Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2289: Who gives you the confidence

Falling in love with Nanshan seeing Su Mu rushing down and stepping back a few steps, but all the players behind him were onlookers. He never thought that Su Mu would do it, let alone that Su Mu would do it when so many players were condemning God's Domain... …

Everyone is a smart person, so when you fall in love with Nanshan, you also know the current state of God's Domain. If this shadow of God has a bit of IQ, you should endure it...


Su Mu suddenly grabbed the throat of Love Nanshan, and said fiercely: "You mean, our God Realm bullied others?!"

Seeing that Su Mu didn't do anything immediately, he fell in love with Nanshan and sneered: "Is it right?"

"Brother Su..."


The people in the Hall of Gods took a step forward to stop Su Mu.

However, at this time, Su Mu suddenly turned his head and looked at Xinye Dao and said, "Xinye Dao, take your regiment, and kill this Echo Guild for me! Go now!"



The audience fell silent for an instant, because no one was sure that what Su Mu had just said was what they heard. God's Domain wanted to fight the Echo Guild?

At this time, Xinye Dao's eyes widened, and then looked at Su Mu blankly. At this time, he was playing a small trade union? Isn't this going to arouse public anger? Also, I fought an Echo Guild, and there were many trouble-making guilds around. Could it be that they all failed?

Luo Li stepped forward and said: "Brother Su, calm down, don't be impulsive..."

Seeing Xinyedao sluggish, he fell in love with Nanshan and laughed: "Did you see it? Have you seen it? The president of God's Domain is so angry that he is really going to bully others!"

Su Mu was furious, and the people in the Hall of Gods secretly cursed for falling in love with Nanshan at this time. Is this guy stupid? Su Mu was still angered at this time.


A big mouth licked up, Su Mu fell in love with Nanshan on the slap in the face of gold star, and then saw Su Mu suddenly holding up in love with Nanshan flying to a position five meters high in the air, and then looked at Xinye Dao and shouted. : "Xinye Dao listens to the order!"

The Xinye Dao was startled suddenly, and then he immediately clasped his fists: "Here is the Xinye Dao!"

"Lead your team, kill the Echo Guild right away for me, leave none of them, and kill them all!"

Xinye Dao was stunned again, but this time he did not hesitate anymore. The absolute obedience of the Hall of the Gods made Xinye Dao no longer sluggish as before.

He turned around and shouted: "Everyone in the 87 regiment listened to the order!"




Although I don't want to, although I feel Su Mu is impulsive! But why are you excited after receiving this order? Very refreshing?

This is the heartfelt voice of Xinyedao and all members of the Xinyedao team.

I saw Xinye Dao suddenly shouting: "All set off, Echo Guild Resident City! You are not allowed to return unless you slaughter it!!!"

"Hoho Ho Ho!!!"

"Hoho Ho Ho!!!"

The players in the audience were instantly silly, so **** hit it? At this time, everyone should be thinking about God's Domain and swallowing their anger, but things have changed too quickly, right?

boom! boom!

The sound of footsteps came in an instant, and Xinye Dao led the 100,000 people behind him to open the way. The onlookers couldn't help but start to give way at this time. Anyway, the guild in front of you is God's Domain, the shadow of that arrogant God. God's domain led! It is the shadow of God that can summon tens of millions of people in that instant!

The players finally realized a problem. Although God's Domain has been suppressed, God's Domain is still God's Domain, and it is the existence that their small unions still cannot afford...

Lai Li, Tears and Blooming Flowers and others were surprised at this time, but at this point, Su Mu can only be left, and at this time they also know that there is no room for reversal. Su Mu's order, you are absolutely obedient. Can be changed...

"Ah... let go of me... you will be retributed sooner or later if you deceive others in God's Domain... let go of me..."

In an instant, the sober love of Nanshan began to struggle. The players once again looked at Su Mu's position suspended in the air...

At this time, Su Mu sneered while pinching the neck that fell in love with Nanshan, "Didn't you say that my God Realm bullies people with power? Okay, today I will let you see what bullying with power is!"


With a bang, he fell in love with Nanshan and was thrown out instantly, and hit the crowd directly, leaving a trace of Qi and blood level...

And Su Mu, staring at Lian Shang Nan Shan in the air at this time, shouted, "No matter which day I go to God's Domain, it is called God's Domain! It's not a place where **** like you can sit on your head and shit! Who gives you the confidence to let you? Dare to yell at God's Domain? Who gave you the courage to make you dare to provoke at the peak of God's Domain? Huh?!"

Falling in love with Nanshan, pointing to Su Mu and cursing: "You..."

boom! ! ! !


A huge damage value appeared instantly, and the players on the scene quietly dropped the needle and stared at Su Mu as if they fell down, and then saw Su Mu slowly standing up and looking at the surrounding players and shouting: "My God's Domain, Never insulted ordinary players! The past few years can prove that someone deliberately slandered God's Domain today. I'm sorry, the shadow of my God is not immune to this anger!!"

Hula la...

Hula la...

Su Mu flew into the air instantly, spinning three times in a row, and then instantly came to the sky above Luoli and others.

The players in the audience looked at Su Mu in surprise at this time. Yes, he is the shadow of God, the founder of God's Domain, and the existence supported by the Hall of Gods. It is also the legend within China, a legend, a myth! How could it be possible that ordinary players will be pushed by everyone just because they are facing a guild battle that must be defeated? !

Su Mu looked at the surrounding players, the long sword in his hand glowing with purple light.

"I, Su Mu, have no good points, but there is one thing, slander my brother, slander my God Realm, no one can do it! Who among you has been bought, who is deliberately making trouble, you know in your heart, now, you have seeded give me Stand up and let me see if you are a bait or a vegetable bun!"

Quiet as a friend, and terrible, who dares to scream in front of the shadow of God? Who dares to do it in front of the shadow of God?

no one!

No one at the scene dared to speak. Those who were bought stood still and stood still. At this time, who would dare to stand up? The slap that fell in love with Nanshan is still in my ears in retrospect. ...

Su Mu sneered, looked at the scene where no one was talking, and then shouted: "All Gods Hall listens to orders!"

Luo Li and the others were visibly startled, and then suddenly shouted, "Yes!"

"Around the resident city! Twenty thousand meters of defensive line layout, those who dare to block, kill without mercy! Killing guilds! Slaughter clean! No one left! There are still troubles at the scene, all the guilds that were making trouble just now will be killed for me!!! "


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