Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2284: Explosive China

Meng Niang and Kong Lingzhe all looked at Su Mu in surprise at this time. It stands to reason that you should think twice about achieving Su Mu's position, and you need to consider the future of all members. So this time the alliance decided to let Ting Ting come, but Meng Niang and Kong Lingzhe never thought that things would be so unexpected.

At this moment, facing Su Mu's last words, they knew that there was no need to continue.

Therefore, Meng Niang and Kong Lingzhe didn't dare to say any more, even Meng Niang was afraid that Su Mu, a lunatic, would really go crazy and fight her together. That would make Meng Niang unable to bear it.

Therefore, she walked up to Ting Ting's and glanced at Su Mu.

Su Mu smiled at this time and said: "This person, I will let him return to the city for free, you two hurry up and get out before I have a decision!"

After all, Meng Niang was a woman, a beautiful woman, and a famous socialite. At this time, she was a little uncomfortable facing Su Mu, but she didn't dare to say anything because she was really afraid of Su Mu, a lunatic.

Therefore, Meng Niang left God's Domain Resident City without saying a word and Kong Lingzhe, and today this incident will be the darkest day in Meng Niang's communication...

Watching Meng Niang and Kong Lingzhe leave, the members of God's Domain laughed.

"The boss is domineering!"

"The boss is mighty!"

"Quiet! The boss is still our boss!"

"Damn, this is the shadow of our God!"

"Our boss is not old yet! Anyone can bully? Haha!"


Everyone laughed, the pores all over the body were unfolded, and the shadow of China Alliance's attack that was prompted by the system just now was dispelled instantly.

And Su Mu, raised his foot, then hit his ankle, turning around as if disgustingly dirty.

The Four Ghosts stopped Su Mu with a smile at this time: "Brother, what should I do with this stuff?"

"It takes care of it." Su Mu returned to the conference hall without looking back.

"Haha, see it and do it! Look and do it! Haha brothers, come and come, boss let us figure it out!"



Back to the conference hall, after leaving, Xia Hai and some more calm heads followed.

Luo Li saw Su Mu seated, and then said: "Brother Su, are you a little impulsive to do this? After all, Ting Ting is a person sent by the China Alliance. Doesn't we have no room for return?"

At this time, Chen Xiaoruan glanced and said, "This person should fight."

"Xiaoruan?!" Luo Li glanced at Chen Xiaoruan. Why is such a gentle Chen Xiaoruan becoming so violent today?

Chen Xiaoruan smiled sweetly and said: "Sister Luoli, you are so smart, wouldn't it be possible to think of the result of the merger of our Gods Domain with China Alliance?"

"But now there is no room at all."

Su Mu turned and looked at some elites in the Hall of Gods at this time and said: "My God's Domain, I never compromise, this is the rule I set when I created God's Domain, from the Dark Canyon to Zhongzhou, from Zhongzhou to Huangtianzhou District, From the Huangtianzhou area five years ago to today’s God’s Domain, when did I let others ride on my God’s Domain’s neck and pee? Huh?!"

Falling away startled.

The people in the Hall of Gods also showed excitement. This is the Su Mu they know, and this is the shadow of God in their hearts!

Luo Li is understandable, but still a little worried.

Su Mu continued to say at this time: "Huaxia Alliance has one billion, isn't it? Hit it, and I want to see how Huaxia’s players are in danger! Even if God’s Domain is destroyed, even if China Alliance is unified, what can we do? Want me to obey their orders to do things, I'm sorry, I can't do it! Who of you can do it, who can do it!"

"We only listen to the boss!"

"Yes! Why is the Hall of the Gods called the Hall of the Gods? Why is the Hall of the Gods eloquent? It is because there is a boss!"

"Yes! No one will do!"

All the members of the Hall of Gods looked at Su Mu excitedly and shouted.

Luo Li also stretched her eyebrows. Although she has a high IQ, she still can't thoroughly study the dignity of men. Perhaps this is the difference between the passion of men and the sensibility of women.

Luo Li nodded and said, "Since the matter is over, then prepare to fight."

Su Mu smiled and looked at Luo Li and said, "Well, it's understandable a little bit emotional, but it's about the dignity of the millions of people in the entire guild, Su Mu, I won't give up!"

"Don't give up!"

"Don't give up!"

The crowd yelled.



Huangtianzhou District.

No, it was the entire Huaxia region that was completely boiling.

The people of the China Alliance went to the peace talks, not only failed, but also let the people of God's Domain beat them out, and they kept slapped Ting Ting to death in God's Domain Resident City.

This incident completely detonated the entire Huaxia region, not only Huaxia, but now players all over the world are watching Huaxia’s movement. Regarding the establishment of the Huaxia Alliance, whether it is the US Empire, Wadao Island, Northern Russia, or even India III. All countries are staring at it. This alliance is too powerful, so they have to be careful. Therefore, the China Civil War is the scene they most want to see.

But this incident caused Huaxia's explosion because it was divided into two factions.

One group is a diehard fan of the Shadow of God, and the other group is jealous, or rather neutral players.

But more are some supporters of Zhu Xian.

Regarding the shadow of God beating the peace ambassador and humiliating him to death, this matter has completely aroused all kinds of discussions.

However, there are players who believe that a little Ting Tse blatantly provokes the majesty of the shadow of God, should be killed, and deserved to be humiliated, and the Liu family withdrew from God's Domain, the gods merged into God's Domain, and the God's Domain Guild returned again It has become the most anticipated thing for Huaxia players.

Who doesn't know the **** war in God's Domain five years ago? Who doesn't know the glorious deeds of God Chong, the boss of God's Domain, Muying? Who doesn't want to see how God's Domain should face the attack of hundreds of millions of people in China Alliance?

There was a lot of discussion in the exploding Huaxia area. Countless players came to the area around the resident city of God's Domain early, and even the area of ​​the resident city of Area A that surrounded the entire Huangtianzhou District. How big is this area? Big enough to allow players to start taking up space tens of thousands of meters away.

Because of the distance, the telescope of game props has become a hot-selling item, and many engineers have also made a lot of money from this. You know, this trade union battle can be said to be an epic war in the history of China, or a game. This is the biggest civil war in the world.

It can even be said that even in national warfare, there are rarely wars with more than hundreds of millions of people, so how can it not be sought after by Huaxia players?

Therefore, players who have more leisure time have roughly counted the number of onlookers and placed it on the China Forum.

This number will exceed-500 million people!

What is this concept?

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