Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2282: Persuade

In the city of God's Domain Resident, news came from the door that the vice president of the Mythical Empire was empty, Meng Niang, the elite leader of the Zhuxian Guild, and Ting Ting of Longmen Villa arrived.

Su Mu thought for a while, then let the people in, and countless members of the Hall of Gods followed. At this time, it would be no good for the people from the three guilds to come to God's Domain, so the outside of the conference hall was full of people.

In the hall, only the logistics agent Chen Xiaoruan walked in, and then with ethereal spirits, Meng Niang and Xie Ting walked in.

Kong Lingzhe is a relatively calm person. When he walked in, he just glanced at Su Mu, and Meng Niang still had that charming smile. Ting Ting had nostrils upright, whether it was five years ago or in the cycle of time. It was enough to make him hate Su Mu at this time, even arrogantly!

"Three, please sit down." Chen Xiaoruan bowed slightly.

The three of them sat down, and then looked at Su Mu who was sitting in the first place.

At this time, Kong Lingzhe glanced at Meng Niang, who smiled slightly and said: "President Tu, I haven't seen you in a few days, don't you come here without any problems?"

"Oh, I think the current President Tu is very sad, Meng Niang, this is not a bad word, I don't have the eye to see." Xie Ting laughed in a daze.

Meng Niang chuckled. She didn't know why Ting Ting was here. In short, the purpose of the three of them was very simple this time, and that was to persuade them to descend into God's Domain!

So Meng Niang knew that when she came to be a lobbyist, she would inevitably sing black faces and white faces. This Ting Tse should be the intention of the league's top leaders.

Su Mu raised his head and glanced at the three of them and said: "So leisurely? Now that the alliance has just been established, shouldn't you build a communication system? Otherwise, how can you beat me in God's Domain in three days?"

The establishment of the alliance cannot be completed overnight, especially the super alliance led by Zhu Xian, with a total number of more than one billion, and the construction of the channel alone is enough for these high-level members to have a headache, especially to attack God's Domain in three days. How should their channel system be divided, and how can they be subdivided in order to command ordinary players who reach the most basic level in an instant.

These are nothing. The members of the alliance need to execute them immediately after receiving the order, and the deployment of the member's branch during the attack is some important things. There are many things here.

And Meng Niang smiled slightly and said, "President Tu should be worried about our alliance now, right?"

Su Mu nodded: "Indeed, I shouldn't worry about you now, just tell me if you have anything."

What else can these three people have when they come to God's Domain Resident City? The reason why Su Mu let them in was to see how this so-called China Alliance would oppress God's Domain.

At this time, Kong Lingzhe directly said: "President Tu, many high-level players already know your identity. Although it has disappeared for five years, it will not affect your reputation for affecting a generation. At this time, the entire China To twist into a rope to fight against the national war, you are the only gods, oh, you should be unique in God's Domain. This will affect the progress of the entire national war."

Su Mu glanced at the ethereal and said: "If these people from the China Alliance are dragging into the national war, they must be crushing. I just don't understand why you have to defend instead of attacking?"

"This is naturally the result of repeated consideration by the senior leaders of the alliance. We can't talk about it, President Tu. Today, the three of us are mainly to persuade you to surrender to God's Domain. There is no need to fight this trade union battle, what do you think?"

"There is no need to fight?" Su Mu looked at Kong Lingzhe again.

Kong Lingzhe didn't speak, he also regarded the ID of God's Shadow as a dream, so the respect he should have is no less.

But Ting Ting, who was sitting on the other side, said at this time: "Not to mention the total number of people in the alliance, even if we use half of them to attack God's Domain, do you have a one percent chance of winning? President Tu, the person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant , You only need to merge the Gods’ Domain Guild into the alliance. Wouldn’t it be better for everyone to participate in the national war and grow China together? Of course, you can also choose to be the enemy of the entire China. This is your freedom."

This Ting Xie was taunting both inside and outside. He said that he was merged into the alliance for the good of God's Domain, but his tone was very disdainful, and at the end he said that God's Domain should be alone. This person is full of ridicule.

Su Mu glanced at Xie Ting, then looked at Meng Niang and said, "There are more than 100 million people in the Alliance. Is this the kind of thing that comes to be a lobbyist?"


Ting Ting suddenly stood up and pointed at Su Mu and shouted: "What do you mean? Don't think of yourself as the president of the China Super Guild. You are nothing now. Compared with the China Alliance, you God Realm is a bird?"

Su Mu stared at Ting Ting, and Ting Ting also stared at Su Mu. The clown who hadn't been able to get on the stage back then dared to point at the nose of the shadow of God and curse.

As for Meng Niang, she smiled and said nothing at this time. Perhaps this was the result they wanted. She just wanted to tell Su Mu that there would be some respect, but if she didn’t know her, she could only let Ting Ting be like this. The man spoke.

The atmosphere on the scene became tense, and Ting Xie stared at Su Mu and continued: "Actually, I don’t want you to join the league. I want to see how capable you, the so-called shadow of God, are. Three days later, I want to see how awesome your God's Domain is and how to defend against 100 million attacks!"

At this moment, a person suddenly appeared behind Meng Niang's trio, and then coldly said: "Who are you talking to?"

The Meng Niang trio suddenly turned around, and then they saw a man in black standing on the spot with a cold face.

Ting Xie smiled disdainfully and said: "I know this is your God's Domain, but so what? Lao Tzu is here to be a lobbyist. If there is a kind of thing, you just come, if the alliance doesn't tear up, you count me as losing! Fuck!

Meng Niang hurriedly stood up at this time and giggled and said, "Thank you, President, don't get angry. Our purpose today is not to quarrel. Don't be irritable, and don't be irritable."

Ting Tse snorted. The current China Alliance is not much better than God's Domain, so Ting Tse or anyone can walk sideways in China, so Ting Tse can't help but snorted at this time, seemingly intentional. Like provoking God's Domain, it depends on how you can treat Lao Tzu's attitude.

At this time, Ling glanced at Su Mu.

The latter smiled slightly and did not speak.



With a chuckle, Meng Niang and Kong Lingzhe were shocked suddenly, and then they saw the black-clothed man directly pinched Ting Ting’s neck, and then pulled out like a dead pig...

"President Tu, you are like this..."


Su Mu stared at Meng Niang and said, "Meng Niang, want to persuade me to come down and let the Nine Emperors come personally!"


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