Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2202: Su Mu

On the flat ground in front of the Windchilling Guild, Sobier was ready to make an attack, but at this time the crowd was surging, and a team of 100 people came from not far away. Originally, this would not prevent Sobier from attacking at all, but when When the crowd began to give way and talk loudly, Sobir had to look over. When he saw the team's ID, he frowned, not knowing whether he was happy or helpless.

The guild that came over was the second super guild in the US Empire, and the sun **** guild second only to the Zeus guild!

At this time, Su Mu and Long Xueji, who were about to be killed in a second, looked at each other again. The latter smiled and said: "Shadow of God, your old friend is here, can't you die now?"

Su Mu glared at her and said, "Just what do you know? What else do you know?"

It’s not a secret that Su Mu is the shadow of God. Naturally, I don’t need to say much about the relationship with Zeus. However, not many people seem to know the relationship with the sun god, and this Long Xueji seems to know all the secrets of Su Mu. What made Su Mu curious, especially when the old Bill called Long Xueji Miss Long in the game?

Su Mu is basically sure that Long Xueji is not from the Long Family of Huaxia Jingdu, but in Huaxia, does the Long Family have other branches that can compete with the Long Family of Jingdu? It seems to be gone.

"Haha, it's so lively? I just saw a fire blazing into the sky. I thought it was a wild super boss. I didn't expect it to be from the Fengchi Guild here...rehearsing?" A white man, He has yellow hair and a burly figure, but the smile on his face is quite different from his figure, as if it is a bit of a sense of contradiction.

At the same time, beside this man, there are two women, one old and one young. Although the two women are very different in age, they are small, cute and petite, and the big charm still exists. They feel very subtle. At the same time, the one behind him The team of more than one hundred people was also full of energy, all of them expressionless.

Sobier glanced at Su Mu and Long Xueji who were surrounded, then landed on the ground and walked up. Sobier smiled halfway through, and then said with a flattering smile: "President George, you are here. Guild Chi also doesn’t give any notice in advance so that Sobir can arrange it. Hehe, Mrs. Rose, hello."

The person here is the sun god, who is well-known in the American Empire region, and even the president of the sun **** who has a place in the world, George, and George’s "second marriage" wife, Black Rose, as for that little girl, It is the jewel in George's palm, Anna.

George laughed and said: "I just passed the Huyuezhou area, and I saw a huge flame soaring into the sky just now, so I just came over and have a look, President Sobier, what are you doing?"

Sobier laughed, and then briefly talked about the matter. Of course, the Fengchi Guild killed more than 10,000 people instantly because of his beautification.


After Sobir finished speaking, Anna couldn't help but laugh, George glared at her, and then was pulled by the black rose to signal Anna not to lose her temper.

"Well, after hearing you say that, I want to see this Huaxia player, can you let me see it?"

"Of course, President George is here."

Everyone gave way, and then went straight to the middle of the crowd.

At this time, the players of the Fengchi Guild gave way one after another and began to talk.

"The president of the sun god?"

"It seems to be true. I watched some of them now. No matter how powerful this Chinese person is, I don't want to escape safely today, shit."

"Are you saying that our Fengchi Guild can't take him?"

"Hey, let's not talk about that. Isn't he more sure after George comes?"

"That's right. If George can't take it, then the sun **** will definitely take it."


After all, this is about the honor of the American Empire. Moreover, the Fengchi Guild and the Sun God can be regarded as a kind of friendship. In any case, it is impossible for George to turn to the Chinese people, right?

The onlookers are in the same mood at this time.

The crowd slowly walked away, and then George and the others came directly in front of Su and Mu.

At this time, Anna looked excited, if it weren't for Black Rose to pull her, I guess the little girl would have rushed in front of Su Mu by this time, so at this time Anna looked at Su Mu with excitement and excitement.

Su Mu also picked up the corners of his mouth helplessly. They haven't seen each other for five years. This Anna has gone from nineteen to twenty-four, but her petite and exquisite figure has not changed. She should have been a tall white man, but this Anna is even more so. She was like the petite woman of an Eastern woman, not even as tall as Ren Zihan, and more like the soft and petite figure of Chen Xiaoruan.

Sobier glanced at George and Su Mu, and then said, "President George, that's him."

Originally, this matter was a matter for the Fengchi Guild, and when George appeared, this matter would inevitably rise to the matter of the Chinese Empire and the US Empire, and George’s action would inevitably lead to the loss of the reputation of the entire Fengchi Guild, so this is also a claim. The reason Bill frowned after seeing George.

However, I thought George would say something tough, but I didn't expect George to walk up to Su Mu, then stretched out his hand and smiled: "Long time no see."

The players in the audience suddenly widened their eyes. What happened to Nima?

However, he saw Su Mu also stretched out his hand, and then nodded: "It's been a long time."

George nodded: "It's been six years. I didn't expect to see each other in the US Empire."

In six years, Su Mu was also a little emotional, but everything has changed. George is now older than six years ago...

The players in the audience opened their eyes wide with an unbelievable expression. However, Sobir looked at the painting style in front of him in disbelief at this time. How did he know this Chinese person? A rookie player actually made George so polite?

However, at this time.


boom! ! !

In an instant, a shock wave of super skills appeared in the middle position of the world. Following that, all the players in the center position were rushed out, including Black Rose, Sobir and Long Xueji.




Dangdang! ! !

In an instant, at the center of the explosion, George's burly figure instantly rushed into the air, and then he saw two invisible and visible wings waving on his back. On the opposite side, Su Mu's blade spread, and the two were in the air. There was a pause...

"Wan Shang!"

"Jie Jian!"

Hum! !


Boom boom boom! !

The nine attacks were shot instantly, and the opponent's skills appeared directly in the air at this time, and directly collided with Su Mu's nine swords, making a booming sound and dazzling golden light!

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