Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2038: Zhixin Sister

Angel Han haha ​​laughed. Regarding this matter, countless angels also had incredible expressions. After all, Angel Burning Flame is the blood of the royal family of the City of Angels. Even if she is to be a male guardian angel, she should also be a talent for the overlord. , However, is now actually a human? A human being in the Great Yuan Dynasty?

At this time, Angel Luo and Angel Ran looked at each other, the former said: "This matter is serious, and the opinion of the princess needs to be sought."

The angel nodded, and then hovered, and then a flame rope was thrown down. Su Mu was tied up, and Su Mu did not resist, and was taken by the angel to the air.

At this time, Angel Fall brought Xiao Zhixian into the City of Angels, and Su Mu was relieved that the two big guard angels belonged to the Justice League, so Xiao Zhixian would definitely not be in danger.

In the high sky of the City of Angels, it is rare to see angels in flight, and occasionally I saw two masters in the Mahayana period. This made Su Mu couldn't help sighing that there were too many masters in the City of Angels.

Because it is a big city in the sky, the clouds are constantly flowing through the city of angels, which is so beautiful.

Although Su Mu was tied up, he was excited, because according to this angel's words, he was going to see Zhiyan with himself.

After flying for about half an hour, a huge sea of ​​clouds slowly passed through, and then a huge palace appeared in the back. The palace compound was full of angel guards holding swords of flames, passing through this Behind the compound is a very large and magnificent palace erected inside the city of angels.

The palace is climbing in a spiral manner. There are dozens of angels guarding each floor, and there are countless angels flying and patrolling around the spiral tall buildings. The guard is extremely strict. Seeing this Su Mu, you know that if you don’t encounter it. It is impossible for Xiao Zhixian to enter this city of angels. The angels who can fly in the city of angels are all in the Mahayana period. How to sneak in?

However, the angel took Su Mu directly to the top platform of the spiral palace at this time, and then put Su Mu on the ground and said, "Wait."

Su Mu nodded, and then looked expectantly at the palace gate on the top floor. At this time, even the clouds under his feet and the fairyland-like scenes around him had been completely ignored...

Su Mu just wants to see Zhiyan now!

As the angel entered the palace gate, Su Mu also aroused other patrolling Mahayana angels at this time, and then a female angel with purple wings suddenly fell in front of Su Mu.

Su Mu was startled.

This angel, with purple hair, has purple wings and attire on her body, like a fallen angel. It is rare for Su Mu to be taken all the way to fly over. Moreover, this purple angel is still at the peak of the Mahayana period. It is simply a move. The atomic bomb turret...

"You, called Su Mu, right?" The fallen angel walked up to Su Mu's, and then muttered.

Su Mu was surprised, how did she know her name? Is it possible that you have the same insight skills as yourself? Besides, even if you have the skill of insight, you shouldn't look at yourself like this, as if you know...

Moreover, the voice of this fallen angel is so awkward...Although it looked at Su Mu with a serious expression, the voice almost made Su Mu's bones numb. This kind of woman is probably the one who can respond even to the voice. This kind of type... Su Mu was a little confused.

Nodding subconsciously.

At this moment, he saw the fallen angel suddenly plucking his clothes off his chest. Su Mu quickly avoided his sight. Are Nima and the angels so unrestrained?

"That, Sister Angel, I'm not so" Su Mu was in a good mood, because he was about to see the flames, so the mood of teasing couldn't help but when Su Mu saw the fallen angel's white chest After the imprint, he froze in place.

Although the angel stripped off his clothes to reveal the snow-white skin on his chest, it was almost completely exposed, but Su Mu did not have the mood to appreciate it, because at this time there was something very familiar to Su Mu on the chest of this fallen angel. Imprint...

This mark is what Su Mu saw in the forbidden area of ​​the death penalty prison island... it was exactly the same as Zhixin's chest!

"My name is Zhiling...Sister Zhixin..."

Damn it! Lin Chiling? your sister!

Su Mu is quite dizzy, Zhi Ling! Zhi Ling!

However, Su Mu understood why this fallen angel named Zhiling could instantly recognize herself, because at the beginning Zhixin seemed to be chased and killed, and then she was dying to convey all the aura to Su Mu, so Su Mu's body There will be an angel's breath, plus the blade wings are brought out by Burning Flame, so no angel below the Mahayana period in the City of Angels can recognize Su Mu as a human.

"I'm sorry..." Su Mu lowered his head slightly.

However, Zhi Ling shook her head and said, "No, Su Mu, I didn't blame you for coming, I just came to verify, did my sister send all the spiritual energy to you?"

Su Mu nodded.

Zhi Ling said in surprise: "That's good, that's good."

Su Mu curiously looked at the fallen angel opposite, what does that mean? Her sister is dead.

But at this moment the angel walked out of the main hall, and then looked at the fallen angel Zhi Ling and said, "Zhi Ling, the princess wants you to bring Princess Zhi Xian."

"Okay, okay." Zhi Ling glanced at Su Mu again moved, and then quickly flew into the air.

"Let's go, the princess is waiting for you inside." Angel Ran directly retracted the flame rope at this time, and then took the lead to walk towards the entrance of the hall.

Although Su Mu was excited, he was still interrupted by the angel: "Remember, after a while, you can stop talking without talking. You must say less, and don't cause trouble to the princess."

"Is there anyone else in it?"

"Do you think anyone can enter this top floor? If you are not the guardian of Princess Burning Flame, you can't even enter the Angel City." Angel Ran's tone changed slightly from the previous one, as if he appeared emotionally. Some kind of fluctuation.

Su Mu's mouth is flat, the City of Angels also has an imperial city like human players, and is there such a hierarchy as a country leader?

When he came to the entrance of the main hall on the top floor, the angel bowed and said: "Report to the princess, the chief, the master, Su Mu brought it here."

Princess? Commander? Great Sovereign? Su Mu was a bit at a loss. Is it really that Zhiyan is not alone in feelings?


The door opened, and the white mist also flowed, and then a female angel inside said: "Enter."

Angel Ran stood up straight at this time, then looked back at Su Mu and motioned for Su Mu to enter the hall.

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