Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2113: Just come back

Heavy snow is flying.

The night in Kyoto seems unusually lively today, and unusually weird.

At this time in Xicheng District, at the door of an apartment building.

Two men were lying on the ground, one of the two girls was kneeling on the snow, and one of them was standing there crying, the picture was abnormally throbbing...

Su Mu is lying on the cold snow, but he feels that the temperature of the earth is much better than in the cycle of time. This kind of feeling, you have never left the earth, you will never be able to experience it, not to mention that Wenren Zihan is in front of you right now Su Mu was relieved instead, because Su Mu was afraid of not seeing her after coming to Kyoto.

So at this time, Su Mu slowly pushed Wenren Xiangdong away. Even though this guy used to embarrass Su Mu, he was still Su Mu's brother-in-law, so Su Mu didn't care about Wenren Xiangdong's beating.

Wen Ren Xiangdong was pushed away by Su Mu, and then squatted down on the snow. At this time, a big man also shed tears...

And this time, at the door of the apartment.

Black hair, black clothes, jeans.

She, kneeling on the ground, holding her cheeks in her hands, weeping bitterly, as if she had encountered some major change, the cold Wenren Zihan was crying like a little woman at this time...


In this scene, Su Mu's heart was about to break. He looked at Wenren Zihan who was kneeling on the ground. In addition to guilt or guilt in his heart, Su Mu didn't know how to speak at all, or even how to face him. To Wenren Zihan, he could only walk towards Wenren Zihan step by step, and then stood in front of her.

At this time, Wenren Zihan knelt on the snow, holding his face in both hands, crying bitterly, Su Mu directly hugged her head, and then placed her abdomen and hugged her tightly...


What kind of woman is Wenren Zihan?

Cold and glamorous beauty? Or the daughter of the Kyoto family? Or is it a female lily who has no feeling for men?

She is all!

However, the current Wenren Zihan burst into tears the moment he saw Su Mu!


The cry stung Su Mu's heart like a ten thousand arrow pierced through the heart. He could only hold Wenren Zihan tightly, and then slowly squatted down and hugged her tightly...


These are the only three words that Su Mu can say!

At this time, Wenren Zihan slowly stopped crying, hugged Su Mu's back tightly, shook his head vigorously, and shook his head...

"I'm sorry!" Su Mu's eyes were blurred, his whole body knelt on the ground, and he hugged Wenren Zihan, but the two of them, a thousand words, melted into this snowy night...

In this scene, Wen Ren Xiangdong, who was sitting at the door, lay directly on the snow, because he was finally able to let go of the things he was carrying even more...He finally came back...

Wen Ren Jiujiu, with tears in her eyes, but with a smile, watching her sister and Su Mu hug together. In Wen Ren Jiujiu's heart, some are just grateful!

Because five years of prayer and five years of fasting have been rewarded, my sister, she waited for him!

Therefore, at the door of the apartment at this time, even though a large number of people passed by, Wenren Zihan still couldn't let Wenren Zihan loose Su Mu's shoulder, because she didn't dare! I don't want to, let alone let go of Su Mu!



After a long time...

Su Mu hugged her and murmured: "I am back."

In a word, Wenren Zihan nodded heavily, because she knew that Su Mu was back and she didn't need to worry about everything, let alone run around...

Wenren Zihan’s eyes are about to cry and swell, but he still doesn’t want to let go of Su Mu, and Su Mu also knows Wenren Zihan’s feeling, so he just embraces the cold beauty in his arms...

After a long time, Wen Ren Jiujiu walked over, then looked at Su Mu and Wenren Zihan who were kneeling on the ground and sobbed: "Sister, brother-in-law...sister-in-law...she's going crazy after waiting for you...the last five...five years you Where did you go? Where did you go? Ugh..."

What else can Su Mu say?

Five years is actually only five months, but these five years have been spent in a time tunnel. Five minutes is five years!

Wenren Zihan finally let go of Su Mu at this time, and then looked at Su Mu with tears in his eyes, holding Su Mu's cheeks in both hands: "Just go back, come back..."

Su Mu nodded heavily.

At this moment, Wenren Xiangdong behind him suddenly shouted: "What do you do when you come back now? What are you doing now?! Wenren's family has already fallen to the present level, what do you do when you come back? Watching you marry someone? I heard that people have come to this step? Huh?!"

Wenren Zihan looked at Wenren Xiangdong, then looked at Su Mu, shook his head and said, "No... absolutely not..."

Su Mu, with a resolute look on his face, was not surprised by the actions of the literati, because he was back, back to earth, back to Kyoto! Nothing can threaten the people around you anymore...

Su Mu pulled Wenren Zihan, then slowly stood up and said: "No matter what, I am back. This is my Su Mu's promise to you!"

Wenren Zihan nodded again, and then held Su Mu tightly and began to cry.

Five years, in Su Mu's eyes, is fleeting, but for them, Su Mu can't imagine what kind of life is like in these five years, especially Wen Ren Zihan, a figure that no man can control. And looks...

"woo woo woo woo…"

The sound of pain hurt Su Mu's heart again. At this time, the only thing Su Mu can do is to guard her...

At this moment, at the door of the apartment, a snow-white long skirt and snow fell on her. However, under the condition of breathing air like white mist, this woman covered her mouth with her hands and endured the crying business. Standing opposite the apartment...

"I'm back...I'm finally back..." The girl was shaking all over.

And the man standing behind her said: "Aren't you going over?"

The girl shook her head, and then murmured: "It's fine if he comes back, it's fine if he comes back, nothing matters anymore..."

In fact, in the five years since Su Mu disappeared, she wanted to understand, as long as Su Mu was still there, what could not be accepted? The woman beside Su Mu? Yingying and Yanyan around Su Mu? What's so great? As long as he is there, it is better than anything!

Then she turned around and ran out...

At this time, another man stood on the spot, and then sighed slightly. Perhaps, such fate, Su Mu, is destined not to belong to a certain woman, he is a miracle in this world, and even a strange species in this world...

Therefore, Zhuge Xitian turned around at this time, and then slowly disappeared into the night sky.

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