Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2095: Withered planet

Qiangwei understood what her sister meant.

Su Mu, then Su Mu jumped down, if Su Mu can seal the crater, then the current situation is resolved, and Qiangwei does not need to jump down, so now Qianglin directly sealed the location of the crater.

Qianglin looked down at her sister slightly and said, "Sister, you have to understand that he is just a human being and his life span is only a few decades. Unlike you, our life span can be endless, so..."

"So it's okay to sacrifice him, right?"


"Lin! You are bold!" Qiangwei suddenly shouted, "What do you know? What do you know? Do you know who he is?"

Qianglin looked at her sister in surprise. She had never made such a big fire with herself. She could even forgive the mistakes she made when she ruled the entire underworld when she was no longer. At this time, Qiangwei's rage caused Qianglin was at a loss...

"He, isn't he just a mortal? You said he is a human being on Earth, a human from an alien system? Why are you shouting at others like this? He is also a human being with a life span of less than a hundred years. Is it necessary to be so excited? Sister, if you really like humans, just find another one? The most indispensable in this universe is humans... he..."


A resounding slap in the crater sounded, and Qiangwei sneered. She knew that the explanation would have no effect on her sister, because she never knew Su Mu's position in Qiangwei's heart...

Qianglin was surprised that Qiangwei hit her. However, in the next second, Qiangwei's figure instantly disappeared in place, and once again appeared to have reached the location of the crater...



Rose also disappeared in place with the red smoke...

Qianglin's eyes widened while standing there. She watched Qiangwei jump into the volcano and looked at the thick red mist. For a while, she was completely sluggish...

After a long time, Qianglin roared with tears on her face: "Die! All die! Dead! You can comfort the life of the underworld if you die! You can give way if you die! For a mortal! A mortal with a life span of only a few decades! Humph!!!"




In an instant, at this time, at the top of the volcano, seven rays of light suddenly appeared, and then behind Qiang Lin, the figures of seven goddesses appeared.

Qianglin, who was still sad and desperate, was startled at this moment, and then looked at the water blue goddess and other seven goddesses in shock...

She stared at the seven women in front of her: "You, are you, are you, are you the **** of the elements?!"

The water blue goddess Mimu was startled, then looked at the location of the crater, and then leapt up with a scream.

"The supremacy is confirmed by the water and blue!!"


The huge cold air fell and instantly dissipated the dense red fog around. At this time, several other goddesses also flew into the air, and then quickly released various skills. The location of the crater instantly enveloped the energy of the seven elements. Directly suppress the surrounding temperature...

And Qianglin, who was standing on the ground, widened her eyes at this time. Why did the God of the Seven Elements come here? What do they mean by coming here? Also, aren't all the reincarnation galaxies now withered? Are these goddesses still alive?

"Shuilan, the master is below!" Su Yan said suddenly.

The water blue goddess nodded and said, "Well, let's split this volcano."

"it is good!"



Buzzing! ! !

Qianglin stayed in the same place, and the conversation of the seven goddesses completely shocked her, because not only was it the master, but they also said they wanted to split the volcano? Isn't this going to destroy the entire underworld planet? The current volcanic eruption has caused the underworld to wither. If the entire volcano is split, then the entire underworld star will not enter the end in an instant?

"You! You can't do this! As the Supreme God, how can you destroy other people's planets casually? You can't do this! You can't do this!"


A huge water ball enveloped Qiang Lin's body, and only the cold eyes of the water blue goddess looked at her and said: "If Susu has any accidents, let alone this volcano, I will completely wipe out your underworld in the universe. in!"

An icy chill came, and Qianglin stayed in place, her position was not as good as Qiangwei, so in the face of the Supreme God, she had only high hopes, but Qianglin never thought that Su Mu's identity was actually the elemental supreme. Lord of God? How can this be? Why haven't you heard Qiangwei mention it?



The booming heat wave kept coming.

Su Mu's whole person seemed to be in a sea of ​​fire, and at this time, Qiangwei's figure also slowly fell down. Su Mu smiled slightly, and then enveloped Qiangwei's body with the enchantment of the gods, and the two slowly moved towards the fiery red ocean. Floating down.

Because of the heat wave, it became difficult for the two of them to fall, so at this time they could only use aura to drive the body to go down continuously.

Holding Qiangwei's hand, Su Mu pointed to the red ocean below and said: "Look, Qiangwei, this is the current situation of your planet. The special magma has spread here. Not surprisingly, the underworld will be covered by magma within ten years. Cover, do you still expect your subjects to be safe and sound at that time?"

Qiangwei naturally knows these things, so she shook her head helplessly: "Because of this, Qiangwei wants them to spend the last few years safely. Now the temperature of the surface of the underworld is getting higher and higher. Wait until the temperature reaches five hundred degrees. , Then the life of the entire underworld will die, and when the temperature reaches 50,000 degrees, even Qiangwei can't bear it..."

"So you thought of this stupid way?" Su Mu couldn't help laughing.

Qiangwei frowned, then said: "If people have a way, they wouldn't do it, but now..."

"I have a way..."


"You should know that Lieyu and their planet have already been destroyed, right?"

"Of course, their world has been uninhabitable for many years... so now the nine elements are left with their elemental supreme gods..."

"Wrong! The people on their planet are still there! On the water planet!"

"Water planet?"

"Yes, the water-blue world is still there. Otherwise, why did I come to the reincarnation galaxy? I am a mortal, and the temperature range exceeds one hundred degrees. Do you think I can still live?"

Qiangwei's eyes widened.

If this is the case, then what Su Mu said is... to migrate to the entire underworld? !

As soon as this thought appeared, Qiangwei's eyes widened, because this method is really feasible, not only feasible, but also can preserve all the lives currently in the underworld...

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