Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2132: The only way (6 more)

When Su Mu saw Huang Quan and Ling Tian turning around, he knew what was wrong.

Originally, Ling Tian just came over and shouted his brother, which made Su Mu's identity mysterious. At this time, they looked back at themselves at the same time, without asking, they wanted to make themselves stand up and find a way.

Huang Quan is good to say that she is only curious about Su Mu, but Ling Tian knows Su Mu's identity, so he still has a lot of confidence in Su Mu. Therefore, it seems that this task must be done by him.

The players in the team are curious again at this time. Is this a player with only level 150?

Su Mu didn't wait for Ling Tian and Huang Quan to call him and walked up, because Su Mu was afraid that Ling Tian was another elder brother, so it was really a bit coerced.

Su Mu walked forward, but Bai Chong was surprised, but the crazy flying knives and Gao Wan frowned slightly at this time. The unhappiness in their hearts is self-evident, only one hundred and fifty, how can they be affected everywhere? The favor of a big brother? Why is this? Just because he passed the second level by mistake?

Players from other teams are in the same mood at this time, but with the exception of the teams in the Huangtianzhou area, the players from the other three continents are just the impression that Lingtian was politely greeted just now, so at this time, I saw only level 150 Su Mu couldn't help but aroused a lot of comments.

Su Mu walked in front of Huang Quan and Ling Tian, ​​then slid his shoulders and said: "You have thought of all the methods, and I have no good solutions."

Huang Quan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, because she always felt that Su Mu was weird. His identity and strength were completely a mystery. From the beginning, he hadn't made any moves. The only thing was to pass through two difficulties. When Ling Tian called Su Mu, Huang Quan was even more curious about Su Mu, but what ability and accomplishment can Su Mu who is only level 150 have?

But Ling Tian didn't think so. He glanced at Su Mu, then looked at the place in front of him and said, "This difficulty may be that our thinking is limited. Is there something else we haven't thought of?"

Su Mu was thinking about this issue just now, but after thinking about it, he still didn't have any clues. They had tried everything Su Mu could think of, so Su Mu didn't know how to overcome this difficulty now.

At the same time, the players of the entire team seemed to be relieved at this time, because they were really afraid that this player with only level 150 would have a way. If this is the case, it would be too scary and too embarrassing. Which one is not 300? High play above level? And if only a player with only level 150 thought of a way, it would really be a face slap.

Huang Quan said: "Will you encounter players from other countries after this difficulty?"

Ling Tian shook his head and said: "According to the news that the first batch of players entered, there should be two difficulties. This dungeon has a total of ten levels, and the last level will encounter the dungeon boss. The first five levels are all domestic players. The next five levels will be passed by all players in the world."

So in other words, can't pass this third level?

Everyone was helpless.

In fact, there is one way that Su Mu did not say, that is what Ling Tian and Huang Quan said before, using the arrow of the archer to shoot the rope to the opposite bamboo forest, and then let the player pass through the rope. However, Su Mu cannot reveal it. His own long sword can transform the longbow thing, so Su Mu does not plan to experiment with this method, and Su Mu does not know whether his phantom bow will encounter the air wall like Ling Tian and the others experimented before, so this method I can only hide it in my heart.

"Playing a ball, it looks like I can only go back."

"Let's go, let's wait for the dungeon strategy."


"President Ling Tian, ​​we withdrew."


Swish white light appeared in the dungeon, and many players began to withdraw from the dungeon. After all, it was a dead end. It would be a waste of time to stay here. It would be better to go out and upgrade your equipment.

So there were dozens of people left in the team of more than 100 people in an instant. Unexpectedly, the more than 30 people in the Huangtianzhou area were not good, but a lot of people left in the other continents.

At this time, there were more than fifty people left in the team, and Ling Tian, ​​Huang Quan, and Su Mu stood at the forefront, still thinking of a way.

The crazy Throwing Knife whispered at this moment: "Who is this person? Who knows?"

In his own small circle, the crazy flying knife can only ask his cronies.

However, no one knows the origin of Su Mu, and no one has seen his guild leader interact with level 150 players, so Su Mu's identity has become more and more mysterious.

Not only the crazy flying knives, but at this time the Zhuxian Guild also began an investigation. If Su Mu's identity is relatively'clean', then Zhuxian may not be able to extend an olive branch. After all, people like Su Mu will definitely not just look at it on the surface Level 150 is so simple.

After a long time, Ling Tian turned his head to look at Su Mu and said: "Brother, the final reward of this dungeon mission may be airspace-level equipment, or special rewards may appear, such as portal fragments."

Su Mu was startled, he looked at Ling Tian strangely, and Ling Tian nodded to indicate that what he said was what Su Mu thought of.

Su Mu was surprised, fragments of the portal? Ling Tian was referring to the fragments of the portal that transported the cycle of time. Isn't that a bit too much?

But Ling Tian probably wouldn't lie to himself, so Su Mu was a little curious.

After a while, seeing that Su Mu hadn't spoken, Ling Tian waved his hand and looked at Huang Quan and said, "Head Huang Quan, it looks like we can't make it, and our Sijiu Villa is ready to withdraw."

Huang Quan's beautiful bangs fluttered slightly, and then nodded to indicate that she meant the same.

Just when everyone was lost, Su Mu stood still and stared at the opposite Zhuhai motionless.

Ling Tian and Huang Quan stopped, then looked at each other, and they turned back to the location of the thorn again and looked at Su Mu.

"Maybe there is a way." Su Mu said suddenly.

Ling Tian couldn't help but surprise: "What way?"

Su Mu pointed to the bamboo sea road on the opposite side: "You can only use the bamboo on the opposite side, and then use the rope to hang over."

"Cut~ I tried it a while ago, but it doesn't work."

"That's right, didn't you hear that our president had already said it?"

The crazy flying knife sighed at this time, what a mysterious person, he seemed to be just a rookie, he waved his hand and said: "Tu Ying, come back, our Datang is also ready to quit, don't talk about it."

This method that has been said by others has been mentioned once, isn't it a shame?

Even a Rank 7 archer can't do it, what can he Tuying do?

Besides, anyone can think of this method. The problem is that it cannot be done.

Everyone shook their heads involuntarily.

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