Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2246: 2244 Spirit Hill Devouring

"You wait here for a while." Su Mu said with a glance at Huang Quan.

The latter nodded. Although Huangquan was already a master in the reincarnation of the earth, she realized that the so-called master was only in the reincarnation of the earth. In this terrifying island, any person is 400-level. The above power!

So Huang Quan could only say a word of caution at this time, but watched Su Mu rushed up with Lingqiu.

At this time, I came and waited uninvited for the four people to entangle the waves, while the remaining six people were still fighting the dragon fiercely. After seeing Su Mu rushing over with Lingqiu, these six people looked at each other and laughed. .

"Don't worry about him, continue to attract the boss!" These players are very aware of the fighting power of this boss. Upping up at Su Mu's level is simply looking for death, so there is no need to control Su Mu. Attracting the hatred of the boss for a while, so no one cares about Su Mu, and even uninvited here, there is no expression after seeing Su Mu.

Breaking waves are as high as Rank 9 strength, but it is still a bit difficult to face four Rank 8 masters. Although they will not be killed in a short time, Su Mu has seen the figure of Breaking Waves constantly being repelled, and is getting farther and farther away. The location of the boss.

Roar! !

At this time, the 100-meter-high ice dragon continued to emit huge dragon chants on the snow-capped mountains, implicating the continuous movement of the snow on the ground, just the snowflakes raised by the dragon felt like an avalanche.

When Su Mu and Lingqiu came to the boss, they were not attracted by the boss, because at this time the hatred of the boss was all in the uninvited team, so Su Mu stopped and looked at Lingqiu and said: "You kid Don't mess around, do it again when you are sure, have you heard?"

"Ooo~~" The zebra-patterned Lingqiu crouched on the ground and screamed, then stared at the huge ice dragon opposite.

At this moment, Su Mu glanced back at the six uninvited people, and then flew up instantly. In mid-air, Su Mu directly turned the phantom sword into a phantom bow, and then stretched the long bow.

The buzzing sound kept coming, and Su Mu's whole body pulled the long bow and kept charging.

And at this time, the six people from the uninvited team frowned, because the archer's skills don't have that long singing time, so what is Su Mu doing in the air?

"Brother, what is this person doing? Do you want to stop him?"

"No, I remember this man is an assassin? When did he become an archer?"

The archer, who was called the twin brother, frowned slightly at this time, and then looked back at Uninvited.

At this time, the uninvited voice transmission came to the twin brother's channel and said: "Don't worry about the 195th level, kill the boss as soon as possible and come and help, this nine turns is very difficult."

The twin brother nodded and said, "Don't worry about him, use the spell of sleepiness!"

The other five people nodded, then quickly separated to form a five-pointed star array shape, and then a blue light beam fell instantly.


At the foot of the ice dragon, a spell-like skill appeared again, and then the ice dragon was directly trapped in place. At this moment, Su Mu also smiled slightly.


The longbow in his hand was constantly shaking, but Su Mu was surprised to find at this time that in addition to the physical sword, this time the gods phantom bow could also release the shaking arrows at the same time!

In other words, Su Mu’s sword-shaking technique on the arrow is now in effect at the same time, and the continuous vibration of the arrow caused the skill to be shot out for a long time. This surprised Su Mu, because this was the first time that Su Mu released the sword-shaking.

Moreover, what made Su Mu's heart sneer most was that these six brothers didn't seem to treat themselves as adults at all, completely ignoring their actions to release their skills on the boss, which gave Su Mu even more opportunities.

But it’s right to think about it. Su Mu is a boss at this level. Even if he breaks the defense, he is suspected by the two brothers. In addition, they have chased and killed Su Mu before uninviting them, so they know that Su Mu and Huang Quan are both The combat effectiveness is simply Rank 6, so there is no need to worry about them, now the boss is the most important.

So at this time, the six brothers directly released their powerful formation skills, and then madly attacked the ice dragon.

And Su Mu who was right in front of them suddenly shouted at this moment!

"Shaking Arrow!"

With a bang, the phantom bow formed by the phantom sword instantly shot a colorful beam of light, and the arrow continued to rotate in the air, and then went straight to the position of the ice dragon.


This huge arrow rushed out, the twin brothers and the others frowned slightly, the special effects of the skills are so cool, colorful colors, and constantly spinning, like a ribbon spinning in the air...

boom! ! ! ! !




"What the hell?"

"what happened?"



The huge vibrating sound remembered that at this moment, the six brothers couldn't help covering the second team in the air, and immediately looked at the boss's position.







The damage value is like a bunch of red blood clots emerging from the top of the boss's head, because the previous trapping spell's formation continuously drops the boss's blood, so the two brothers and others didn't notice it at first. After waiting for the damage value for two seconds, they finally felt something was wrong.

Because the vitality bar of the boss is dropping at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This shocked them.

It has been more than an hour since the boss has been hit, but the speed of the boss' blood bar that they have not hit at any time can be seen to drop, but people, an arrow shot past makes the boss's blood drop crazy...

"Something's wrong! Go and stop that person!" The twin brothers shouted in shock.

The other five people glanced at each other at this time, and then frantically waved their back wings and rushed up.



Su Mu's figure quickly disappeared into the air. For Rank 8 masters, Su Mu couldn't make a second kill, so he could only avoid it now.

After the real body split, Su Mu's figure appeared directly around, and the five people didn't know which Su Mu to kill...

However, at this moment, one of Su Mu suddenly shouted: "Lingqiu!"

The boss's vitality bar has obviously dropped to the lower limit of one-tenth...


Boom! ! !

There was a huge roar, and everyone saw that an unremarkable spirit mound sitting on the snow was frantically opening its mouth at this time. The roar was deafening, and it strongly attracted the surrounding snowflakes...



"Oh oh oh!!!"

"Ho **** ho ho!!"

The body of the giant dragon, as if attracted by a black hole, instantly rushed to the position of the spirit hill with its head, and then saw the gourd like the king of gold and silver, like the gourd of the golden horned fairy in Journey to the West. With a sound of Monkey King, do you dare to agree?


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