Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2090: Set off for the underworld (6 more)

Seven days later.

The city of angels stabilized, Zhiyan was king, and everything went according to order.

The statue of Su Mu is also carved. It is located right in front of the Plaza of the City of Angels, in front of the Spiral Hall. There is a huge humanoid statue with black and white sword wings. There is a stone stele under the statue with five large characters on it; the strongest protector!

And the dense small prints below are about how Su Mu helped Zhiyan become king. Of course, these things have also been rounded up by the author. It reads very touching and very domineering. There is also a loyal love story between humans and angels. inside……

And this time.

On the sea of ​​time cycle.

At this time, nine goddesses such as the goddess of water blue, the goddess of Su Yan, the goddess of black and white, the goddess of Zhiwei, the goddess of wood spirit, the goddess of fire, the goddess of wind, the goddess of Tu Li, and the goddess of Jin Ning are suspended on the sea.

Zhiyan and Zhixian were floating beside Su Mu, and a group of twelve people raised their heads and looked at the sun in the sky...

According to Zhiyan, there is only one interface in the underworld in each galaxy, only one in the solar system, and only one in the reincarnation galaxy. Therefore, if you want to go to the underworld, you must leave the cycle of time and go straight to the underworld.

However, at this time, once Su Mu left, he might not come back again. He might have returned to Earth directly after finding Qiangwei, so Zhiyan hadn't made a decision yet.

"Open the time tunnel to return to the earth, can you also return to the earth at any time?" Su Mu looked at Zhiyan and asked.

The latter nodded and said: "Theoretically, it is possible, but I don’t know what the earth’s reincarnation is like now. When Suyou came to the time reincarnation, the earth broke out in a global data crisis, but in reality, it was just an illusion. It has not entered the era of data, it is just to send all the uncontrollable people on earth to the cycle of time."

The goddess of water and blue flew over at this time and said: "According to the development of this kind of thing, the earth's reincarnation should still be in a state of national war, that is, the state of Susu's departure. In the four months of time reincarnation, the average earth's reincarnation The level should exceed 120, and the national war should be the most intense thing."

Su Mu smiled helplessly: "Someone else’s plan drove us to the so-called time cycle, and what happened to the earth’s cycle at this time is still unknown. It’s like a chess piece played by someone in applause. This feeling is very uncomfortable."

The earth does not look the way it was before Su Mu came. It was just an illusion created by the reincarnation mastermind. In order to convince Su Mu that the earth has entered a biochemical crisis, the reincarnation mastermind actually opened the illusion of a hundred years of reincarnation in the apocalyptic era. It’s really a big lie that I also encountered flying meteors in the cycle of time!

Taking a look at Zhiyan, Su Mu said: "Okay, since there is still a chance to meet, there is no need to say goodbye to life and death. Let's see you on Earth."

Zhiyan nodded, and then grabbed Su Mu's big hand: "Remember, the highest level of reincarnation is 999. Therefore, the earth will not enter the digitalization until the players have reached the top of the nation. These are all imaginary. , Everything must be viewed with reincarnation with one's original intention."

Su Mu said: "This time I won't be easily deceived anymore. Don't worry, I will do it myself sooner or later!"

Zhiyan looked at the goddess Shuilan at this time, and the latter also glanced at her and said: "The angel race is different from you. You are Susu's woman. We are still sisters between us."

Zhi Yan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded with a big smile: "Thank you Sister Shuilan."

Shui Lan smiled rare at this time, and then quickly rushed into the sky and shouted: "Sister Empress, open the shuttle door."




The nine goddesses all rushed into the air, each showing the colors of various elements in their hands, and then directly tore through the void to create a shuttle door.

They cannot travel from time to time to the earth, but it is still possible to travel through water planets.

So at this time, huge waves rose instantly on the sea, and the humming sound quickly sounded.

Su Mu stood under the huge wave and looked at Zhiyan, and then shouted: "Take good care of Wan'er and Fuyu for me, I will be back sooner or later!"

"Well, don't worry, Su." Zhi Yan nodded.

"Brother-in-law! You must be back! Brother-in-law!!" Xiao Zhixian shouted, holding his face.

Su Mu hung a smile: "Listen to your sister, next time I come back, I will let Shui Lan teach you water magic!"

"Yeah! You promised Xian'er brother-in-law! You must come back! Goodbye! Goodbye!!"

boom! ! !

Su Mu's figure quickly rushed into the huge wave, and then saw that the huge wave on the sea level instantly seemed to be sucked away by some force in the sky, and disappeared instantly...

In fact, at this time Su Mu still looked towards the direction of the Gods’ Domain Empire. After all, there is Xia Feng, Pang Zhihu, Long Xueji, Fuchu Wan’er, and Fu Yi. Therefore, Su Mu said that there are still some Reluctant to give up, Su Mu must do the same now. After going back, there is only parting, so Su Mu doesn't want to go back...

As long as the tunnel to return to the earth is opened, Xia Feng and others will all return. The ones who cannot appear on the earth with Su Mu are Fuchu Wan'er and Fu Yi...



Watching the huge waves on the sea level rise to the sky, and then disappear in the air.

Sisters Zhiyan and Zhixian held hands and looked up...



"You said brother-in-law will really come back?"

"Of course, he will definitely come back, there is still his concern..."

Xiao Zhixian smiled and asked, "Is it your sister?"

Zhiyan's long golden hair shone brightly under her eyes, and the smile on her face was extremely confident.

"Of course, the bond between my sister and him is the ninth generation, so whether it is Fuchu Wan'er or Fu Yi, he will come back when any one of us is here. I firmly believe that!"

Xiao Zhixian took Zhiyan's hand and looked forward to an extremely longing look on his face: "Xianer is big and hopes to find a guardian like her brother-in-law, domineering, responsible, responsible, attractive and handsome..."


Zhi Yan couldn't help but smiled: "Just let it be handsome, right?"

"Isn't brother-in-law handsome?"

"Is it handsome? How do I look at it is just average?"

"Sister, brother-in-law is your man, do you think he is not handsome?"

"What's wrong with my man? Not handsome is not handsome..."

"Sister, how are you..."

"Your little girl was thinking about finding a boyfriend at a young age. Who do you say is bad?"

"Ah, sister, you..."


A pair of sisters spread their wings in the air and soared, and the cheerful laughter spread across the sea, as beautiful as the sea singing...

Coming to the corner of the city of angels, Zhiyan tore open the void. When she stepped into the angel world, she turned her head and looked at the position of the sun high in the sky, muttering in her heart: "I hope the rose will still remember you……"

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