Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2161: Liu Zhilai insult

Su Mu and Long Xueji stood there and stared at Su Mu's level blankly. What a **** it is.

Originally, Su Mu’s level had already risen to level 151, but now, when the boss was killed, the white light was still flashing. Su Mu was all about looking forward to the boss’s equipment, so he didn’t care about his level, because Su Mu knew that he would even be upgraded to ten levels. It doesn't mean anything.

But now...

Su Mu's level is 142!


Not rising but falling!

This made Su Mudan hurt, his level was originally low, but now it has become an upside-down upgrade. Isn't this really cheating?

"Puff haha..." Long Xueji couldn't help laughing. While laughing, she pointed to Su Mu and said: "Haha, the level of the Shadow of God is getting lower and higher, haha ​​laughing at me..."

Su Mu glared at her, but it was strange in his heart. After returning from the cycle of time, strange things continued, and now he was escalating backwards. Is this the mastermind aiming at him or is there something he has overlooked?

Also, according to this situation, wouldn't he be ascending to level 0? Isn't this cheating?

Su Mu sighed, then glanced at Long Xueji and said, "Okay, let's go, I'll open a guild when I go back. Which continent are you in?"

"I'm in the Killing Shenzhou District."

"Yes, just come and say hello anytime."

"Then what position do you give me? If we have friendship, why should we be vice president?"

"Do you want to give you the position of grandma?" Su Mu said irritably.

"Yes! Do all the unions call me grandma?"

"Grandma, stop talking, I'm leaving! Fuck you!"

"come on……"



After Su Mu left the instance, even if he parted ways with Long Xueji, Su Mu returned to the Huangtianzhou area, and Long Xueji returned to the Killing Shenzhou area, but after Su Mu came out, he regretted it because he forgot to ask Long Xueji’s identity. Now, is her identity related to the Kyoto Long Family?

But looking back, it was wrong, because Long Xueji and her mother lived in Eastern Europe, so they should have no relationship with Huaxia Long's family.

When he came to Huangtianzhou District, Su Mu directly contacted Wenren Xiangdong. The latter told Su Mu that he had basically migrated to Huangtianzhou District, but he could only build a resident city in Area C. Su Mu told him that he didn’t have to deal with this, and that it would be natural when the power grew. The tide will rise, and now, what Su Mu needs is to change Ziyang's name.

Su Mu asked Wenren Xiangdong to keep the Ziyang Guild in Zhongzhou City, which was the old base area. Su Mu couldn't separate all of them, so the Ziyang Guild that moved to Huangtianzhou District was renamed the Shenzun Guild!

Wenren Xiangdong could do these things himself, so after Wenren Xiangdong changed the name of the guild, he added Su Mu and directly submitted the position of chairman to Su Mu. Originally, the members of the guild were strange, but Because of the changes in the family and the changes in God's Domain over the years, Wen Ren Xiangdong simply explained a few words and no one asked anything. After all, these things are beyond their control by ordinary members, and the members who signed the contract still hold it. The salary, these won't change, they won't care too much, and Wen Ren Xiangdong is also the vice chairman of the Gods Guild, which makes the members more at ease.

As for Chen Yongqi's side, Su Mu did not merge with the Tang Dynasty, and did not allow Chen Yongqi to alliance with the Gods’ Guild. This is a trump card. Su Mu has just returned to the reincarnation of the earth, and it is impossible to directly start confronting hostile forces without preparation. .

After all this has been busy, the game is about to go offline.

However, at this time, a group of people came to the periphery of the resident city of the Guild of Gods...

All the assassin professions stood at the gate of the resident city, and then looked at the name of the resident city and sneered involuntarily: "Guild of the gods? The tone is really big..."

"Hey, let your president get out." The assassins shouted.

The members of Ziyang have just arrived in Huangtianzhou area, and Wenren Xiangdong’s explanation is not allowed to cause trouble, so at this time they can’t help but frown when they see the arrival of God’s Domain Guild. How can they be regarded as a fraternal guild a few years ago, and now Actually like an enemy.

The arrival of the members of God's Domain Guild had already notified Su Mu and Wen Ren Xiangdong, so they walked out of the resident city directly.

What surprised Su Mu was that the visitor turned out to be the vice-chairman of God's Domain Guild, Liu Zhi!

Liu Zhi looked at Su Mu and Wen Ren Xiangdong with a disdainful face and smiled: "Sure enough, it's you, I'm wondering who is so short-eyed who dares to confront God's Domain, Gods Guild? Haha..."

"Liu Zhi, you are not proud of it. You didn't strike down the God's Domain Guild. Don't use God's Domain to slap your face at the fat guy!" Wen Ren Xiangdong was angry when he saw this Liu Zhi, bluffing and cheating under the name of God's Domain. To discredit the prestige of God's Domain, the God's Domain in the past few years has long been no longer the God's Domain led by Su Mu, which is why Wenren Xiangdong resents Liu Zhi.

Su Mu naturally heard people talk about the status of God's Domain to the east, and now there are no old members in God's Domain. After the dissolution of the Hall of Gods, this guild is no longer the original God's Domain.

"Su Mu, I'm mainly telling you today that you were wrong in pulling Ziyang to Huangtianzhou District. As long as you have my God's Domain in the Huangtianzhou District, don't even think about getting up in the Huangtianzhou District! Do you understand?" Liu Zhi held over 340 Class ID looked at Su Mu with his head upright.

Su Mu laughed and asked: "Done? Bye bye, don't send it."

Liu Zhi was stunned and couldn't help but woke up. Originally Wenren Zihan was in his pocket, but the sudden appearance of Su Mu directly caused Wenren Zihan to fly away from his mouth, and now he openly opened in Huangtianzhou District. God-sovereign Guild, isn't this against him?

"Fuck! I see how arrogant you are tomorrow, this resident city, I will eat it!"

Su Mu stopped in place and said without his head: "If your Liu family has this capability, I won't say anything, but I can squirt you to death by just fighting with my mouth! Stupid!"

"Stupid!" Wen Ren Xiangdong smiled disdainfully.

"Fuck!" Liu Zhi yelled at Su Mu and Wen Ren Xiangdong as they left. Originally, he wanted to teach Su Mu and Wen Ren Xiangdong today, but now it's better, and the two popular eyes directly set off fire.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"President Tu stayed."

Su Mu was startled when he heard this, this voice is so familiar...

Wen Ren Xiangdong also turned his head and looked behind Liu Zhi, then his eyes widened, Nima, are you right?

"Sister, brother-in-law... Isn't your peach blossom... too good? Give me some..."

"Get out!" Su Mu glared at Wenren and gave Dongdong a look. Is this Nima brother-in-law?

But what is she doing here?

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