Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2208: Meet old friends

Before the announcement, Huang Quan specifically emphasized that after this announcement, it represents the decision of the entire China, and no one is allowed to act without authorization.

To put it bluntly, Zhu Xian is still ruling the entire China, so Su Mu can only snorted in his heart. After a long period of time, China has let a few women rule, and there is no one. It is only five years, the changes in China. It's so dramatic.

"According to the statistics just filled in the form, the guild supporting the main attack has a total of 89 votes." Huang Quan said.

Everyone was shocked, because no one thought that there would be so many guilds supporting the main attack this year, which surprised the people present.

Huang Quan glanced at everyone and said: "The guild supporting the defense has a total of 107 votes."

"Cut, you know this is the result."

"Yes, it's going to shrink again this year."

"End baby!"

Those guilds supporting the main attack couldn't help being discouraged, while those supporting the defense were smiling.

Su Mu smiled, then stood up and said: "Okay, in that case, the gods guild can only fight the country according to its own methods." After that, Su Mu was leaving.

At this time, Meng Niang suddenly stood up and blocked Su Mu's path, and then said with a smile on her face: "President Tu, you must know that since you have participated in this Zhuxian Conference, you must abide by the rules of the Zhuxian Conference. Everyone voted. The result is the trend of the national war, which is also related to the dynamics of China as a whole. You must know that if China is not united, China would have been occupied by other countries five years ago. Therefore, President Tu, since the voting results have appeared, then President..."

"Are you ordering me?" Su Mu whispered.

Meng Niang was startled, but she still smiled and said, "How dare the slave family order President Tu, but the rules of the Zhuxian Conference cannot be changed. Since you have participated in and participated in the voting, you must abide by the rules? Otherwise, Huaxia does not agree with the battle line. Fighting this national war?"

Everyone nodded. It is precisely for this reason that Huaxia’s somewhat famous guild will participate in the Zhuxian Conference. Otherwise, it’s enough to fight separately, and many guild leaders understand that Huaxia cannot participate in the national war without a united front. How can a plate of loose sand contend with the overlord countries of the US Empire?

So this is also the ultimate goal of the Zhuxian Conference.

At this time, Su Mu smiled, and then looked back at Bai Heshang and the others, then looked at Meng Niang and said, "I kill the shadows and no one can tell me, you are not qualified enough!"

Meng Niang was startled, and then watched Su Mu's leaving back and bit her lip involuntarily. This Tu Ying was too unruly. She didn't know why the Nine Emperor was so jealous of him, and she and Wu Changyan apologized to him in front of so many people. Now this Tu Ying is just like a lunatic, facing almost all the super guild leaders in China, blatantly defying Zhu Xian's order!

All the guild leaders couldn’t help but sigh. This is the first guild to provoke the authority of Zhuxian at the Zhuxian Conference in five years. But I have to say that this feeling makes them a little bit refreshed and seems to be suppressed. Long-term grievances have spread. After all, Zhu Xian has been deciding on the trend of the national war for five years.

Su Mu got up and left, Ling Tian stood up with a smile and said to himself: "Yes, in this world, I have never seen anyone who can order Tuying, hehe..."

Chen Yongqi also stood up at this time, then took a look at Meng Niang, and then left.

Not only Chen Yongqi, Huo Dong also stood up at this time, and then left immediately, which made the smile on Meng Niang's face slowly closed. The Zhuxian Conference was not over yet, so these people actually left openly in advance?

"Sanction them!"

"Yes! Zhu Xian should punish them!"

Some guilds that flattered Zhuxian couldn't help but began to condemn, but Zhuxian's people did not make any move, but continued the ending ceremony of the Zhuxian Conference, that is, the specific defense plan.

At this time, Su Mu took the lead out of Zhuxian Resident City, he deliberately slowed down, because Chen Yongqi and Ling Tian would definitely have something to say to himself.

So outside the Zhuxian Resident City, Su Mu, Chen Yongqi, and Ling Tian stood together.

Chen Yongqi briefly explained some of Zhuxian's command plans in previous years, while Ling Tian expressed support for Su Mu. If necessary, Sijiu Villa could disobey Zhuxian's order.

Su Mu was very grateful to Ling Tian, ​​so after the discussion, Su Mu looked at Ling Tian and said, "Well, Meiyan and Meihui..."

Ling Tian was startled, then frowned slightly: "Their sisters are in Han Fei, Brother Su, when can you go to Han Fei to meet their sisters?"

Su Mu frowned.

I saw the twins in Time Reincarnation five years ago, and a weird one-night incident occurred. After five years, Su Mu didn’t know what happened to the two sisters, and he had no chance to see Ling Tian before. Asked, now Su Mu asked but didn't know how to answer.

Su Mu could only sigh slightly, "I see."

Ling Tian smiled and said, "Don't be burdened with Brother Su. The original matter was decided by our ancestor Ling Yue. You don't have to feel guilty about this matter."

"Yeah." Su Mu nodded, then watched Ling Tian leave.

Although Chen Yongqi didn't know the details of the original process, he knew that Su Mu had a night with these two sisters, so he also followed Su Mu and stopped talking.

"Brother Su."

At this moment, a girl's voice came from behind.

Su Mu and Chen Yongqi couldn't help turning their heads, and then they saw Huo Dong and Luo Jing standing behind them.

Luo Jing with short hair is more mature than five years ago, at least it looks like this, and Huo Dong, although he limped over, can also tell that this kid is used to it.

The two of them walked up to Su Mu's, and then looked at each other, a little embarrassed, and a little bit of an old friend meeting.

Chen Yongqi left sideways, and then walked to a place not far away to wait for Su Mu.

"Big Brother Su..." Luo Jing put her hands in front of her, lowered her head a little bewildered.

Huo Dong also stood in place a little awkwardly and said: "Brother Su, long time no see..."

Su Mu took a deep breath, then looked at the scenery in the reincarnation and nodded: "Yes, it's been more than five years."

Now Su Mu remembered that the water blue goddess incident was still a bit warm and angry, but time can resolve any pain. Now Su Mu does not have much hatred for Luo Jing. Who could have made no mistakes before, and Luo Jing and Huo Dong also paid the price for this, so Su Mu didn't want to pursue any further investigation.

"Big Brother Su... Are sister Han and Han okay?" Luo Jing glanced at Su Mu a bit reproachfully, and then asked.

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