Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2156: what's the situation

boom! ! !

The battle between Long Xueji and the female boss is incomparable, and the two women are more like strong warriors on the white beach.

As for Su Mu's question just now, Long Xueji only said three words: You are stupid!

Su Mu also felt stupid. If the player can PK to win by relying only on his level, it is not a game, so the PK is still the same as the PK of the year.

Therefore, Su Mu was also relieved.

However, at this time the boss suddenly flew into the air, and Long Xueji and Su Mu instantly had no choice but to take the boss.

"The land of thousands of repairs is not allowed to set foot!"

Buzzing! ! !

Buzzing! !

In an instant, a large amount of white sand began to condense around the boss. These small particles suddenly became quartz-like existences, and then they were madly absorbed by the boss!

Bang! ! !

In an instant, the fox fairy had a piece of scale armor on the boss, white and transparent, like a crystal, and at the same time, that one-third of the blood that had been left, instantly returned to its full value.

"Halo, the boss has gone crazy!" Long Xueji said involuntarily.

Su Mu also frowned slightly, before he waited for Su Mu to speak, he saw the boss in the sky suddenly flying downward...

"Hurry up..." Long Xueji backed away suddenly, and then quickly pushed Su Mu away.


Rumble! ! !

There was a huge explosion, and a huge round pit appeared on the beach instantly, and countless dusts sputtered up...

At the same time, when Su Mu and Long Xueji were not standing still, the boss' attack struck again, and the lightning-fast beautiful shadow came directly in front of Su Mu and Long Xueji.

"Armor wings!"


boom! !



Two huge damage values ​​directly emptied two-thirds of Su Mu and Long Xueji's blood, which surprised them.

Because Su Mu was blessed with various equipment, his blood exploded, and Long Xueji didn't infuse Su Mu because of his level. However, the two of them couldn't support the next attack.

So when the boss flew up and fell towards them in an instant, Long Xueji said helplessly: "After all, the world copy is a world copy, even the simplest mode can't get through..."

Su Mu was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly said, "Are there any new characteristics for the eighth rank pastor?"

Long Xueji was startled. She didn't know what Su Mu meant by asking, but she seemed to want to show off. Long Xueji raised her hand and gave herself a white light, and then she saw the white lines on Long Xueji's body. It covers the whole body like the resurrection armor form of the League of Legends.

boom! ! !


Ineffective damage emerged from Long Xueji's body.

I saw her smile and said: "The skill of the Rank 8 priest, the invincibility technique, can be invincible for ten seconds, is it a characteristic of Rank 8?"

Su Mu was dumbfounded, this skill directly omits the role of the Invincible Scroll, and the Invincible Scroll has a long cooling time, and the cooling of this skill will definitely not be too long, after all, it is a special skill of the eighth rank priest.

Long Xueji quickly rushed forward to deal with the boss, but at this time Long Xueji couldn't do high damage. Each attack was only a few single-digit damage points. After all, she was just a priest and not a combat class. Just now it was because the boss was not mad, so there was such a high damage value, but now, it is completely restrained by the boss.

This is the supreme **** boss!

Su Mu frowned slightly, then glanced at the skills on the tower of the gods.

All skills have had punishment and cooldown times, and the skills on the tower of the gods have also appeared, especially the two skills of Holy Light Coercion and Holy Light Holding Body, which use a cooldown of up to seven days, but the number of uses Is gone.

Before Long Xueji said that the boss must be suppressed by level to achieve the effect of breaking the defense, but what Su Mu now thinks is, is the absolute invincible pressure of the Holy Light also invalid at this time?

And since the Holy Light Coercion has no use times, then Su Mu has the right to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Hold on for seven seconds." Su Mu suddenly shouted.

Then I saw Su Mu standing on the spot, and then his hands were rounded, and the golden light shrouded his hands and arms slowly...

"Get out..." After seven seconds, Su Mu suddenly shouted.

Long Xueji's invincibility time was about to end, and the invincibility was turned on just to explain to Su Mu about the eighth rank characteristics, so Long Xueji did not intend to defeat this boss at all, and the disparity in strength was too great.

So at this time, hearing Su Mu's words, Long Xueji instantly retreated, and then saw the golden light in Su Mu's hands burst out...

"It's useless..." Long Xueji said, level suppression was originally the most important thing in this big update. Before it surpassed this boss's 100th level, any attribute is useless, even if it ignores defense skills. There won't be any damage, so Long Xueji has already done a good job of being killed by this boss in seconds.

At the same time, Long Xueji also knew that in order to defeat this boss, there must be more than ten Rank 8 professions, that is, players above level 400.

It is a pity that it is impossible to gather all the masters on the leaderboard together!

So at this moment Long Xueji could only shook her head slightly.

"Holy! Light! Prestige! Pressure!!!"

"Get up!"

Hum! ! !

A huge golden light instantly shot from Su Mu's body, and rushed to the boss who rushed crazy...

boom! ! ! !

Just like a huge laser, the boss's abdomen was instantly held back by golden light, and then Su Mu saw...




At this moment, Su Mu was a bit dazed, the absolute invincible pressure of the Holy Light actually had no effect?

Long Xueji's little expectation was also gone at this time, she could only wait to die...

However, the power of this skill still made Long Xueji stun her tongue, because at this time the boss was directly flew out by Su Muding, and flew back crazy, heading straight to the location of the acid lake...


Boom boom boom! !

Boom boom boom! !

The boss's figure was rushed into the acid lake, and then made a huge rumbling sound, like a meteorite lost in the ocean...

The monstrous wave rises, and at this time Long Xueji can only say that the time to wait for death is a little longer, and when the boss returns, it must be the result of a spike...

Waiting for the scene to be quiet, Long Xueji stood in place and looked at the boss' position with Su Mu...



The boss rushed out of the acid lake, then quickly rushed towards Long Xueji and Su Mu, and shouted ferociously, "I'm looking for death!!"

"Su Mu, look at the boss..." Long Xueji looked at the lady of nature in surprise, her whole body was rotted by acid, and the burns on her skin could be seen, red and black.

However, what Su Mu and Long Xueji saw was not the appearance of the boss, but the underside of the boss!


what's the situation? !

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