Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2051: Kagami period angel god

Su Mu stood there, then stared at the two angels, old and young.

The old man slowly took a bag in the hands of the young man angel, then nodded and said: "Okay, you go try him..."

The man turned to look at Su Mu, and then disappeared in the same place instantly. He appeared again at a height of ten meters in the air. He clasped his fist and said: "At the beginning of the angel crossing, the beginning of the transformation, please enlighten me."

Su Mu was completely stunned, the stage of transformation? When Mom sold the batch, Su Mu immediately opened up the technique of insight.

However, Su Mu was in a cold sweat from the angel's message...

Angel Ferry Lv500 (one of the managers behind the Angel City)

Grade: Angelic God in the early stage of becoming an angel.

Introduction: The behind-the-scenes manager of the City of Angels cannot inherit the king of the angel family due to blood relationship. There are many such angels in the angel world; Angel Du, promoted to the divine period three thousand years ago, is famous in the angel world, and is the most famous in the current era of the angel family An angel, the power of killing God!

Su Mu felt his scalp numb when he saw this message, and he was turning into a spirit! This **** it is the deity stage, a Mahayana stage is enough to make Su Mu a headache, and now there is another deity stage, why doesn't Nima come to a more advanced angel? Also, what level is that old angel who looks dying? Could it be possible that there is a higher level above this stage of transformation?

However, at this time Angel Du was saluting in the air, and Su Mu could only wave his hand and said, "What do you mean? The God-Transforming Period and my Great Yuan Period PK? Isn't this killing me?"

Hearing this, Angel Du looked at the old man on the ground, and he also had many questions in his heart. A human being, still in the Great Yuan Dynasty, could actually come to this Linbi Palace. Not to mention, why did the master let him try This person's hand? According to this level, he can pinch this human to death with one finger, so at this time Angel Du also looked at the old man strangely.

However, the old man took the bag that Angel Du gave him and walked slowly towards the attic, but he didn't want to explain, so Angel Du could only look at Su Mu again and said, "Please!"

Please be paralyzed, Lao Tzu is in the Great Yuan period, and you are in the transformation period. There is a huge difference in between. You cannot fight, absolutely cannot fight.

Su Mu directly sat on the stool and waved his hand and said, "I gave up the head office, right? Come down quickly."

Angel Du frowned when he heard this, and said, "Guest, since Master asked me to fight with you, then there will be Master’s principles. Please don’t hesitate to enlighten me, Angel Du, thank you."

"Don't tell me, I don't want to fight with you, you are in a spiritual stage, I am in a great Yuan stage, what can I fight?"

However, at this time, the old man suddenly stopped at the door, and he turned his back and said: "So, how did the Great Yuan period defeat the Mahayana period?"

Su Mu was startled.

Angel Ferry was also startled at this time, and then said in surprise: "Can the guest actually open the Mahayana period?"

Damn it! Are you an angel in the City of Angels? You don't even know what happened in the square today? Su Mu also served.

"Guest, please come to the air to fight." Angel Du shouted again.

Su Mu couldn't make it to life, and fighting with the angels of the transformation stage, let alone a trick, I am afraid that people can blow himself to death with one breath, and can't fight.

However, what made Su Mu helpless was that this body was suspended involuntarily, and then directly reached the height of the angel crossing, and the blade was summoned out instantly, Su Mu himself was shocked, what about this God Realm suit? Will he be opened for no reason?

"Guest, please!" Angel Duke was not polite at all. After Su Mu was suspended, he directly summoned the sword of flames.

Su Mu looked at the angel crossing with a dubious laugh: "Are you really going to fight with me? It's just that playing with each other is not a real thing?"

"How can fighting be a trifling matter? Comparing can only limit the strength. When you fight, you can only use real guns!"


Su Mu couldn't help it a bit, isn't Nima in the stage of transcendence? Just hit it, I'm still afraid you won't make it?

But, looking back, what if you can't beat it? This is dying. The ghost knows whether he can be resurrected if he died here. Even if he can be resurrected, will the old man resurrect himself?

Moreover, looking at the dumb face of this angel Du, it seems that he has no idea about what happened in the City of Angels, or even what happened in the City of Angels. Su Mu even wondered whether he, the behind-the-scenes manager, does not want the City of Angels to explode Does he know nothing? Don't the master and apprentice really know that they are the guardians of Burning Flame? Really don't know that something important happened in the city of angels today?

your sister!

"Void Lingdu!"



Su Mu's eyes instantly turned into a chaotic world, and immediately after that, he felt the air pressure rise instantly. Not only that, the clothes on Su Mu's body began to levitate at this time, and he wanted to escape from his body...

boom! !



The blood in Su Mu's mouth instantly spit out, and then the line of sight in front of him returned to normal, and it became the sky above this small island...

At this time, Su Mu hadn't reacted yet, and then he felt the pressure coming from behind him again.

Bang! !

boom! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

Su Mu's body was instantly smashed into the turf on the ground, and a large pit with a diameter of at least five meters appeared. Su Mu lay motionless in it, and his whole body was in pain. The blood that had just recovered seemed to bottom out again. ...

Damn you!

Su Mu propped up his hands, then stood up slowly. Isn't this the **** boss? More violent than the goddess Jin Ning!

However, at this time, the old man came out of the wooden building and said: "Du, don't underestimate the enemy, and think that he is the same level as you, otherwise, you will die."

Angel Du was shocked when he heard the words, and then looked again that Su Mu was unable to fight back by himself.

But Su Mu really wanted to laugh three times, Nima, now it's Lao Tzu who is dying, so why should this angel in the transformation stage go all out? Why don't you die!



Angel Du’s hands suddenly waved a few times, and immediately afterwards, I saw that the surrounding void instantly seemed to be torn. The sunlight disappeared and replaced by the color of the void tunnel, and Angel Du’s figure instantly transformed into countless people at this moment. The body is right in front of Su Mu...

Su Mu was extremely nervous at this time. Although there was a lot of discomfort and cursing, there was one thing he had to admit, and that was the angel's combat effectiveness, which was completely exploded!

So what can Su Mu do?

God respects the blazing sun! !

I turned on God Venerable Sun again. Although I knew the chance was slim, I still had to give it a try. If the island could be blown up, it would be regarded as Su Mu's catharsis to the old man.

Rumble! ! !

Angel Du was stunned when he saw Su Mu's skills. The Dark Dao Master was right. This human being could not be treated according to the strength he saw on the surface!

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