Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2040: What to do with you

After the female angel finished speaking, another middle-aged female angel also stood up and looked at Zhi Yan and said: "Princess, since you said that there was a guardian before, we people naturally believe in you, let alone the rumors outside. , And now you actually tell us that your guardian is actually a human being? Or is it just a human being in the Great Yuan Dynasty? This matter, I am afraid that it is contrary to the face of the Zhi family?"

"Yes, even if the princess already has a guardian, it shouldn't be a human being with the strength of the Great Yuan Dynasty. Not to mention the dissatisfaction of the Heavenly Palace Alliance, even the Justice League people will not be convinced, right?"


"So, I don't approve of the princess's participation in the audition!"

"Yes, I don't agree."

"No objection."

For a time, almost half of the dozens of angels in the entire hall began to oppose it, and Su Mu sat next to Zhiyan and did not speak. At this time, he roughly analyzed the current situation. It must be for the general election candidates. Make a choice, but because Zhiyan loses his virginity and can't find who the guardian is, the City of Angels keeps rumors that Zhiyan ate the forbidden fruit and other rumors.

And now, Su Mu’s appearance directly broke this rumor, but Su Mu’s strength really made all the angels dare not flatter them. In the City of Angels, every adult angel is at least the strength of the Profound Sage Period, and now, this human being is even mysterious. The spiritual stage has not been reached, isn't this a joke?

At this time, Zhi Yan frowned slightly, and she looked at the middle-aged woman's angel and said, "Angel thank you, as a member of the Justice League, you should support the Zhi family!"

The middle-aged woman snorted, "Although I am a Justice League, I also have to think about the future of the City of Angels. I would like to ask, the princess ascended to the throne, and the guardian is only a great Yuan period. Wouldn't it be the whole angel world to let the heavens Are the angels of the alliance laughed at? I am afraid that all Justice League members will not approve of this matter."


"Isn't this making people laugh?"

"That is, the guardian of the princess is actually a human being in the Great Yuan Dynasty, tusk..."

The members of the Justice League present also began to be heartbroken to prevent Zhiyan from participating in the general election, but the people in the Tiangong League did not speak at this time. As long as the Justice League disagrees, the matter will be decided directly.

Zhiyan clenched her hands tightly, and she seemed a bit gnashing her teeth at this moment, who had always been meek.

When Su Mu did not show up, they said that they stole the forbidden fruit to prevent them from participating in the general election. They said that as long as Zhiyan called the guardian out, they believed that she had a guardian, but now, Su Mu appeared and they actually used Su Mu's strength again. Article, this is determined not to let myself participate in the audition of the master of the City of Angels.

Just when Zhi Yan wanted to speak, Su Mu's hand suddenly held her small hand, the latter was visibly startled, and then looked at Su Mu with a smile on his face.

He stood up slowly, then looked at all the angels in the main hall and said: "In the city of angels election, female angels need to remain chaste. If they lose their virginity, they need the guardian to come forward. I think this rule is the city of angels. Isn't it the same forever?"

"Of course, otherwise, how can you stand here and talk?" Angel Hao said with disdain, if it weren't the case, how could you, a little human being in the Great Yuan Dynasty, stand here?

Su Mu nodded: "Well, in that case, I am now the guardian of Burning Flame, and I am already standing here. If you are not satisfied, you can challenge yourself like me, right?"

The audience was dumb and surprisingly quiet, because Su Mu’s words were simply seeking death on his own. If the Guardian of Burning Flame did not speak, then no one could do anything. It was nothing more than persecuting Burning Flame. However, if the Guardian offered to challenge him, Then the female angel guardians of the audition will accept the male angel challenge of the entire city of angels. If they fail, they will lose their identity as the Burning Guardian. Moreover, this challenge is a lifetime of nine deaths, especially Su Mu's strength in the Great Yuan Dynasty.

So when Su Mu's words came out, everyone was surprised, including Angel Hao and Angel Mingdu looking at Su Mu strangely, as if they had heard it wrong.

Zhiyan quickly shouted in a low voice: "Su, don't be impulsive..."

There are so many masters in the City of Angels, not to mention that in this hall, the angels who patrol the outer area are the lowest in the Mahayana period. Su Mu is only the strength of the Great Yuan Dynasty. What can be compared with the masters of the entire Angel City?

But Su Mu turned back to Zhiyan and nodded slightly, indicating that she didn't need to worry.

This is, Angel Hao said: "If this is the case, then fulfill the wish of the Guardian and start the challenge election. If the Guardian can pass ten rounds of challenges, then he can replace the princess in the election, and it will start tomorrow."

Everyone was surprised again, this is simply death.

Angel Hao had already stood up at this time, and the name of Angel had also stood up, because the words have been blocked, so today's meeting has no meaning, and can only wait for the results of tomorrow.

So the angels in the entire hall began to leave, only Zhiyan's confidant remained in the hall.

After waiting for all the members of the Heavenly Palace Alliance to leave, Zhi Yan slowly stood up and looked at the dozens of angels below and said: "You all go back first, waiting for my order."



Everyone got up, and then left the hall one after another.

In an instant, Zhiyan and Su Mu were left in the whole hall. She walked slowly to Su Mu's, her majesty disappeared completely, replaced by a gentle face like water, and she lay down. No more words in Su Mu's arms.

Su Mu knew that she was worried about herself. After all, Su Mu was from the earth. It was not easy to reach the Great Yuan Period from the Early Yuan Period. The City of Angels and the human world of Time Reincarnation are not the same. The strength here is completely crushing humanity.

However, things have already happened, and changes are now impossible, so Zhiyan can only lie in Su Mu's arms to ease the pain of lovesickness over the past few months.

"Yan, miss me?" Su Mu put his arm around her slender waist and touched her long golden hair.

Zhi Yan hummed softly, and hugged Su Mu tightly again.

"Don't worry, no one can bully your sisters anymore when I come today, don't worry!"

Zhi Yan was startled and said, "Have you seen Zhixian?"

"Yes, even scolded me..."

"Oh, this dead girl."

"It's okay, Xian'er is right to scold her, I don't blame her, but she scolds me like this, shouldn't you who are your sister compensate me?"

"Ah..." I heard Zhiyan exclaim as he said, and then saw a princess Su Mu hugged him...

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