Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2104: Are you Su Mu


A man strolling on the streets of Kyoto, looking at the snowflakes in the sky, looking at the familiar high-rise buildings, and watching the lively crowd, he couldn't help smiling.

Although the time-space tunnel took a few minutes, the current Kyoto is five years after Su Mu left. Su Mu looked a bit old at this time, especially the edges and corners on his cheeks were more obvious.

The heavy snow flew, and Su Mu walked directly into a clothing store.

With short hair, black down jacket, jeans, and a pair of leather boots, no one would notice him when he was thrown on the street in the night sky, and Su Mu was just the look of a passerby, so it would not attract anyone's attention.

Su Mu himself did not expect that when he returned to Earth again, he would fall directly in Kyoto instead of Haitian City.

But it’s okay to come to Kyoto, take a look at Wenren Zihan and the others, because it is the earth five years later, so Su Mu can be sure Wenren Zihan must have returned. After all, Kyoto is her home, and Su Mu can be sure too. Wenren Zihan would definitely beg Wenren’s power in order to find himself. Therefore, going to Wenren’s house at this time is the first thing Su Mu needs to do when he comes to the earth. Besides, Zhuge Muyue’s home is also in Kyoto, so Su Mu did not rush back to Haitian City.

However, when Su Mu was strolling on the street, he saw a figure...a figure that Su Mu is very familiar and unfamiliar with...

On a snowy night, the girl was wearing a small down jacket, but her lower body was a short skirt and black stockings. She looked beautiful and refined, but Su Mu was slightly surprised by her face.

Because the girl’s face was very similar to Wenren Zihan, but it was somewhat immature, like Wenren Zihan from Girls’ Generation, Su Mu couldn’t help but think of the little follower behind him——Wen Ren Jiujiu !

"Yes, it's been five years..." Su Mu hung up a smile. Wenren was ninety-nine-nine-nine-four-year-old, and now she is a slim girl. No wonder she was surprised.

However, when Su Mu was about to shout out, he saw Wen Ren Jiujiu and his friends went directly into a KTV. Su Mu was full of smiles. This girl is probably still a crazy character, plus today’s Kyoto The nightlife seems to be different from usual, it seems that reincarnation is not open.

The TV projections on the streets and the TVs in convenience stores are showing the news of the reincarnation update, so Su Mu can naturally understand why Kyoto is so lively tonight, let alone the progress, I am afraid the whole world is the same now. .

So Su Mu directly followed, and then saw the news of the reincarnation in the KTV lobby.

Wen Ren Jiujiu and the others had lost their vision. Su Mu could only stand on the spot and glance at the news about reincarnation, but at this moment, a girl suddenly walked by Su Mu's side and then stopped again.

She had a panic on her face, but at this time she slowly retreated back, and then looked at Su Mu in surprise...

Su Mu also noticed the girl, and he smiled at the girl. At this time, seeing everyone on earth rushing Su Mu to be very kind, plus this girl is only a teenager, so where is Su Mu? Crooked mind, so I smiled.

"You, you are, Su Mu?!" The girl suddenly asked in surprise.

Su Mu was startled. There were a lot of people around, but no one paid attention to this girl's words. There was a lot of discussion in the lobby. Where else would anyone pay attention to this girl's words?

But Su Mu was surprised.

This is Kyoto, and this girl seems to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, how could she know herself? At the beginning, even if he was the shadow of God, no one knew what he looked like, and Su Mu knew him in reality, besides Wen Ren Jiujiu and this girl who were about the same age, were there any other little loli?

"you are?"

"Ah! Are you really Su Mu?!" The girl exclaimed, then pulled Su Mu's arm and squeezed in...

"Hey, that, do we know? By the way, how did you know my name?" Su Mu looked dumbfounded, because he was too excited before and focused on Wen Ren Jiujiu's body, so that Naturally, I didn't notice the existence of this girl.

But the girl pulled Su Mu and said, "Hurry up, Jiu Jiu is in danger now. Just go to's too late..."

Su Mu sighed in his heart, Wen Ren Jiujiu could still encounter danger in Kyoto? With the relationship between Wenren Zhiyuan and Wenren's family, I am afraid that few people in the entire Kyoto dare to touch the second lady of her family, right?

But since the girl said so, Su Mu hurriedly followed the girl to the elevator position.

However, at the moment when the elevator door opened, four young girls came out inside, and all of them were shocked.

"Junjun? You haven't left yet?"

Yan Rujun pulled Su Mu directly into the elevator and then directly pressed the button on the eighth floor to close the elevator door.

The four Liu Rushuang who walked out of the elevator, look at me and I look at you. No one knows what happened. Liu Rushuang said strangely: "Did you see the man pulled by Yan Rujun just now?"

The three people in Chunxiang nodded.

"Do you know each other?"

The three people in Chunxiang shook their heads again.

They were little kids at their age five years ago, so it is impossible to know Su Mu. Even the name of the shadow of God has been slowly forgotten in the past five years, so let alone meet Su Mu himself. .

However, Yan Rujun hurriedly pulled a man in his thirties to the elevator to find Wen Ren Jiujiu, and Wen Ren Xiangdong and they knew each other, so who was this man?

"Go, go up and take a look." The four people immediately walked to another elevator, and then went up. They said it was impossible not to worry about Wen Ren Jiujiu being intercepted by Bai Feng, especially Liu Rushuang, he was originally. I wanted to use this opportunity to get in touch with Wen Ren Jiujiu, but being so disturbed by Bai Feng, Wen Ren Jiujiu must be chaste, so Liu Rushuang had already given up when he came down, but now I see Yan Rujun calling someone. Come, they naturally want to go up and take a look.

Liu Rushuang even imagined that Wen Ren Jiujiu would not be ruined by that Baifeng this time, otherwise he would have no hope at all...

And at this time in the elevator, Su Mu looked at the nervous girl holding her arm and asked again: "What's wrong with Jiujiu? Also, how do you know me? Have we met?"

"My name is Yan Rujun. I saw your picture from my aunt, and I also know that you are Jiujiu's brother-in-law. Oh, uncle, don't ask. Jiujiu was stopped by Baifeng. If you don't go to Jiujiu, you will really have no face. See people, hurry up!"

"..." Hurry up and wait for the elevator to go up? Also, this is especially in Kyoto, who dares to impress people? Su Mu couldn't figure it out.

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