powerful... And you, the shadow of God, the butcher of the remnant soul! The leader of the remnant soul, who is indifferent after knowing the truth, are you Heyang’s little brother? I feel worthless for Heyang!"

Su Mu was speechless about this matter. He looked at Ye Na and said, “I don’t want to say anything about this. Heyang is my brother. Wenren Zihan is my woman. Wenren Zhiyuan is their grandfather. Therefore, the truth of the investigation is that their grandfather personally framed Heyang. What do you say I can do? I can kill Wenren Zhiyuan? What about Wenren Zihan? How should I face Heyang? You know Heyang What do you think? If you think from Heyang's standpoint, will he kill his grandfather himself?"

"Wen Ren Zhiyuan is his grandfather? Huh?!"

Su Mu was shocked!

Ye Na's words completely stunned Su Mu.

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