Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2070: Strength gap

"It's over!" This is the mood of all angels now.

Although Su Mu’s combat effectiveness is very strong, his physique seems to have undergone tremendous changes now, but as everyone knows, the angel **** and the Mahayana stage are no longer at the same level, and now there are four super masters in the **** transformation stage. Not to mention Su Mu, even if Angel Du and Angel Gu were present in person, they were definitely not the opponents of the four gods, this was beyond doubt.

Not to mention that even if Su Mu is a super master who can win a stage of transformation, how about four?

At this time, all the angels in the audience were shocked. At this time, Angel Yuan looked at Angel Hao and Angel's name and said: "Even with such a victory, can the Heavenly Palace Alliance convince all the angels of the angel race?"

After all, Angel Yuan is a female angel. Although she is neutral, she feels that the approach of Angel Hao and the name of the angel is a bit too much. She actually found some defectors to enter the city of angels. This is a matter of anger between man and god.

All the angels couldn't help but nod their heads when they heard Angel Yuan's words, so what if it could defeat the Justice League? Will everyone be convinced?

However, Angel Du shouted: "I only fight for today's general election. I can guarantee that after today, all these people will submit to the angel race, and there will be no betrayal. If there is, I, Angel Hao, will sit down. The angel throne will not live in peace, you should be aware of this."

Angel Yuan frowned slightly and said, "Really?!"

"I swear in the name of the Supreme God of Angels, if there is a half-line of lies, I will not die!" Angel Hao looked at Angel Yuan aggressively and shouted.

Everyone was quiet again. At this time, everyone's eyes shifted from Su Mu to Angel Hao's side.

Angel Yuan is a neutral angel, so she will not favor anyone at this time. Since Angel Hao has the right to find outsiders to assist in the election, then these angels took the place of Angel Gu at that time. It was only four to fight one, and she still let People were disdainful, but Angel Yuan knew that to persecute Angel Hao now would only be counterproductive, so Angel Yuan could only look at Su Mu helplessly.

All the angels can only agree to this at this time. If Su Mu is killed, one of Angel Hao and Angel Mingdu will be the king of angels. Otherwise, what about these defectors? If Angel Hao and Angel's name were not selected as the King of Angels, then these seven defectors would not only not submit, but would become nine defectors!

Therefore, at this time, everyone can only accept this situation.

Su Mu's eyes were extremely red in the sky. It was in the state of God's merging. The bones of the whole body had been repaired. This made the surrounding four fallen angels of the transformation stage couldn't help but glance at each other. Because of Su Mu's situation, they never I haven't encountered it, and there is no sound around now, so almost all eyes are on the air...

With blood-red eyes and Su Mu's hideous expression, he waved one hand slightly...



The Divine Venerable Illusion Sword flew from the ground instantly, and then fell into Su Mu's hands.

"Is the transformation stage very awesome?" Su Mu sneered.

The angels in the audience couldn't help exclaiming, when is this human being so arrogant, he can beat the Mahayana stage, but definitely can't beat the transformation stage, and it is still four fallen angels of the transformation stage, this guy is simply I don't know the life and death...

The four fallen angels of the transformation stage on the opposite side couldn't help but smile: "It looks like we are underestimated by humans."

"Ha ha ha... In that case, don't be merciful with your hands, go ahead..."

"Huh! Looking for death!"



The four of them rushed to Su Mu's position together. Although the four angels did not have any weapons, the surrounding air had completely made the surrounding angels feel a feeling of compression. Therefore, although the four gods of transformation had no weapons, But the angel with the sword of flames is even more terrifying, that is the stage of **** transformation.

"Fall of the Void!"

The red-haired angel pointed at Su Mu's abdomen with one hand, and then saw that Su Mu's abdomen was instantly twisted, and the space, along with Su Mu's waist, became twisted, as if it was being caught by something...

There was a huge pain, and even Su Mu, who was merged with God's Domain, felt as uncomfortable as his body was about to be chopped... but this was just the beginning.

The second fallen angel came to Su Mu's side diagonally above the sky instantly, then waved his hands in a perfect circle, and instantly fell over Su Mu's head and shouted, "The space is dead!"

Snapped! ! !

As if a mirror suddenly shattered, the sky above Su Mu's head instantly turned into a void shape, directly swallowing the space above Su Mu...

All the angels opened their eyes wide. This is the angel **** in the deity stage. Between gestures is the space of destruction. This ability is simply scary, and it is no longer a level that strength can contend...

In addition, the other two angels were ten meters in front of Su Mu at this time, put their hands together, and then slapped their palms together and shouted, "Time and space crush!"

Hum! ! !


Boom boom boom! ! !

There was a huge explosion sound. What shocked everyone was that the area of ​​these explosions was not very large, only one meter in diameter. They could clearly see the shape of these skills when they stood around in a circle. It was not that kind at all. The various enchanting skills of the Mahayana period...

But more angels also know that the more the angels of this level, the smaller the range, but the danger of these skills is not what can be achieved in the Mahayana period...


when! ! !

At this time, the Divine Venerable Illusion Sword directly blocked the position of the torn void on Su Mu’s head. Su Mu instantly felt that the Divine Venerable Illusion Sword was bent, and the sword body turned into the shape of a bow. How powerful is it?

However, Su Mu has no energy, no time and no extra means to block the attack from the other two angels...

boom! !

Broken and dead!

Su Mu's body was divided into two, and there was no blood at the scene. After Su Mu's body was cut off, it was swallowed by the void, so no blood appeared, let alone any **** scene...



Xiao Zhixian yelled frantically... but he was intercepted by Angel Xie. The battle inside, let alone Xiao Zhixian, could not participate even if Zhiyan was sober. This is not a battle at all... Su Mu was beheaded, and all the Angels of the Justice League frowned...Only some Tiangong League, Angel Hao, and Angel Name were smiling...

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