Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2082: Golden Sunburn

The angels in the audience were shocked and speechless. Angel Hao was shocked when he was stabbed with a sword. Su Mu died and resurrected, and saw the change of Burning Flame, he stayed in place. At this time, Everyone's mind is blank, as if they are bound by some kind of brain wave, everyone is surprised to watch the burning flame at the entrance of the hall slowly exudes golden light...

In an instant, Zhiyan's body slowly floated up, except that the armor on his chest turned golden, and the boots on his arms and legs all turned golden, and even his nails turned golden. ...

This scene was stunning for Su Mu, and hysterical for all angels, because Zhiyan was already promoting the Golden Angel!

Golden angel!

As the name suggests, all armors will be promoted to gold. This is the largest bloodline of the angel family, and it has not happened in hundreds of millions of years. Although the combat power of the promoted golden angel will not increase much, the golden angel's training speed will be fast. The same development, at the same time, the golden angel is also one of the only physiques that can be promoted to the supreme angel god!

This is something that hasn't happened in hundreds of millions of years.


Zhi Yan raised his head and looked at the sky, the wings hidden behind him suddenly opened.

With a boom...

The yellow-gold crystals instantly scattered in the air, and the wings on the back of Sunburn’s back turned into golden feathers. At this time, the stunning Sunburn simply became the supremacy that made all angels unable to raise the blasphemous heart. Gods! At this moment, the stunning, sexy, and beauty of Burning Flame, only Su Mu dared to blaspheme in his heart, dared to commit adultery in his heart, and dared to fantasize that incomparably perfect angel Burning Yan fell in his arms. Situation and plot...

Su Mu smiled and looked at Zhiyan in front of him.

At this time, Zhiyan slowly dimmed after his wings turned golden, and the promotion was successful.

She fell slowly, then looked at Su Mu in front of her, spread her wings apart, and then slowly stretched out her hands to directly hung Su Mu's neck. At this moment, why was Su Mu hesitating? He hugged Zhiyan's slender waist and kissed directly...

At this moment, Zhiyan’s wings suddenly straightened out, as if he had been stimulated, and after kissing Su Mu for a few seconds, the golden wings on his back slowly retracted... The two of them, Slowly spinning in the air, kissing deeply...

The kiss lasted for about a minute, no one bothered, and no one made any noise.

At this time, Su Mu slowly separated from Zhiyan. The red lips glowed at this time, as attractive as jelly. Only Zhiyan’s white cheeks slowly turned red, and then slightly. Hanging her head on Su Mu's neck, she looked like a shy little girl in the air.

At this time, Zhiyan lowered his head and slowly opened his red lips, revealing the two rows of suet-like teeth: "Su, thank you for living..."

Su Mu smiled: "So **** and enchanting, why can Su Mu be willing to die?"

Shame, Su Mu laughed!

At this time, Angel Hao finally reacted, and he suddenly furiously shouted: "Human! Looking for death!"

The Flame Divine Sword suddenly appeared in the hands of Angel Hao, he went straight to Su Mu's position, and then stopped behind Su Mu and shouted: "What about the Profound God Stage? What about the Golden Angel of Burning Flame? It's just the Transition Stage! Compared with the forces behind me, it's far behind!"

At this moment, Zhi Yan still hung her hands on Su Mu's neck, she raised her head shyly, looked at Su Mu and said, "Let Yan..."

Su Mu directly stretched out his index finger to block Zhiyan's red lips and said, "Although you are promoted to the transformation stage, are you sure you can deal with the four transformation stages? I said after I came to the City of Angels that I won't let you He Zhixian receives any further humiliation, these words still count! Leave it to you man!"

Zhiyan's face was even redder, and Su Mu's voice was loud, especially the words to give you a man!

She nodded slightly, then slowly let go of Su Mu, and slowly retreated back.

Su Mu looked at the shy Zhi Yan and laughed, then turned to look at Angel Hao and said, "What? Do you want me to kill you again? A defeated man!"


"As the Great Yuan Dynasty, you are not an opponent. Now I am promoted to the Profound God Stage, do you feel that the broken sword in your hand is my opponent? Huh?! Rubbish!"


Angel Hao was very angry in the air. When he was enthroned and when he was marrying Zhiyan, this human being appeared again, not only disturbing his enthronement as king, but also openly kissing the woman he was going to marry on such an occasion. This kind of humiliation, this kind of anger is unbearable for a man.

Therefore, at this moment, Angel Hao wanted to rush forward and fight Su Mu to the death, but it was suddenly opened up by the fiery red angel, and Angel Hao's figure was instantly teleported behind the four angel gods.

"What are you doing?!"

Angel Hao shouted.

The four angel gods were silent, only the red angel murmured: "My Wang Hao, this person is weird, let the subordinates come down."

As Angel Hao's subordinates, they dare not say that Angel Hao is not Su Mu's opponent. This is disrespectful, so they can only say that.

And Angel Hao slowly calmed down at this time. He naturally knew what the red angel meant, so he could only levitate in the air and shout: "Kill him for me! Kill him completely! Kill him!"

A human being in the Profound God Stage, what can he do in front of him?

The fiery red angel **** looked at each other at this time, and then nodded to each other. It was obvious that they still wanted to go together.

Huh huh!

At this time, three more angel gods fell in the air. These three were the subordinates of Angel Mingdu. After they joined them, they said, "Let’s solve this person together to avoid trouble!"


The angels in the audience exclaimed again.

Seven angel gods, this can be said to be unprecedented. You can occasionally see an angel **** in the city of angels, but you can never see seven angel gods besieging a person together!

This is something that hasn't been seen for hundreds of millions of years...

Zhiyan frowned slightly at this time.

Seven angel gods, this is simply bullying!

However, Zhiyan knew that Su Mu never speaks big words, so at this time she was floating in the air and watching calmly... Although she didn't understand Su Mu's countermeasures, in short, trust is the only thing she can do now... …

Angel Hao sneered and looked at Su Mu and shouted: "If you **** live under the seven angel gods, I will persuade you! Fool, come back and die after resurrection!"

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