Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2035: Remember, my name is Su Mu

The art of insight!

"Ding! Insight into 45% of the information, reading..."

First of all, Su Mu looked at the young male angel who took the lead.

Angel Han Lv180

Race: Angel, Heavenly Alliance

Qi and blood: 1.2 million

Energy: 740,000

Introduction: The angel of the royal family of the Tiangong Alliance, the younger brother of Angel Hao, is arrogant and domineering. With the help of his brother's prestige as a tiger, he is fighting in the early stage of the Xuansheng period.

The two adult angels behind this angel Han are 400-level super angels, whose strength is the peak state of the Profound Sage Period, and they are the guards of this angel Han.

Su Mu's shoulders are vertical, and the city of angels can't stop the so-called power struggle.

I saw the three people walking up proudly, and then passed the angels who were waiting in line for verification. Obviously they were going to jump into the city of Angels, and none of the angels in the line dared to speak, but there were some in their eyes. A look that dare not speak.

Su Mu was also used to this kind of thing, so he ignored it, but Su Mu still ignored the attraction of Xiao Zhixian.

At this time, Shi Han suddenly stopped by Xiao Zhixian's side, and then he smiled and said, "Oh, isn't this sister Zhixian? Why? You have to line up to enter the City of Angels? Just ask your sister to give an order. That’s all right? Still queuing with the ordinary angels, tusk, your sister, the royal princess, is too shameless, right?"

Xiao Zhixian snorted without speaking.

However, at this time Angel Han looked at Su Mu, saw him frown slightly, and then looked at the wings on Su Mu's back and said: "This pair of wings is novel. Brothers belong to that branch of the Heavenly Palace Alliance?"

Su Mu glanced at him, and then saw Xiao Zhixian looking at him, as if he wanted Su Mu to draw a line from him.

Su Mu can understand the dissatisfaction in Xiao Zhixian's heart. Zhiyan was squeezed out in the City of Angels because of her loss of virginity. So she, the little princess who entered the City of Angels, had to be checked like ordinary angels. Zhiyan wouldn't let Xiaozhixian fake his public for personal gain.

"I, Justice League, the guard of Princess Zhizhi." Su Mu said.

Angel Han was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at Su Mu strangely: "Are you the guardian of Zhixian? Huh? I heard that right?"

"Yes, Princess Zhi Zhi has a male guard too?"

"No, it's impossible for all male angels of the Justice League to enter the palace. How come a male guard appears?"

"That's right……"

Suddenly, the surrounding discussion sounded, but Su Mu was stunned, but Xiao Zhixian frowned at this time, as if Su Mu had said something wrong.

However, it seems that there is no room for reversal now. Xiao Zhixian can only raise his head and look at Angel Handao: "Why not? He is my guard, and the Justice League is not all female angels."

Angel Han still looked at Zhixian and Su Mu a little weird, and then laughed a few times: "Yeah, I see, your sister stole the forbidden fruit. Now it's your turn? Haha, with a man. The guard followed, what did you do out of the city? Find a place where no one is eating? Haha!"


At this time, the surrounding angels laughed uncontrollably. The matter of Angel Zhiyan is no secret in the City of Angels, so Zhixian, Angel Zhiyan’s sister, now has a male angel next to him, so this angel Han is like this. It makes sense...

"You! You! You bullshit!" Xiao Zhi Xianqi's little face flushed. What she hates most is that some people say that her sister is a forbidden fruit. The combination of female angels and males is the guardian angel, and the same is true for her sister. , And the person guarded by my sister is the Su Mu in front of me. How could it be my sister who ate the forbidden fruit? !

"I'm talking nonsense?" Angel Han pointed to his nose and chuckled, then looked at the angels around him and said: "Big guy talk, did I talk nonsense?"

"The justice of the Justice League, but I secretly don't know what to do shameful deeds. This year's election can still allow Justice League people to participate. It is really a shame for the angels!"

"Yes! Angels of the Justice League should not be allowed to participate in the election!"

"The Justice League should have been disqualified from the general election!"

The crowd talked a lot, but Xiao Zhixian flushed with anger.

At this time, Angel Han was very satisfied with the result of his own creation. He directly approached Xiao Zhixian and said, "Princess Zhixian, if you are not convinced, you can take action. I heard that Princess Zhixian has not yet cultivated the heart of the city of angels. Well, how come I want to hear people say that Princess Zhixian is not in the early Yuan Dynasty now?"


Su Mu was a little surprised. This Zhixian, because the physique is a cold attribute, is different from all the angel clan members. Therefore, it should be that Zhiyan deliberately asked her to conceal her strength, which caused the people in the city of angels to not know Zhixian. There is the slightest fighting power, otherwise this angel Han would not say that.

Su Mu turned sideways and stood in front of Angel Han without leaving a trace, and then separated Zhixian from his face and said, "Angel Han, since you are Angel Hao’s younger brother, you should show your brother a little more face. , Instead of being here, Princess Zhixian has no fighting power, but this does not mean that she is not a princess, so, speak carefully."


Angel Han pushed Su Mu directly, and shouted: "How can you speak as a dog slave? Who knows who you are? Say, did you accidentally eat with Zhixian? Huh? Haha, don't be embarrassed. Admit that everyone is a man, and her sister is this kind of person anyway. As the saying goes, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked..."

"You will humiliate my sister and I will kill you!!" Xiao Zhixian pushed Su Mu away unbearably and rushed up. The ice magic addiction on his body was attacked, and Su Mu grabbed Zhixian's little hand...

"Su Mu! You!" Xiao Zhixian was about to say something like Su Mu's bag, but he saw that Su Mu's eyes became extremely cold.

At this time, I saw Su Mu directly holding Zhixian's little hand, and then stepped forward again, the cold air on his body instantly radiated into the surrounding air, and all the angels watching the excitement and mocking instantly fell silent...

This kind of aura is invisible and colorless, especially for psychological suppression. In addition, Su Mu's murderous aura cultivated on the earth and the tens of thousands of lives killed by super skills in the cycle of time, Su Mu at this time , Killing awe-inspiring.

"Queen of Burning Flames! Always your king! As Queen of Burning Flames, she needs to steal food? With a word of hers, the men of your Heavenly Palace Alliance can squeeze their heads into the Justice League! What's awesome?"

The entire aura was shocked by Su Mu, so when Su Mu finished speaking this sentence, he pulled Zhixian and walked towards the gate of the City of Angels, queuing? Line up your sister's line!

When Su Mu and Zhixian walked into the gate, Angel Han suddenly shouted, "Boy, what is your name?!"

Su Mu and Zhixian stopped where they were, and then said without turning their heads: "Remember, my name is Su Mu!"

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