Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2064: This is weird


The audience is blown up!

Various exclamations came, and countless angels were all looking at the angel crossing in the air at this time, no one believed, and no one wanted to believe it.

But Angel Du said it three times in a row, and everyone heard it clearly.

At this time, Angel Yuan didn't know how to answer the conversation, because she had never encountered such a thing, let alone an angel **** would say that she would admit defeat in person? Even in the later stage of the transformation of the gods, the initial stage of the transformation of the gods would not be so persuasive, after all, it is already the stage of the transformation, and it is not that simple to simply lose.

Angel Du, an angel with this ability can tear the void, even the existence of Ling Du void!

How could he admit defeat?

"Go, God, are you sure?" Angel Yuan's little face was already stiff at this time, and he didn't know what to say, but according to the rules, he must pronounce a sentence if he admits defeat, so Angel Yuan confirmed again at this time. .

And Angel Du nodded heavily and said: "I give up."


The audience exclaimed again.

Countless discussions and various exclamations came.

At this time, the name of the angel was completely sluggish, and the angel cross gave up?

According to the normal state, the angel’s name had been furious and pointed at Angel Du’s nose and cursed, but now he dare not, because Angel Du is the stage of **** transformation, an existence that he can’t provoke, so at this time the angel’s name can only be one The shocked look on his face had never expected such a result.

He thought about the ways that Su Mu could entangle with Angel Cross, and even thought that Su Mu might hold on for a long time, but he just gave in without thinking of Angel Cross. This absolutely does not exist. Isn't this Nima cheating?

Not only is the name of the angel, but at this time, after the shock, Angel Hao looked at the name of the angel with a smile, making you pretend to be forced, but now you can’t pretend, the master you hired gave up directly, let alone pretended to be forced Now, after this time, your angelic name will wait for shame to be criticized and scolded!

So at this time Angel Hao's mood was extremely cheerful.

At this time, Zhiyan was also shocked. She did not expect the result to be like this. Especially she did not expect that Angel Du would directly surrender. Although she knew that Su Mu's combat effectiveness could not be easily defeated, she was the same as Angel's name. , Zhiyan did not expect the result to be like this.

Only Xiao Zhixian had a look of excitement at this time, knowing that it was an angel god, and the angel **** personally surrendered. This was even more powerful than letting Su Mu defeat Angel Hao!

So Xiao Zhixian had an excited expression on his face at this time, and he really wanted to shout out to her brother-in-law, how awesome!

In addition, the angel Xie, who was standing behind Zhiyan, was also shocked at this time. She warned Su Mu that this election was very dangerous, but that day Su Mu did not obey her, but instead reprimanded her. , So at this time Angel Xie was even more shocked!



The shock and exclamation of the audience was about to explode, and at this time, Angel Du turned to Su Mu and nodded slightly, then clasped his fists.

Su Mu also clasped his fists and thanked Angel Du, and then saw Angel Du tore through the void in an instant, and then disappeared into the shield of the square...

The whole scene suddenly fell silent at this moment... After everyone exclaimed and shocked, they were dead silent.

At this time, Angel Yuan flew forward slowly for a while, and then looked at the surrounding angels with shocked expression: "I declare, announce...The first battle of the general election, Su Musheng!"




"What's this?"

"That's it?"

"Dizzy, how could this be?"

"My angel god, Du, why did you give up like this? What the **** is this?"

The audience exploded in an instant.

Give up before you fight? This is not the style of angel gods, right? And even if you know you can't beat it, you can't just give up like this, right?

All the people were surprised, but at the same time, the people of the Justice League looked excited, because at the beginning they knew that the helper invited by the angel name was not easy, and they did not expect it to be the crossing of the angel god, and now crossing To admit defeat directly made the members of the Justice League feel more confident about Su Mu, after all, he is the guardian of Sunburn.

So at this time, the voices of the audience were different. Some admitted that Su Mu was great, while others couldn't believe it. Some angels even denied Su Mu's victory this time.

But the rules are the rules. Su Mu won the first game, and everyone didn't admit it and there was no way.

Just when everyone couldn't believe it and was disappointed, Angel Hao flew out with a confident smile on his face at this time, and then shouted: "Since the person with the name of Angel has surrendered, then let me ask my helper. I believe you should all be disappointed, so my Angel Hao will never let you down!"

Everyone was speechless and helpless. Now Angel Hao stood up again. Everyone could only hope that this time the Heavenly Palace Alliance could save some face, so most people began to look forward to who Angel Hao could invite.

Everyone can guess by looking at Angel Hao’s expression. The helper Angel Hao asked would definitely not lose to the name of the angel. Otherwise, it would be meaningless if this helper asked him. After all, Su Mu defeated the Mahayana Angel Hao the day before yesterday. , It would be a bit funny if you invite another Mahayana period, so the person that Angel Hao invites must also be a god-inspiring period.

Therefore, all the angels began to look forward to who Angel Hao could invite. After all, the angels of the transformation stage are one of the few in the angel world, so most of the angel gods can hear about it...

Therefore, Angel Hao said with a smile on his face: "This time, the help Hao invited is to stop... the angel **** at the beginning of the transformation period, Angel Gu! Old Gu!"



"Old Gu?"

"Wow! It's actually Old Gu!"


"It really is an angel god!"

All the angels were excited.

However, Su Mu alone has a face of helplessness. It seems that this angel world’s masters of the transformation stage are also one of the few. Otherwise, they will not meet two acquaintances in a row, which proves that no matter what In any interface, there are always only a few top masters, and you can count them.

So, at this time, a strange expression appeared.

The void behind Angel Hao tore in an instant, while Su Mu was speechless. Because Su Mu was curious, it was enough for Angel Crossing. He never asked about the City of Angels, so he didn't know that the person participating in the election was himself, and Angel Gu did. ? Isn't he just asking anything about the City of Angels? Don't you know that you are a candidate for the general election just like Angel Du?

This is impossible!

So Su Mu wanted to see what the angel Gu wanted, whether he surrendered directly or he wanted to fight himself?

In the face of the cheers below, Su Mu could only say sorry in his heart. The so-called idol angel gods are all Lao Tzu's younger brothers!

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