Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2196: Escaped a good place

Seeing Su Mu's expression, Long Xueji hurriedly opened the message bar, and then found her acquaintance and asked about it.

Then Long Xueji frowned slightly.

She received news from Huangtianzhou District in the national area.

Wenren Zihan and Chen Xiaoruan went online today to take care of the logistical tasks of the Gods’ Guild, and then they were intercepted by the God’s Domain Guild, and they were intercepted within the resurrection point of the wild area. They were even surrounded. The Gods Guild rescued countless deaths and injuries. Wenren Zihan and Chen Xiaoruan were forced to go offline and received various insults from the God's Domain Guild.

Long Xueji heard about it through Daotu, but Long Xueji can understand that this must be Liu Zhi's style, and it must be done at Liu Zhi's orders. He was chased by Su Mu, and he must be dissatisfied in his heart, so today Wenren Zihanhe When Chen Xiaoruan went online, he naturally became a breakthrough point for his revenge, so he directly ordered people to humiliate him.

That's why Su Mu was completely angered.

Now Su Mu will definitely not return to the country area. After all, the battle has ended. Wenren Zihan and Chen Xiaoruan were killed once, coupled with the humiliation of the slobber, which once again angered Su Mu, so killing Liu Zhi at level zero became An essential step.

That's why Su Mu was furious and asked Zhan Lei to find news about Liu Zhi.

The source of the Bill family's news was not covered, and the news came back in just a few minutes, but when Su Mu got the news, he frowned immediately, and then entered the Sheng Asian area, but was stopped by Long Xueji.

"You can't go now." Long Xueji said.

Su Mu turned to stare at Long Xueji and said, "What did you say?"

"I know you are very angry, but now that the national war is going on, don't you go there to add chaos to the Huaxia Region? The Liu family must have been in contact long ago. If you go to that country now, you will definitely anger the Huaxia Region." Long Xue Ji did not expect that Liu Zhi would once again set up the Austrian country area, and suddenly jumped to a country area that made the whole China sensitive. This was simply a face to China.

Su Mu looked at Long Xueji and said: "Long Xueji! I tell you, there are three things in this world that I cannot bear, Su Mu! First, it is my woman! Second, my brother, and third, my dignity! "

After speaking, Su Mu moved towards the position of the imperial city in the Asian area.

Long Xueji was standing in a daze, his women could not provoke, his brothers could not provoke, and his dignity would not allow others to set foot.

The shadow of God, the shadow of the remnant soul, and the remnant soul butcher have their own arrogance and dignity, which is incomprehensible to ordinary people. Therefore, at this time, Long Xueji seems to be able to understand Su Mu's mood.

Liu Zhi humiliated Wenren Zihan and angered Su Mu’s bottom line, and now he besieged Wenren Zihan and Chen Xiaoruan under such circumstances, and even humiliated the two women Su Mu cares about most. Violated all of Su Mu's bottom line.

Moreover, Liu Jia dared to act like this when he knew that Su Mu was the shadow of God. This was a disdain for the shadow of God, and it was a trampling on Su Mu’s dignity, so even if Liu Zhi escaped to the most Su Mu in the sensitive country will also hunt down the zero level!

"Wait for me!" Long Xueji chased after speaking, leaving a bewildered look of War Thunder and Ice Blue Heart. At the same time, the two of them also breathed a sigh of relief, finally giving these two plague gods Send it off, otherwise they really don't know what to do.



US Empire State District, Huyuezhou District, A-level Resident City area.

Fengchi Guild is located in the city.

Sobier sat in the lobby to open the international news, then looked at Liu Tiannan and said, "President Liu, it's been a long time since I saw you. Why did you ask me today?"

Liu Tiannan paused slightly and said: "Don't talk nonsense, Sobier, can you protect Liu Zhi from being killed at level zero?"

"Haha, I just heard about this, but I heard that Huang Quan and Meng Niang who killed Zhuxian killed the man who killed your son?"

Liu Tiannan didn't expect Sobier's news so quickly, he said: "Since you know, are you sure?"

"Joke, President Liu, I have a dignified guild with a total of 3 million people. Can I still be afraid that one person will fail? As long as you have enough conditions, I can make him rank zero in the US Empire!"

Liu Tiannan nodded: "50 million gold coins, plus an internal news about the national war." To this Sobier, let Su Mu's rank return to zero? Liu Tiannan just wanted to snorted. As long as you can protect Liu Zhi from being chased by this person, it’s not bad. Kill him at level zero. If you tell you that the person who chased Liu Zhi is the shadow of God, I don’t know you. Will you pee your pants.

"Gold coins are fine, I want three pieces of news."


"At least two, otherwise, President Liu will ask you to be smart."

Liu Tiannan frowned, then gritted his teeth and said: "The deal, I hope Fengchi Guild will not let me down."

Sobier sneered, this Liu Tiannan is really protecting the calf, isn't it just chasing after him? Killing, he actually spent 50 million gold coins to protect his crippled son. There is no one, but this Chinese Tuying also made Sobier very Interested, from China to the Austrian University, do you dare to pursue the US Empire from the Austrian University?

Besides, no matter how good a person can be? In the end, it is not the enemy's sea tactics, especially in the years when the Fengchi Guild is rising, Sobir is even more worthy. These 50 million gold coins are too easy to earn, and they can be exchanged for two important internal information of China in the future national war. ,why not.

In fact, even if the person chasing Liu Zhi is a world-class master Sobir, he is not afraid. After all, it is in the US Empire. What tricks can the Chinese people do? Moreover, even if the Nine Emperors of Zhuxian came to Sobier personally, Liu Zhi's safety could be preserved. After all, it was not in a country, and the US empire did not deal with China. Sobier would not sell any Chinese people's face!

After Liu Zhi was resurrected at the resurrection point in the remote wild area, he was crying in mourning. He was left at level 88. Now he is completely a rookie, so at this time Liu Zhi can only ask his father Liu Tiannan for help, because he applied for the attack. The gods’ guild will go to war tomorrow, so it is impossible for the gods to attack the gods’ guild rashly today, otherwise, wouldn’t it make the players in the Huangtianzhou area laugh.

And Liu Tiannan didn't want to fight the gods guild today, and Liu Zhi had been chased down, Liu Tiannan asked Liu Zhi to go to the US Empire.

In the current world structure, even if the shadow of God goes to the U.S. Empire, it is impossible to do whatever it wants. Besides, people in the U.S. Empire will not sell the name of the Shadow of God. The empire is the best result and the easiest way to avoid Su Mu's pursuit.

Therefore, Liu Tiannan could only ask Liu Zhi to send the US empire immediately, and Liu Zhi led the guild in the US empire to protect Liu Zhi.

Even if level 88 is left, Su Mu can't get to level zero. Today's call in Huangtianzhou District and Panguzhou District has completely boiled in China, so protecting Liu Zhi from clearing zero is the only way to save God's domain face.

In addition, Liu Zhi was completely embarrassed and turned into anger, and then ordered his cronies to besieged the gods’ guild. The siege of the gods’ guild failed. Instead, he saw Wenren Zihan and Chen Xiaoruan go online, so Liu Zhi was like a mad dog. Order people to kill, humiliate them!

In short, how to relieve one's anger, so there is the furious side of Su Mu just now.

At the same time, Liu Zhi also jumped to the U.S. Empire region through teleportation at this time, and went directly to the Huyuezhou area of ​​the four imperial cities of the U.S. Empire!

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