Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2067: Do not accept

Su Mu pointed at all the disobedient angels with a long sword in the air, and then slowly turned around in the air.

In an instant, all the angels calmed down, they all stared at Su Mu, but wanted to see what Su Mu could say.

At this time, Su Mu said with a disdainful smile: "I cheated? The Justice League cheated? Can you move your brain when you speak? Also, you are often thousands of years old, and your life expectancy is just this IQ?"


"what did you say?!"

"Human! You are looking for death!"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

Wow... the flying Mahayana angels are about to rush up at this moment, but Su Mu is still in this shield, so it is impossible to rush in, and there are four angels of the **** transformation stage guarding them. Shield, you can only see their mood if you want to break the shield.

Therefore, Su Mu continued: "You were successfully provoked by me like this? It proves that your IQ is really not good, and it also taught me that IQ does not increase with age, but with age. Only experience..."

Su Mu can see through this point. If some of the gods and bosses in the reincarnation are of real age, then Su Mu can understand why the water blue goddess is still such a gentle girl's heart, and why Xiaomu Ling is still a tens of thousands of years old. Li's mentality, time can change only their temperament and accumulated experience, personality and IQ have been frozen the moment your brain matures.

"Say I cheated! Humph! Just ask, who can shake the angel god's status in the Heavenly Palace Alliance and the Justice League? Who can make the angel **** bow down? Is there?!" Su Mu suddenly shouted coldly.

All the angels fell silent instantly.

Su Mu is right. Even if this is the king of the angel race, he still cannot shake the position of the angel god, because the king of angels only manages the angels below the transformation stage of the angel world, and the angel gods above the transformation stage are already. They are no longer managed, because they have already been promoted to gods, and they are likely to be promoted to the highest gods again, and they are no longer within the boundaries of angels.

Therefore, angel gods are generally the administrators behind the scenes of the angel race, or they are the existence of rangers. Therefore, no one can shake the status of angel gods, and there is no interest that can make them do things they don’t want to do, because rights are right. It doesn't make much sense to them.

Otherwise, why would Angel Hao and Angel's name use the family's emotional card to invite these two angel gods?

All the angels calmed down, and Su Mu coldly snorted again: "Since no one can shake the two angel gods, then I can be shaken as a human? You are not admitting that your angels are not as good as me as a human being? Your own face? It's so ridiculous!"

"Then why did the two angel gods give up after seeing you?!"

"Yes, an angel **** saw you give up, maybe because he knew you, but why did this second angel **** give up? Isn't this a trick of your Justice League?"

"Yes, there are too many coincidences and sometimes it is not a coincidence!"

"Yes! We just don't believe that these two angel gods know you, this is a human being only in the Great Yuan period!"

"Yes! Not satisfied!"

"We are not satisfied with the results of the Justice League this time!"

"Not satisfied!"

"Not satisfied!"

All the angels of the Heavenly Palace Alliance fought loudly again at this time.

Su Mu frowned in the air, it seemed that things were not as simple as he thought, but now Su Mu understands better that he wants to explain to them is to explain differently, so Su Mu directly shouted in the air: "Fuck me shut up! "

"Who refuses!? Huh? I refuse! Come up!!!" Su Mu Changjian pointed at the angel below and shouted!

The needle fell quietly again in the audience. Although all the angels of the Heavenly Palace Alliance were angry and dissatisfied, no one dared to shout loudly anymore after Su Mu said such a sentence. Who didn’t know that Su Mu directly defeated the God of Flames the day before yesterday. Sword Angel Ho? Aren't they going up to find death now?

Su Mu's long sword pointed at all the angels of the Tiangong Alliance and shouted: "Come up if you don't agree? Why, do I feel convinced if I want to fight? This is the morale of the angels? Haha!"


The long sword pointed at Angel Hao, and Su Mu coldly shouted: "Isn't it? Come on! A showdown!"

"And you!"

Facing Angel Hao and Angel Fame, Su Mu's gaze was like a torch, and he was not afraid of the two going together.

The atmosphere on the scene became weird again. The angels who had just shouted were all fainted at this time, because none of them really had the confidence to defeat Su Mu. Although Su Mu was only in the Great Yuan period, they knew their combat effectiveness very well. Therefore, the entire scene No one who was shocked by Su Mu's words would dare to talk more nonsense!

Still that sentence, come if you don't agree!

Seeing that no one moved any more, Su Mu looked directly at the position of Zhiyan, and he continued to ask in the air: "For hundreds of thousands of years, as a human, I have known that the king of angels has always been a female. So when I came to the angel world this year, I didn’t expect that there are so many male angels. Why do you want to break this rule? Zhiyan’s mother, grandmother, and even the king of angels further forward, with the angels have any wings Is there?!"

Everyone is silent, but the male angel is not convinced. Why must the female angel be the king of angels?

And Su Mu turned and looked at all the angels around him and shouted: "Whether you are male angels or female angels, you are all of the angel family. Judging by our human legends about angels, angels are all beautiful and represent Born righteously, and beautiful female angels can meet the aesthetic needs. Once male angels are king, what is the difference between you and humans? Besides, Su Mu, as a human male, feels that male angels are a bit embarrassed to be king. , Let alone your angel race? Just ask, if human beings return to matrilineal society, what will it be like?"

"Are you looking down on human women or angel men?!" The name of the angel finally couldn't help it and stood up and shouted.

The angels nodded involuntarily. Is it sexist after all?

Su Mu turned around, looked at the angel's name, and then looked at the other angels.

"I don’t think gender can change anything. Human beings’ lives are just a few decades old. Whether it’s a female or a male, it’s the same. Because of the inheritance of the ancestors, the male-line society has been passed down to the present. The current human race should also be the same as the angel race, and since your ancestors inherited a matrilineal society, why should you change it? Changing this matter requires a great price, such as the current dispute between the Tiangong Alliance and the Justice League!"

"Are you quibbling! Still haven't explained clearly your gender discrimination!"


"Lower body animal!"


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