Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2301: End the matter

Zhou Wenling stood up, then looked at the sluggish Zhou Wenxuan and the flattering and trembling Huang Zhongtian. After a sneer, Zhou Wenling said: "Forget it, my sister is in a good mood today. I don't want to pursue this matter. You, go. Right."

If Su Mu were not present today, Zhou Wenling would certainly not have said that he let them go so easily, but because Su Mu was there, if Huang Zhongtian had a little thought about letting him go, Su Mu would definitely kill him directly here. What Zhou Wenling didn't want to see, even though she knew that Su Mu's abilities in Kyoto could reach the sky, this was not the capital she needed to look for as a Su Mu woman.

Especially in the evening there will be a trade union battle, and Zhou Wenling doesn't want to go too far.

Therefore, Huang Zhongtian felt relieved after saying these words, and then scrambled to his feet and said: "Thank you! Thank you, thank you! Thank you!"

Speaking of Zhou Wenxuan, he saw Huang Zhongtian with a flattering smile, and then left the bar quickly with his little brother.

If you don't leave at this time, are you still waiting for this woman and the man inside to chase away guests?

Huang Zhongtian is very clear about what is going on here. The massacre of the Liu family can be carried out quietly in Kyoto, and after it has happened, he can still stand here safe and sound. How much capacity does it take?

And Zhou Wenxuan was completely dumbfounded. At this time, he was really an idiot if he didn't know why Huang Zhongtian fled and left. Especially after Huang Zhongtian saw Su Mu's eyes, this represented some problems...

However, unexpectedly, Su Mu suddenly stood up at this moment, and then slowly walked to Zhou Wenling's side and said: "I will go out and wait for you, and go back together."

"Yeah." Zhou Wenling nodded in gratitude. Some things, some people, do need some private space, especially in this situation. Zhou Wenling also wants to get an understanding with Zhou Wenxuan alone, so that something similar will happen in the future. thing.

Seeing Su Mu's departure, Zhou Wenling looked at Zhou Wenxuan again and said, "What else do you want to say?"

Zhou Wenxuan was sluggish. When he saw the two of them left in the entire bar, he was startled, and then stared at Zhou Wenling and said, "What else can I say? Humph! Zhou Wenling, don't think you are in Kyoto. No one can cure you, I don’t believe that you know everyone in this Kyoto? Don’t think that you can do whatever you want with a little bastard, this is Kyoto!!!"

Zhou Wenling raised his eyebrows slightly, and then laughed aloud: "Little bastard? You mean Su Mu?"

"Isn't it!? He is just a little better in the game, what else can he do? I don't believe what else he can do. If you find a man as a backer, you think the Zhou family can't help you?" Zhou Wenxuan again Snorted.

Zhou Wenling is really going to be funny by this Zhou Wenxuan, how can this guy make himself feel a bit like Liu Zhi's shadow on him? He was still stubborn when he died, didn't he know who Huang Zhongtian was? This level of gangster has become so awkward, can Zhou Wenxuan still smell something?

It is no wonder that the Zhou family is slowly going downhill in Kyoto. With such a young man, it has become difficult for the Zhou family to continue to rise.

Zhou Wenling sighed in his heart, and then slowly walked out of the door of the bar. When he was at the door, Zhou Wenling said faintly: "Most of the shares in this bar are owned by others. Don't think about it, and, Don’t look for me, otherwise it won’t be that simple next time..."

With a bang, the door closed, and there was Zhou Wenxuan who was gnashing his teeth in the bar. Zhou Wenxuan was going crazy at this time. He didn't speak the vernacular for hundreds of thousands, and he was still humiliated by Zhou Wenling on the spot? This is different from the plot he imagined, but the more he thinks about it, the more he feels aggrieved. The son of his dignified Zhou family, even if he can't rank as the crown prince of Kyoto, he is considered a super second-generation. Is that so? Planted in the hands of a woman?

Not satisfied!

How could it be possible?

Clang! Zhou Wenxuan directly smashed the coffee table in the bar, and then walked out of the bar quickly. This is something that I can't understand...



Kyoto, at noon, the sun was just right, and the heavy snow last night, Su Mu and Zhou Wenling walked hand in hand on the street very comfortable, because Zhou Wenling was thinking about the Zhou family, so she did not notice that Su Mu brought him there. After waiting for Su Mu to stop at the same place, Zhou Wenling glanced around suddenly.

When she saw the surroundings, she couldn't help being surprised. Isn't this Zhou's villa? Why did you bring yourself here?

Su Mu smiled slightly: "Since we have to do a severance, let's sever this matter completely."

Su Mu warned the Zhou family when he came to Kyoto last time. However, this Zhou Wenxuan still came to harass Zhou Wenling. This is something Su Mu could not bear. In the bar, Su Mu also knew that Zhou Wenling would not be cruel, so I came directly today. The Zhou family, anyway, also killed Liu Tiannan. Su Mu didn't mind letting the soul-remaining person deal with this matter, so he brought Zhou Wenling to the Zhou family directly.

"Su Mu..." Zhou Wenling looked at Su Mu blankly.

"Let's go." Su Mu took Zhou Wenling's little hand and walked directly into the door of Zhou's family. The two guards didn't know what to do after seeing Zhou Wenling, because they knew that Zhou Wenling belonged to the Zhou family. Qian Jin, although she is a girl who was'abandoned', she is also from the Zhou family after all, so it is not to stop at this time, nor is it not to stop. You can only watch Zhou Wenling and Su Mu walk in, and then use the intercom to talk The matter spread to Zhou's family.

I have been coming to the door of the hall not to be said. At this time, all the people from the Zhou family have come here and watched Zhou Wenling and Su Mu walk in.

Zhou Wenling's face couldn't tell what she looked like, in short, it was very complicated, and she didn't know what she was thinking now.

However, when the Zhou family father waited to see Su Mu, he was all stunned.

The whole of Kyoto is currently shocked by the killing of Liu Tiannan, and as the upper level of Kyoto, especially the type of family, how could they not know the existence of Su Mu? Especially in the current period, when Liu Tiannan was killed, the word "Remnant Soul Butcher" completely shocked the entire Kyoto. Therefore, regarding the identity of Su Mu, the Kyoto elders knew but couldn't help it.

Not only because of the power of the remnant soul, the Su family is also operating this matter in Kyoto. This is something that all aristocratic families understand. In addition, Wen Ren Zhiyuan was framed back then, and some people in Kyoto Tongtian also understand that Liu Tiannan’s death was What does it mean.

After all, Wen Ren Zhiyuan is a member of the military. This incident was originally caused by the influence of forces. Now that Liu Tiannan is killed, Su Mu's identity has become a matter of turning a blind eye to the top of China. , Su Mu's move this time was largely for Wen Ren Zhiyuan's emergence...

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