Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2311: Su Mu

Roar! ! !

The blue dragon is several tens of meters long, with sharp claws, and its huge tail swinging in the air.

At this time, Su Mu looked at the three people in the sky with a smile, and suddenly his eyes flushed!

"The gods merge!"

"Ding! Attribute blessing is on!"

"Ding! The blessing time is increased by 600 seconds, and the punishment is gone!"

"Ding! With the blessing of Goddess Lieyu, the skill CD is reduced by 50%, the penalty is reduced by 50%, and the ability is increased by 20%!"

"Ding! Black and white goddess halo blessing, body protection of black and white elements! The realm of nothingness opens!"

"Ding! Jin Ning Goddess aura blessed, the power increased by 100 times, the punishment is to absorb Jin Ning Goddess ability for a week!"

boom! ! !

Su Mu, now completely suspended in the air like a super Saiyan, he sneered at the three **** pets in the sky and shouted: "Come! I used to kill people with my **** pets. Today, I will kill a few by myself. Have fun with a master! Come together!"

Ting Xie, no injury, Feng Yepiao frowned, and then nodded at each other.

Hum! ! !

Rumble! !

A huge green flame instantly rose to the sky, and then I saw a sea of ​​fire rushing towards the Supreme God of Green Flame. At the same time, the white goddess, the three white **** on his head instantly grew, and then went straight to Su Mu's position.

As for the giant dragon, it dived in the air at this time and went straight to Su Mu's position!

In short, all the goals are Su Mu!

boom! ! !

"Ding! Lu Yan burns!"



A green flame instantly enveloped Su Mu's body.

At this time, in the eyes of the players, there is no time to experience the visual impact. However, the three white **** at this moment directly expanded into a huge white ball with a diameter of ten meters, and then it was like three groups. The cotton covered Su Mu's body directly!

boom! !


One million damage instantly crit!

The audience no longer knows to exclaim, this damage value can kill any current player in seconds!

However, Su Mu did not die after the damage value appeared on the top of his head.

"Fuck! Look at his blood!"


Everyone exclaimed at this moment, because Su Mu's vitality bar was in a state of being emptied. In other words, Su Mu's vitality was clearly zero, but why didn't he die? This makes people wonder what kind of perverted scroll Su Mu used?

If this is the case, would Su Mu not die even if he hits 10 million damage? Doesn't this become truly invincible?

Su Mu sneered: Ant mortals, how did you understand the power of God's Merger!



drink! !

boom! ! ! !

Among the white cotton ball, Su Mu's figure rose up into the sky, and then saw the blue giant dragon hit down suddenly.

Everyone exclaimed again, Su Mu had a crash in the direction of escape!

This dragon, up to level 150, is a pseudo-high **** level, which is fatal for players!

So at this moment, everyone once again raised their heart, worried, what should Su Mu do now?

Roar! ! ! !

Longkou is more than a few meters long? The benefits of dragon teeth are suitable for daggers? !

Roar! ! ! !

The huge dragon mouth opened, and then the space covering Su Mu suddenly fell. At this moment, Su Mu frowned slightly, and then rushed forward suddenly.

Players all over the world are shocked, this lunatic is really dead? To collide with the supreme **** of beasts? Isn't this looking for death?


All are going crazy!

"Hahaha! Good coming! Good coming!!!"

Su Mu laughed, and the blade wing suddenly waved, rushing to the blue dragon's position frantically!



Su Mu's whole person was instantly swallowed by the blue dragon!

At this moment, a damage value appeared again from the position of the dragon's mouth. This was Su Mu's damage value and not the dragon's, because the dragon's damage value should have appeared above its head!

So, this time, Su Mu was hurt!

Wuhuo stood there and smiled. The attribute of this giant dragon is to swallow. Since he dared to fly in to meet the mouth of the giant dragon, is this not seeking death?

Wu Hurt the whole person feels extremely proud, that is the shadow of God, no matter how you kill it, you will eventually become famous!

So at this time Wuhuo coldly snorted: "He is dead!"

Maple Leaf Piao and Ting Ting frowned slightly. Maple Leaf Piao was okay, but Ting Ting didn’t feel that this person could kill Su Mu. He didn’t know how many times his deity had been hung and beaten. This dragon was just a pseudo-supreme **** , Although it is a beast, can it be stronger than the supreme **** of mankind? Isn't it impossible?

I was afraid that this injury was about to be disappointed. Ting Ting thought in his heart that now, the only way is to unite, not let him break one by one, but now that Su Mu is swallowed by the dragon, Ting Ting can only wait for the result.

Not only them, but the players on the scene are also looking forward to the result at this time. Whether it is death or life, it will be the next second!

The most nervous is the members of God's Domain. Su Mu's life and death directly affects their morale, so at this time, countless members of God's Domain are praying in their hearts!

The boss is invincible! The boss must be invincible! Because he is the shadow of God! Because he is the one who led God's Domain to create one myth after another!


Ooh! ! ~

In an instant, the blue dragon suddenly swayed in the air. Yes, it was swaying. Not only that, at this moment, the eyes of the dragon changed from blue to red in an instant. The position of the dragon's mouth!


"Roar!!!" Long Yin's voice was deafening!



The damage value this time came from the top of the dragon's head!

At this moment, since the dragon chanted, its mouth was open, and then Su Mu, who was ten meters wide, suddenly appeared, and then he held a huge white tooth in both hands and suddenly threw it towards him. In the air!

boom! ! ! !

A tooth, several meters long, crashed to the ground!

Wuhuan's whole person is sluggish, and now his mind is full of Su Mu being swallowed into the dragon's mouth, and then the dragon's tooth is broken off. Is this what the player can do?


Su Mu suddenly came to the top of the dragon's head at this time, and then suddenly grabbed the dragon's left corner...

"I laughed at the world and laughed at me! The universe only saw Su Mucoo?! It's all the **** to die for me!!!"


Click! ! !


The dragon's horn... broke at the sound, and the damage value instantly emptied most of the vitality bar!

And this style of painting, this kind of scene, everyone, including global players who are no longer on the scene!


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