Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2320: The goddess finally appeared (50th!)


The huge flame bird impacted, and the fire phoenix was full of fiery red flames, directly burning Ajiu's paper, so at this moment, Ajiu had no defense, and even if it was transformed by origami. Su Mu knows that the Supreme God in reincarnation has many fire elements, especially those with various unusual fire elements or energy like the Empress, and paper is always flammable. Product!


"Brother-in-law, save me!"

A Jiumei screamed, and then she saw the fire phoenix rushing over frantically. Su Mu struggled to release the ten-shadow body technique, but it was too late. Originally, Su Mu thought that Ajiu's ability was very powerful, but Unexpectedly, after restraint, it will become so dangerous. At this moment, Su Mu's nerves are tense. This is Mei's sister. If she is hurt here, how can she explain to her?


boom! ! !

The huge explosion exploded instantly!


The huge white damage value rose up with the white light on A Jiumei, instantly, death!

"Nine sisters!"

"Nine sisters!"

At the same time, Su Mu, Mei and Ling screamed.

But A Jiumei's figure has appeared white light and died!

At this moment, Su Mu had come behind A Jiumei, and then wanted to catch her, but the white light had appeared, and her body had become blurred...

Bang! ! !

White light rose again.


I don't know if it is the resurrection scroll or what resurrection skill, A Jiumei directly resurrected in the air, and fell quickly.


Without wings, at this moment Ajiu Sister can only fall arbitrarily.


Su Mu directly embraced A Jiumei’s thin waist, and then a princess hugged it in her arms, and quickly rose into the air...


A Jiumei closed her screaming mouth for an instant, and then she put her arms around Su Mu's neck and stared blankly at his firm look and warm expression... In this way, her brother-in-law is quite handsome...


Stopping at the original position again, Su Mu hugged A Jiumei and asked, "Is it all right?"

"Ah? No, it's okay brother-in-law...Thank you brother-in-law..." A Jiumei said dullly and quickly.

At this time, Ting Ting and the other four people in the air all had a face of disdain. In the reincarnation, there seemed to be many powerful masters, but once restrained, it would be a situation of arbitrary slaughter.

This little girl has a very powerful career and can even restrain her godly favor. However, once her professional characteristics are restrained, it will completely subvert the previous phenomenon. There are countless things like this.

At the same time, the onlookers slowly breathed a sigh of relief at this time. Although it was in reincarnation, it was still a bit painful to see such a beautiful and weird girl being killed, so now I see that Ajiu sister is in peace. Everyone also relaxed a little bit. But... what should I do next? This little girl was restrained, so how should the remaining four supreme **** pets be solved? The shadow of God didn't seem to plan to summon God's favor.

At this time, Su Mu stared at Xie Ting and others with a calm face and a firm expression on his face.

Bai Heshang and the others took a sigh of relief when they saw that the little girl was restrained, and finally they didn't have to be forced to start Plan B.

So at this time, the four **** pets once again surrounded Su Mu and A Jiumei. In the next round of attack, I am afraid that nothing will happen to the little girl. After all, the paper skills were completely defeated by the Fire Phoenix.

"This time, who else can save you? The shadow of God? Humph! I think I can pick this name off!" Ting Ting shouted to Su Mu in the air.

Maple Leaf Piao was also staring at Su Mu in the air at this time: "If you don't summon your own goddess, the myth of the invincible shadow of God will also be destroyed. Slaughter the shadow, don't you use all your strength?!"


This time, it was the turn of the Huaxia League players to scream and cheer. The atmosphere of the whole scene changed from the cheers of the shadow of God to the cheers of the Huaxia League. For a while, the atmosphere became weird, because among the onlookers, more Those are still fans of the Shadow of God.

At this moment, Su Mu slowly put A Jiumei down in the air, and then hugged her waist to prevent her from falling. A Jiumei didn't know whether she had deliberately or forgotten it. At this time, she did not add paper to herself again. Wings, just let Su Mu hug her...

Su Mu waved slightly with one hand and shouted, "Black and White Goddess!"


A black-and-white light appeared beside Su Mu instantly, and all the players on the scene caught their breath, really, really want to summon a god!

Finally waited until this moment! They thought that the shadow of God would not call the goddess in this war. Not only that, Bai Heshang and the others did not expect that Su Mu would actually call the goddess. According to the investigation and their analysis, Su Mu should not do this...


Long hair is beautiful, black and white, half black and half white long hair is really eye-catching, plus the black and white dress of Yona is more like black and white among Naruto, the difference is that Nina The five senses of the goddess are stunning and beautiful!

"Master." Wona appeared in the air, with a slender figure, stunning facial features, and her black and white pupils. She was completely stunned by A Jiumei who looked up close, beautiful, beautiful, and perfect. It can be used on any goddess, but now this goddess is black and white, which is incredible.

"Protect Jiumei." Su Mu directly let go of Jiumei.

At this time, Ajiu-mei just felt her body sink slightly, and then she saw a black energy floating under her feet, followed by the black and white goddess's side, and heard the black and white goddess Weiwei Bowed and said: "Good master."

"Huh! Are you finally willing to summon your own goddess?!" Ting Ting snorted disdainfully, but a goddess appeared.

Although the other people were a little nervous at this time, they didn't see Su Mu summoning the second goddess, so at this time, they could only go all out!

However, unexpectedly, Su Mu suddenly rushed forward. The blade wing waved a few times and shouted: "Just because you want to let Lao Tzu's goddess do it? Are you worthy? Are you not afraid of dirtying the goddess' hands? Rubbish! There is a kind, keep coming!"


Everyone exclaimed again, and Xie Ting and others were also furious when they heard this. The four gods flew up again and came straight to Su Mu's position.

"Ha ha……"


With a click, the Divine Venerable Illusion Sword suddenly pointed across the sky, and Su Mu exclaimed in the air: "Divine Venerable! Jie Hei!!"

Divine Realm Black (God Rank Skill): Skill introduction, realm black, black world, skill release, the world is in a dark state, all data is cleared, skill punishment Excalibur annihilation exemption.


Goddess Wona nodded, raising her hand, a black light appeared, and then fell on Su Mu's body.

boom! ! ! !

[50 is over, thank you for your support, ask for a bo referral ticket, monthly ticket, reward, in addition, there are so many outbreaks, allow me to be lazy tonight, not to update tonight, the update will continue in the early morning of tomorrow. 】

[In addition, please cherish your right to comment, who gave you the courage to curse other family members online? Forever silence is waiting for you]

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