Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2125: True **** boss

A stone platform appeared in the middle of the one-hundred-meter wide tiankeng, and the plank roads on both sides reached the end, so there was no other way. The team had to jump directly to the platform at this time to move forward.


A beautiful red figure jumped instantly, but the location of the plank road was at least 20 meters away from the platform, so far, a player who wanted to jump over was just wishful thinking, so seeing Huang Quan's figure, everyone was stared. Eyes...

With a scream, Huang Quan's body fell blankly in the air. However, when she turned around, her feet seemed to have stepped on something, exerted force again in the air, and then directly rushed up again.

With a snap, the high-heeled shoes fell on the platform, and more than 30 people in the team couldn't help but exclaim.

"Take the time to jump?! Does she actually have this skill?" everyone exclaimed.

Take advantage of the space to jump continuously, the assassin's life skills of the seventh turn.

Originally, the natal skills in the reincarnation were learned independently, but after the seventh revolution, no matter what occupation it is, the natal skills can only be learned by the skill book, and take the assassin’s borrowing and jumping skill book for example, the whole reincarnation , 10,000 assassins can only be learned by at most one person, which is one in ten thousand chance. This is seldom in the reincarnation...

"Damn, this skill book has now been fired up to 10 million gold coins, but it is still priceless, too abnormal." Bai Chong stood in front of Su Mu and said.

Su Mu glanced at Bai Chong and said, "Are there few skill books?"

"It's more than just a few? It's simply rare. This book is almost the same as the Summoner's Seventh Rank's natal skill. Nima is too abnormal."

"Rank Seven Summoner?"

"Yes, summon Shenlong."

"..." Nima, how much has the cycle of reincarnation changed in the past five years? Can summoners be able to summon dragon pets?

At this time, Huang Quan standing on the platform directly took out a rope, and then threw it over. After falling snow and Feihua caught it, he jumped forward and immediately landed on the platform with the help of Huang Quan's pulling force standing on the platform.

The next step is relatively simple. Everyone jumped to the platform in this way. After waiting for the people on the plank road on the right to go up, Huang Quan looked back at the dozens of people in the Changtian Guild on the left, and then threw the rope over. , After pulling one of the people from the Changtian Guild, he stopped asking.

The platform is large enough to hold a hundred people, so there are more than thirty people standing here and it doesn't seem crowded, but how to pass this second level.

In the sky in the tiankeng directly ahead, vines falling from the sky will fall vertically every five meters, but the question is, are these vines passive? If it is the main attacking vine, then they will definitely be hurt when they jump forward with the help of the vine, and most importantly, if it is active, you cannot move forward with the help of the vine after cutting them. This is the most sultry of.

"Insight into God's Eyes!"

With a scream, Su Mu's eyes changed instantly. It was beyond Su Mu's expectation. These vines are all actively attacking monsters. In other words, it is impossible to jump like those orangutans in the forest. A vine can attack as high as With half a million energy and blood, no one can withstand two attacks.

Most importantly, Su Mu suddenly saw the boss in the distance ahead!

About a hundred meters away from this platform, a huge ancient tree can see the nose and mouth, and the eyes are tightly closed, while the roots of this ancient tree cannot be seen.

Ancient Wilderness Lv299 (sacred tree)

Grade: True God

Qi and blood: 100 million

Energy: 5.8 million

Skills: Thousands of vines, giant trees, revival of vines, entanglement of everything...

Introduction: The true **** boss has powerful self-recovery and growth abilities. It has a strong range of offensive power, is connected to the ground veins, and covers the sky. It is an immortal and immortal body. It is transformed from the ancient tree demon. It has wood attributes.

The true boss!

Su Mu was dumb, actually as high as the 299-level true **** boss, how to fight this Nima?

Su Mu’s current level is only 150, and although these people around him are more than 300 levels, they are still a little bit behind the true **** boss of the same level. The most important thing is that Su Mu has considered that he has not encountered it in this map so far. Foreign players, then it is proved that half of this dungeon has not gone through, so the boss behind this must be more ruthless than this!

Su Mu retracted his insight skills, and then took a look at the vines in front of him. Don’t worry, these vines should be the canopy of the big tree in front. Once they cut off these canopies, they will definitely wake up the boss. It's even more difficult.

In addition to Su Mu, players from other teams are also studying this past method.

Zhu Xian's person stood at the forefront, Huang Quan stood motionless at the edge and looked at the surrounding scenes. She walked a few steps back and forth, then bowed her head in thought.

The crazy Throwing Knife glanced around and said: "Head Huang Quan, can we use the Assassin's Seventh-revolution natal and the Archer's Seventh-revolution natal ability to pass?"

Everyone was startled.

The assassin’s seven-revolution natal skills can jump through the air, while the archer’s seven-revolution natal skills are flying arrows. When the arrow is shot out, a player can sit on it. This can achieve the purpose of flying. It can increase the skill power of the player sitting on the arrow by 20%. This skill is widely used in team battles.

"This seems feasible." Changtian Guild's "Gao Wan" nodded involuntarily.

However, Huang Quan did not speak, but Luo Xuefeihua next to her turned her head and said, "How many of our teams have Rank 7 natal skills?"

A word is not slapped.

In the entire team, apart from the members of Zhu Xian, there seem to be few who have the 7th Rank natal skills, and even Zhu Xian does not have all of them. Besides, the distance of this vine can't be seen at all. The assassin's natal skills couldn't be cooled down before the second arrow of the hand was shot, so he fell straight to death...

Therefore, this method still does not work.

Huang Quan has been standing in front, then turned around and said: "Come on, an archer, try this vine."


The arrow flew past.


Countless vines curled up instantly like the noses of elephants, and then attacked the flying arrows one after another, and were submerged in the vine group in the air for an instant.

Everyone exclaimed.

It seems that even if all the players in the game have the 7th-turn natal skills, it will not help. The vines can attack by any object. It seems that anything other than themselves will attack...

"Tu Ying, do you have any ideas?" Bai Chong suddenly asked Su Mu when everyone was surprised and quiet.

For a moment, the entire team looked at Bai Chong and Su Mu.

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