Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2138: Thor Duke (6 more)

Su Mu’s level instantly became the focus of the team. In the entire world dungeon, the lowest level is 310, and the highest has reached level 350 or higher. In this period of reincarnation, level 150 is already considered a rookie, especially the world dungeon. At least the map can only be transmitted by continents, so level 150 is indeed a surprising level.

Ling Tian frowned, Huang Quan frowned, and the Huaxia team frowned slightly. Some people such as Crazy Flying Knife and Gao Wan were still a little refreshed at this time. After all, Su Mu's close contact with Huang Quan before was a little angry in their hearts. Seeing Su Mu ashamed at this time, they not only didn't mean to refute, but stared at Su Mu as if watching a joke.

Mike Kay saw that Su Mu was not talking, and then continued to smile: "Great God, why not speak? Take us through this difficult situation, please..."


At this moment, a team came again behind the crowd, about twenty people, and it looked like a team from the US Empire.

When this team came to the front, everyone was quiet.

Thor Guild!

The Thunder God of the U.S. Empire is one of the top three guilds of the U.S. Empire just like Qin at the time. It has the same reputation and strength as Zeus and the Sun God. It’s just that everyone did not expect to come out of the dungeon at this time. The empire's team came here long ago, why did Thor's team come here at this time?

"Fuck? Is that a duke?"

"Sun, this time I made a lot of money from entering the dungeon... I actually met the Duke of Thor!"

Players from all over the world have their eyes widened at this time.

In the five years since Su Mu left the earth, the Samsara MVP Personal Challenge has been held for five rounds, once a year, so many new world masters have been produced, but the Shadow of God awards have not been able to win in these five years. I got it, and Su Mu still doesn't know the specific reason.

Mike Kay immediately greeted the members of Thor's Guild, and the team from Washima quickly greeted them.

"Brother Duke!"

"Brother Duke!"

Mike Kay and Fang Chuan hurriedly stepped forward with a flattering smile.

Duke, level 389, assassin, has been ranked among the top 100 assassins in the world for five years. It is a relatively famous **** in the American Empire. He also served as the vice president of the Thor Guild. So after seeing the Duke, players from all over the world Say hello one after another.

At present, this team has players from many countries, and there are some masters hidden in the dark. After the Duke came, he nodded at these people.

"It's so lively, what are you talking about?" The Duke laughed at Mike Kay and the others.

This person's personality is relatively straightforward, so he laughed a bit before speaking, and he seemed very kind.

Mike Kay said quickly: "It's nothing, we are talking about a great **** in China."

"The Great God of China?" The Duke couldn't help looking at China's team, and then he was about to walk over.

Fang Chuan stepped forward at this time: "Brother Duke."

"Well, I know you, and the alliance came together during the last national war." The Duke laughed.

Fang Chuan felt a lot of face, and he nodded quickly and said, "Yes, the Duke has a good memory."

"Where is the Great God of China that you are talking about?" The Duke has a straightforward character. He naturally knows that there are many masters in China. It is not surprising that he can meet in this kind of world copy. It is just that players at the level of the Duke are very important to the world. The masters everywhere already had a certain amount of knowledge, so he couldn't help but look forward to hearing Mike Kay and Fang Chuan seated.

Fang Chuan smiled and said: "It's a level 150 god, we were still talking about it, Huaxia has come to the world instance with a level 150 god."

The duke stood there when he heard the words, and then he was stunned for half a second before he suddenly laughed.

"Okay, it's not easy to be able to stay at level 150 until now. Let me get to know each other."

"Yes, yes, yes, the Duke is right, that person is in Huaxia's team." Fang Chuan nodded and bowed, making players all over the world feel a bit too much. Doesn't Nima need to be a dog?

At this time, Huaxia's team players frowned, one by one waiting to tear Fang Chuan's seat.

The crazy flying knife snorted at this time: "This is all right, the shame has been thrown around the world, and China must be famous again."

Gao Wan on the side everyone laughed: "Flying Dao brother, don't you understand? Anyway, we have made a lot of pranks in China, and I am afraid that this time? In other words, what does your president think? Bring a level 150 player to the world instance, why can't I figure it out?"

"I don't know." The crazy flying knife sneered in his heart.

The Huaxia players also sighed helplessly at this time. They didn't feel anything when they didn't encounter foreign players just now, but only now they realized that this person was thrown into the world? Level 150 is simply a rookie in this period.

Seeing the look of Mike Kay and Wadao players looking at the jokes, Huaxia's team couldn't wait to slap them.

In addition to these two countries, players from other countries also gathered at this time. In addition to wanting to see China’s 150-level ‘Great God’, they also wanted to see how China’s players reacted.

In fact, at this time, the Duke did not have the silly thoughts of Fang Chuan and Mike Kay. He wanted to see who the level 150 player of China is. After all, this is a copy of the world. He can follow the team here without death. , This is enough to prove that this person is not simple anymore.

Don’t talk about being brought over by the team. The Duke of this world has a deep understanding of the difficulty of the dungeon. If it weren’t for their own brothers, they would have come here earlier, but in order not to lose the brother Duke, a lot of time was wasted until now Join the team.

Therefore, even if level 150 is protected by a level 300 player, it is not easy to come here in front of him.

"Here, Brother Duke, this is the person." Fang Chuan took the Duke directly to the front of the Huaxia team.

But the Duke was looking at Huang Quan at the front of the team at this time, and then nodded slightly: "Head Huang Quan, long time no see."

"long time no see."

"Oh, and President Ling Tian, ​​hello."

"Hello there."

After that, the Duke looked at Su Mu's position, and Su Mu, with his signature evil smile...without any humble resistance...

At this time, the players in the audience were waiting for the Duke and shouting for miracles. Some of the players in China couldn't help turning their heads. They didn't want to see this embarrassing scene.

Huang Quan and Ling Tian are well-known in the world, but this level called Tu Ying... really embarrassed them!

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