Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2295: Ling Tian's visit


Zero Point Bar in Kyoto.

There was no one in the bar. At this time, Zhou Wenling had already put up a sign to suspend business, so at this time the entire bar was even present.

Zhou Wenling dressed in uniform, and then stood in the bar to mix Su Mu and another person.

"What are you coming to see me for at this time? Looking for embarrassment?" Su Mu picked up the wine glass and raised it.

Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting on the side of Su Mu, smiled slightly, then also picked up the wine glass, and drank it all.

Then he glanced at Zhou Wenling in the bar and said, "George Su is not shallow."

Su Mu glanced at Zhou Wenling, then he smiled, and then took the wine glass that Zhou Wenling handed over, and Zhou Wenling's hot uniform was indeed mouthwatering. She looked at Su Mu with a smile, and did not shy away from Ling Tian's presence.

"If you are here to envy me, you should talk to me in the apartment, where you will see my beautiful blessings."

"Haha." Ling Tian laughed.

At least three women from Su Mu can gather in the apartment, the icy Wenren Zihan, the sunny and lovely Chen Xiaoruan, and the enthusiastic Zhou Wenling. If you were in Haitian City, or five years ago, Ling Tian could still see the hotness. Of the waves.

The two paused for a while, not as embarrassed as they thought.

Ling Tian said: "Zhuge's family has always been distasteful to others, doesn't Brother Su want to know what's in it?"

"Well, I believe Zhuge Muyue." Su Mu took a drink and nodded to Zhou Wenling and said, "What is this?"

Zhou Wenling smiled, and then said: "Sister, I invented it myself, called never look back."

Su Mu raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, nodded and said: "Yes, never look back."

Ling Tian glanced at the wine in the cup, then smiled. The two people not only sprinkled dog food, but also embarrassed themselves to eat. There is no one. This never looks back. Isn't it the Sijiu Villa?

Sijiu Villa had been on good terms with Su Mu a long time ago, but now it suddenly became an enemy, Ling Tian was somewhat helpless.

He glanced at Su Mu and said, "Sijiu Villa had a Chinese military background, and Brother Su knew this."

"Well, of course I know."

"Brother Su, you disappeared in the past five years, China has had a lot of uncontrollable things, even the Su family has been implicated, so Sijiu Mountain Villa is no exception excluded. The current Sijiu Mountain Villa is no longer the fourth year. Jiushan Villa is now, and I am not the Lingtian of the year."

Ling Tian sighed, but he seemed to be explaining his helplessness.

Su Mu could understand Ling Tian, ​​so he agreed to come out and meet him. Otherwise, why would Su Mu need to meet Ling Tian? Just kill it to Ling's house.

At this time, Ling Tian took out two photos from his arms, and then he glanced at Zhou Wenling in the bar.

"This is what their sister asked me to give you."

Su Mu picked up the two photos on the table.

The young and sunny Park Mi-yeon, the weird elf Park Mi-hye, the two twin sisters are still as beautiful and moving as they were five years ago.

Recalling that in the cycle of time, Su Mu really felt the same as yesterday, but it was five years later on Earth.

"Their sisters asked me to convey to you that they will watch the trade union battle tomorrow and let you perform well." Ling Tian said.

Su Mu laughed, then put the photo on the bar, and Zhou Wenling took it over.

"Oh, what a beautiful pair of sisters, Su Mu, your fancy is indeed not shallow." Zhou Wenling giggled.

Su Mu glanced at Zhou Wenling and said, "Fairy Zhou, do you think these sisters are pretty or soft?"

Zhou Wenling was startled when she heard the words, and then pondered the meaning of Su Mu's words, and then she smiled: "Each has its own merits, but I believe Su Liu should pay more attention to character?"

Su Mu laughed.

Ling Tian frowned slightly and said, "Brother Su, this matter has nothing to do with their sisters. I hope you don't anger them. After all, they have been thinking of you since they came back five years ago, haven't they?"

Su Mu turned his head and looked at Ling Tiandao: "You said, if there is another world war between Huaxia and Wadao, what do you think they would do if they were both husband and wife of two military families?"

Ling Tian frowned again. Su Mu's question was too sensitive, but after thinking about it, he replied, "Should I choose to sacrifice my little love for the big love. It may be hostile or divorce."

"Wrong!" Su Mu looked directly at Zhou Wenling.

At this time, Zhou Wenling lowered his head while wiping the goblet and said, "In such a couple, one of them will generally fall to the other. Either there will be a traitor, or there will be a...

Su Mu laughed and said, "Even a woman can see through this. Would your Ling family or Pu family think of this?"

Ling Tian frowned again, Su Mu's words were correct, but they sounded so harsh.

He was about to speak but was interrupted by Su Mu: "I know, this kind of thing is the majority, and if once the national war starts, if China wins, then when I attacked Han Fei, would Sister Park Miyan? Become a bargaining chip? You Han Fei is ready for this during the cycle of time, right?"

Ling Tian didn't speak. In fact, everyone knew what it meant, but saying it in person and tacitly were two different things.

So at this time Ling Tian just sullen his head and drank and stopped talking, and Su Mu also sat down quietly, but Zhou Wen poured a cup after another to Su Mu and Ling Tian.

After a few minutes of silence, Ling Tian said, "I am sorry for God's Domain, and it is also our Ling family who is sorry for China, Brother Su, I am even more sorry for you."

"It's nothing, it's all for your own sake. Your mother is Han Fei. I can understand this. There is no need to apologize. An apology makes our concern a bit unclear. We are friends of gentlemen, aren't we?

"A gentleman's friend?" Ling Tian was startled.

"Isn't it?" Su Mu asked back.

Ling Tian said nothing, he knew that once this happened, there would be no chance to be friends with Su Mu. However, in many cases, the interests of the country were greater than those of individuals, and Ling Tian himself knew this.

Standing up, Ling Tian said: "Brother Su, come today, in addition to reminiscing about the past, you have to be careful in the trade union battle tomorrow..."

"Needless to say, the extent to which tomorrow's trade union wars will develop is nothing, and..." Su Mu looked at Ling Tian and smiled: "Your alliance may not win."

Ling Tian looked at Su Mu in surprise, Su Mu was still stiff at this time?

However, thinking of Su Mu's past, thinking of Su Mu's identity, he shouldn't deliberately lie to him.

"Brother Su, do you have any other players?"

"Do you want to know?" Su Mu still looked at Ling Tian with a smile.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the bar became weird, even Zhou Wenling stopped working and looked at Su Mu expectantly.

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