Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2194: News from Mr. Two (8th more)

A small stream in the wild in the Austrian area, Sheng Asia.

A large number of Bill Guild members behind him intercepted scattered players approaching the stream, because three people were standing on the edge of the stream and were talking.

Old Bill glanced at Su Mu, then bowed slightly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Su, it is really the fault of the Bill Guild that you were treated like this when you first came to Olympic University. The old man did not expect you to appear in the wild... "

Su Mu waved his hand and said, "Don't say these kind words, I didn't ask you to apologize for calling you today."

Old Bill smiled awkwardly, then glanced at Long Xueji on the side. He didn't seem to evade her, and said directly: "Mr. 2’s news I sorted out. It disappeared like you five and a half years ago. Five and a half months later, he appeared in Austrian University again, and then went to the Eastern European battlefield, but later, according to the Bill family news network, Mr. Two should have had contact with the dead moon of the war soul."

Su Mu frowned slightly. No.2, like Long Xueji and Chen Yongqi, entered the cycle of time five and a half years ago. However, after five and a half months Su Mu opened the time tunnel. They returned to the earth in an instant, while Su Mu was in the time tunnel. Encountered the gravitational pull of the negative cycle galaxy, resulting in five years late.

Su Mu knew this for a long time, but Old Bill said that the 2nd actually had contact with Dead Moon, which made Su Mu not believe it.

In Remnant Soul, in the original Zeus, No. 2 is the same as Zero. It is impossible for him to betray Su Mu, let alone the Remnant Soul, and the Shadow of Remnant Soul!

So Su Mu frowned and looked at Old Bill.

The latter also shook his head and said: "The old man is not very clear, but the source of the information is very reliable. Besides, Mr. Two went to the Indo-Three Empire again, and the news was interrupted again. Mr.'s news was three years ago, the year when Huaxia Zhuxian rose. Do you understand what I mean, Mr. Su?"

Su Mu nodded and said, "In addition to the news on the second, I also want to know news about the national war this year."

"Huh? Mr. Su, you are joking, Poppy is in China, you don't need to ask the old man about this, right?

"Poppy can't find the news of No. 2, but the Bill family can find it." Su Mu said lightly.

Old Bill smiled without saying a word. In this regard, the Bill family is indeed better than Poppy.

After that, Su Mu saw that Old Bill didn't speak, and said: "At the beginning, Wenren Zihan was in Austrian University, plus what happened today, Old Bill, are you not at all responsible?"

Old Bill smiled helplessly, and it was Wenren Zihan who was Wenren Zihan. Alas, I knew it was like this. Old Bill would not let Wenren Zihan be so wronged, but the original Bill family and the current Bill family could not at all. On the same day, the original Bill family could not dominate the entire underworld of Austria, so the current Bill family is already the overlord.

However, old Bill also understood that no matter how powerful the Bill family was, he could not offend the person in front of him, the butcher!

He didn’t want to see Bill’s villas all over the country overnight, so Old Bill was also very helpless. Sometimes, the more he knew what was going on, the more he couldn’t do things according to his own ideas, especially when he came to Old Bill. People of different levels can obviously run rampant across the Austrian University, but in this world, people who can kill you with a finger still exist, such as the person in front of you, the butcher!

Old Bill sighed helplessly and said: "Mr. Su, I will send you a letter for the matter of Mr. 2 to be kept in the reincarnation. As for the national war you mentioned, I think that this year, the University of Austria should be recuperating. Last year, after all, we fought against the US Empire and some countries in South Africa last year, so..."

"That's good!" Su Mu said.

Old Bill was helpless again. Because of Su Mu’s return, and because of Su Mu’s words, Austrian University will not be able to participate in the plan to attack China this year. Old Bill really doesn’t know how to explain it to other Super Guilds of Austrian University, but Old Bill can’t. Said I was afraid of the Remnant Soul Butcher, and the Remnant Soul Butcher threatened me, so how can the Bill family get confused?

So before that, old Bill knew that it was not a good thing to see Su Mu today, but now, it can only be so. This year's national war must belong to the US Empire, Russia, North India, 3 India, Wadao, and surrounding small countries, etc. , Austrian University, can only watch the excitement.

After talking about these things, Su Mu generally understood some things, and at the same time, he also had some understanding of the whereabouts of No. 2. Although Old Bill did not say it explicitly, the line between the lines has revealed the truth of the matter, but neither Su Mu nor Old Bill directly Just say it, after all, there is also Long Xueji on the side.

"If this is the case, does Mr. Su want to spend a few days in Austrian University? That Liu Zhi, who has already been controlled, will never let him leave Austrian University."

Su Mu waved his hand: "No time, old Bill, you come to receive me with high profile, you will definitely make the players in the promotion Asia pay attention to me. Do you still expect me to play with peace of mind here? Old fox! I know. You are not at ease!"

Old Bill smiled and said, "Mr. Su is serious..."

"Ha ha."

Seeing that the two of them had finished talking, Long Xueji finally couldn't help but walked towards Old Bill's position at this time, and then stretched out his hand to go to the old Bill's white beard. Old Bill was about to retreat when he saw Long Xueji sprint directly. Forced old Bill, the mad woman chuckled, "Old Bill, your beard is more prosperous than last year, did you marry a new wife again?"

"Hey, Miss Long..."

"Huh? Say!" Long Xueji didn't let Old Bill finish at all, but Su Mu smiled slightly. Old Bill called Long Xueji Miss Long? It's interesting.

"Um, that me... that..."

Su Mu hung a smile, and then left the position of the stream, Liu Zhi, see how you run!


At this moment, beside the creek, Long Xueji pulled old Bill's ears and stared: "Are you crazy? Call me Miss in front of him? Do you want to die?"

Old Bill looked helpless and said, "Miss Long, I don't know that Mr. Su doesn't know your identity. Besides, if you come up to the old man's beard like this, Mr. Su might not have thought that you know him?"

"Huh! It's okay to let him know that I know you, why don't you call my lady in front of outsiders next time, and see if I don't polish your beard! Hear you!"

"Yes, yes." Old Bill looked helplessly at Long Xueji's back.

What's so special, why is Lao Tzu also the gang leader of the Olympic University, rampaging the entire Olympic University, and today two people who can't afford to offend themselves have come down, what exactly do you want? Has this solemn and mysterious identity of the old man suddenly become the price of cabbage?

Old Bill rubbed his chin and sighed helplessly. In this world, there are too many people who can't afford to offend. Even if you stand on the top food chain of this country, you are still facing the people on the top food chain of the world. Like an ant, a word from the Remnant Soul Butcher prevented Austrian University from participating in this year's national war. Who do you call to reason?

Old Bill opened the message, then sent a message to Zhan Lei, and then led people to the imperial city in the Asian area.

[Thanks to the book friend (transferred love) for a reward of 10,000 book coins, today eight changes. 】

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