Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2210: Goodbye flying fire


In front of an apartment building in Xicheng District.

Wenren Zihan, Chen Xiaoruan, Zhou Wenling and three women stood at the door looking at a man and a woman.

Huo Dong lowered her head, Luo Jing watched Wenren Zihan and the three with tears in her eyes. At this moment, Luo Jing directly knelt on the ground with her knees, and suddenly there was heavy snow in the sky, and the whole picture became beautiful... …

"Sister Han! Wow!!!"

A loud cry covered the entire door of the apartment, and also a loud cry, which solved the five-year betrayal! Five years of self-blame!

Wenren Zihan stood in the heavy snow, then turned her head away, as if she didn't want people to see the tears in the corner of her eyes. At this moment, even Chen Xiaoruan who was standing beside her couldn't help crying.

Zhou Wenling, who was standing in the middle, was smiling at this moment, and then slowly walked towards Luo Jing's position.

"Jing Jing..." Zhou Wen's voice of mature charm came.

Luo Jing raised her head, and then continued to cry with a wow: "Sister Ling! Oh! Sister Ling!"

Holding Zhou Wenling's waist, Luo Jing burst into tears.

Zhou Wenling touched Luo Jing's short hair, then looked at the snowflakes in the sky and smiled: "Just come back, just come back, stand up."

Helping Luo Jing, Zhou Wenling hugged the girlfriends who had been away for five years!

Chen Xiaoruan couldn't help but ran over at this time, the three of them hugged each other, one of them smiled, and the two of them cried bitterly!

"Xiaoruan! Oh! I'm sorry Xiaoruan! I'm sorry!"


The three people hugged each other for a long time before letting go. Zhou Wenling and Chen Xiaoruan stood aside, then looked at Luo Jing and Wenren Zihan.

At this time, the snowflakes in the sky floated again, Luo Jing walked towards Wenren Zihan step by step, and then stood there, tears covered her cheeks, but she didn't know what to say.

Wenren Zihan turned his head and did not look at Luo Jing, just standing at the door, the sound of snowflakes falling on the ground can be heard at this time, and there seems to be no gap between the two...

"Sister Han, Han..." Finally, in front of Wenren Zihan, Luo Jing called out these two words.

For five years.

When Luo Jing betrayed Su Mu, Su Mu was seriously injured and Wenren Zihan was heartbroken. It was even more painful for their sisters’ affection. Five years later, the sisters goodbye. Although the times have changed, the feelings are still there. In the heart of a temperamental person, once a certain emotion is recognized, it is a lifetime!

Although Luo Jing betrayed Ziyang Studio and betrayed the sisters, but she has always been their sister, right?

So Wenren Zihan didn't know what to say at this time.

Luo Jing didn't know whether to say sorry or not. A sentence of sorry couldn't make up for the betrayal of Ziyang Studio...

"Sister Han, I...I..." Luo Jing stepped forward step by step.

At this time Wenren Zihan suddenly turned around and walked towards the door of the apartment.

Luo Jing was startled, Zhou Wenling and Chen Xiaoruan couldn't help but want to call Wenren Zihan.

But at this moment, Wenren Zihan said faintly: "Come in, it's cold outside!"

In an instant, the freezing atmosphere changed again.

Luo Jing smiled with tears on her face, then raised her head and burst into tears.


At this moment, Su Mu, who was standing on the second floor of the apartment, couldn't help but smile.

Turning around, Su Mu sat on the edge of the bed. Time is a good thing. It can dissolve a lot of hatred, and it is the leavening agent for emotions. Sometimes, many emotions take time to settle to taste its most beautiful taste. .

"Water blue."

A blue light appeared in the bedroom. Su Mu knew if he had a chance to linger with Wenren Zihan and others tonight, and did not know whether he was right or wrong in agreeing to Luo Jing today, so Su Mu could only let the goddess of water come out to accompany him.

"Su Su..." After the water blue goddess appeared, she directly grabbed Su Mu's hands, and then turned around Su Mu before she said sweetly: "So familiar oxygen, so familiar space..."

Su Mu's heart was as sweet as eating honey. Every time he saw the goddess of water, all his emotions could be transformed into dopamine. This made Su Mu feel very magical.

"I heard that Shui Lan almost killed the Empress in Time Reincarnation?" Su Mu deliberately looked at Shui Lan's azure blue eyes with anger.

The Goddess Aquarium lowered her head slightly, and then pulled Su Mu like a little girl who made a mistake and said like a mosquito: "People...People really couldn't control themselves... Su Su was killed... Aqualand didn't kill the whole The water planet is already pretty good..."

"Haha, I didn't blame you, just calm down when you encounter this kind of thing in the future. The Empress and others are just as important to my safety as you, you know."

"I know, Susu, you haven't had a good chat with Shuilan when you came back to Earth. Let's go to the four-dimensional reincarnation?" The eyes of Shuilan goddess were filled with excitement.

Su Mu nodded and said: "Walking..."

After entering the four-dimensional reincarnation, Su Mu directly saw the attributes of the goddess of water blue. He couldn't help but widened his eyes and said: "Water blue, this level..."

"Hehe..." The water blue goddess jumped in the four-dimensional reincarnation like a little girl. She walked in front of Su Mu and kept spinning in circles, giggling as she was so beautiful.

Water Blue Goddess Lv999 (Supreme) (Elemental God)

Grade: Supreme Blue Goddess

Blood: 999

Energy: 999

Agility: 999

Strength: 999



"The supreme goddess of water blue..." Su Mu watched the blue dress of the water blue goddess fluttering with a smile on his face.

Although he knew that the Goddess of Aquamarine had already been promoted in the cycle of time, Su Mu still didn't expect that after returning to the earth, the Goddess of Aquamarine had reached its heyday, still at level 999. This should be the full level of the reincarnation.

"Susu...Someone is looking for you..." The water blue goddess flew into the air with a sigh, and then fluttered and danced in the air, as if this was her world...

At this time, Feihuo Meteor walked towards Su Mu with a smile on his face, watching the blue goddess dancing in the air as he walked and said, "Tsk, this beautiful blessing is really enviable, Su, you guard this every day. A goddess, not afraid of kidney deficiency?"

"Fun Duzi, I'm not named as Qijilang in a single night." Su Mu glared at the Flying Shooting Star, being disrespectful of the old, and even molesting himself so fast that he was forty.

Fei Huo Xing laughed, and then said: "I haven't seen you in five years, don't you hug me with my brother?"

Su Mu opened his hands, and the two of them came to a big bear hug.

Afterwards, Su Mu and Feihuo Meteor walked toward the Huangtianzhou area while enjoying the dance of the blue goddess in mid-air, which was very uncomfortable.

"According to what you said, what happened in the Hundred Years of Reincarnation is also false?"

"Yes, they are all illusions, set up by the reincarnation mastermind. In a hundred years of reincarnation, more than a hundred people disappeared for half a year for no reason, of course, including me."

"Went to the cycle of time?"

"Right or not." Feihuo Meteor smiled mysteriously: "Our 100-year reincarnation is different from your earth reincarnation. The place we go is a place you will never think of."

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