Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2263: It's nice to bully more

Huangtianzhou District, A Resident City, Liu Family God Realm.

There are grasslands and mountains on all sides, as well as various trees and jungles. Almost all the positions that can be occupied by players are occupied by players. Only the flat land with four walls does not have a single player, or even see any God's domain. Members, at this time, the people of God’s Domain may not know the movements of the Gods’ Guild, so at this time, even if they return to the guild, they will use the teleport scroll. At this time, no one wants to see the Gods’ Guild when they return to the resident city. Millions of people...

Time finally passed for half an hour.

With the sound of footsteps, the gates of the four walls of the God’s Domain Guild were finally closed, and countless resident defensive fortifications also began to appear on the walls. The players of the God’s Domain Guild were also look-and-feel at this time, although The last time the attack on the gods was unsuccessful, but countless people knew about the unrest in the gods, so now many people also know who is going to attack them this time...



A soaring roar came, and almost the entire God's Domain Resident City trembled a few times, as if a slight earthquake had occurred.

The South Gate of God's Domain at this time.

Nine Ghosts, Yi Nian Chengde and more than a dozen members of the Hall of Gods, led more than one million elite members to come here mightily, and began to rectify the arrangement of the team, the front row, the middle row, and the back row.

The four ghosts stood in the forefront and looked at the members of God's Domain with fear and laughter: "Damn, five years, so many times we have beaten people in many wars, and today I finally gave Lao Tzu a taste of the feeling of deceiving less. Haha!"

The three ghosts couldn't help laughing. It was true. One ghost stood up and looked at the members of the Gods Domain Guild and laughed: "It feels like more bullying, so cool!"


At the same time, all the gates of God's Domain such as North Gate, West Gate, East Gate, etc., were surrounded by millions of people. At this time, the total members of God's Domain were only more than two million. The others were located in various small towns in Huangtianzhou District. , It is impossible to come back to defend immediately, and the ranks of these peripheral members are generally relatively low. Even if they come, they will give food to the Gods’ Guild. Therefore, the God’s Domain Guild has hardly issued an order to close the guild.

Simon at this time.

With Luo Li taking the lead, Zhou Wenling, Chen Xiaoruan and other members of the Women's Hall of Gods also came to the court one after another, and the team behind them began to stand in an orderly manner, followed by Wu Wushuang and Chrissy and other women's teams.

Zhou Wenling stood there with a smile on his face, and then looked at the resident city of God's Domain with a smile: "I didn't expect that one day we would attack our own guild..."

Luo Li didn't seem so relaxed at this time. She gave the order and glanced at Zhou Wenling and said, "Sister Ling, it's better to be careful for a while. Attacking God's Domain may not be as simple as we thought..."

"Are you worried about China Alliance?" Zhou Wenling smiled upon hearing this.

Chen Xiaoruan came over at this time and stood beside the two and smiled sweetly: "Sister Luo Li, since Big Brother Su has given this order to attack God's Domain, he has already thought it out, and it is impossible for Big Brother Su to ignore this. Regarding the matter, what we all the gods and guild members need to do today is to completely obey the boss’s order. Our purpose is only one, and that is to get in. As for the China Alliance, I believe Brother Su has already arranged it. ."

"Xiao Ruan is right." Zhou Wenling nodded with a chuckle.

With a look of surprise on her face, these girls, after five years, their blind self-confidence in Su Mu has become even stronger, but it is reasonable that Su Mu today is probably not only angry because Liu Zhi led someone to challenge the gods’ guild. So simple. If it is only that, Su Mu can just go to the gods to challenge him alone. Wouldn't it be more powerful?

So, today, just as Zhou Wenling and Chen Xiaoruan said, only an attack is needed. For the China Alliance, it only needs to be handed over to Su Mu.

At the same time, the East Gate and the North Gate are the same. The members of the Hall of Gods are all excited, and the members are also very excited. After all, this time they are attacking the guild where many of them have been before.



Inside the Zhuxian Guild.

A long-haired Nine Emperor sat in the same place, and four girls, Huang Quan, Meng Niang, Wu Changyan, and Nine Poison Girls stood opposite.

Huang Quan said, "The person Liu Zhi brought with him does have a problem. According to Su Mu, he should be a Rank 9 player, eldest sister, what do you think?"

"Nine revolutions?" The unique voice of the Nine Emperor raised slightly, as if he was also interested in this word.

Huang Quan nodded: "Yes, the person Su Mu personally said is a Rank Nine player, and the lowest level should be 500. At present, the Earth Reincarnation should not have this level..."

The Nine Poison girl suddenly smiled at this time and said: "It may not be there. The eldest sister may be at level 500."

Meng Niang and Wu Changyan Wen Yan couldn't help but their eyes widened. The Nine Emperors are already ranked 500? impossible? If the Nine Emperors are at rank five hundred, how many ranks should be ranked first and second in the world? This is almost impossible.

Everyone looked at the Nine Emperors, only to see that she didn't care about this matter at all, but slowly said: "No matter who this person is, it's not too late to investigate it first, the China Alliance's guild has begun to act ?"

"They have all started to operate, and they have begun to unite without our Zhuxian's order. It seems that they are really aware of the benefits of the alliance." Huang Quan said.

At this time, Meng Niang suddenly looked at Huang Quan and asked: "Huang Quan, have you counted how many guilds in China Alliance have you?"

Huang Quan was startled when he heard the words, and then thought slightly: "The list of uploads received so far is 182, and the total number of submitted reports is about 200 million. The average number of guilds is about 100. Around ten thousand people."

"Two hundred million? Tsk tsk...we are really crowded in China..." Meng Niang stunned.

This number of people in some small and medium-sized countries is completely equal to the number of people in the whole country, but for China, this is just a drop in the bucket, but it is a member of China's Super Guild.

However, this number also caused the Nine Emperors to frown slightly, and said: "This 200 million will definitely be false, and the total number should not exceed 100 million too much..."

"Yes, eldest sister, if you really act, the total number should be around 100 million, not more than 150 million."

At this time, Wu Changyan said nonchalantly: "Even a hundred million is enough to easily swallow the Gods Guild."

Everyone fell silent, and it was indeed the case. If this number was doubled, it would be able to swallow the gods’ guild in an instant. Therefore, at this time, all four girls looked at the Nine Emperors, seeming to be waiting for their orders...

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