Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2324: Chonglou Supreme

The players also quieted down slowly, watching Bai Heshang slowly floating up, everyone looked at this person strangely, because the three characters Bai Heshang only appeared after the guild leader was changed from the mythical empire. So, no one knows about this person's strength, and no one has seen it before.

So, what does he mean when he levitates and faces the shadow of God? Is this person really an opponent of the shadow of God?

In addition to the players' exclamation, at this time, seeing Ling Tian and others in the formation retreat, the players once again exclaimed, which means that Bai Heshang is going to single out the shadow of God.

"Who is the whole person?"

"The president of the Mythical Empire, who else can it be? This time, the second commander of the China Alliance, it seems that he is the largest besides the Nine Emperors."

"Have you heard this name before?"

"It doesn't seem to be, and this person has never participated in the personal challenge. He is a master who has only appeared in recent years. Although no one has seen it, it is rumored that this person is very powerful."

Players began to inquire Bai Heshang's identity and information, but Bai Heshang took over the mythical empire for several years and no one picked up any information. What useful information can players get at this moment?

At the same time, the Hall of the Gods became curious at this time. Bai Heshang is a mysterious person. No one has seen or heard of this person. Therefore, the tears are falling and the flowers are blooming at this time, frowning slightly: "Who is this person? ?"

Luo Li also shook his head at this time: "Throughout the gaming industry for ten years, I have never seen this person."

However, at this time, Wei Wei said: "It should be him."

"Who?!" Everyone was shocked, and Ling knew each other?

However, Zero did not speak, but continued to look at Su Mu and Bai Heshang in the sky.

At this moment, Su Mu said: "Speaking of which, are we considered players of the same era?"

Bai Heshang was stunned when he heard the words, and then he laughed. He waited for a long time before he nodded and said: "The shadow of God is indeed the shadow of God, so you can still know me as an old fellow? When did you recognize it? My identity? In Zhuxian Resident City or when we first met?"

Su Mu shook his head with a smile, "It's not..."

At this time, all the players listened to Su Mu's words, because the shadow of God seemed to know this person, and if no surprise, this person should be a master who appeared in the game world a long time ago, otherwise, How could he dare to let everyone retreat and then single out the shadow of God by himself?

Su Mu said: "Actually, I already knew your identity on the first day I came back. In this world, there is a person who can take over the mythical empire. Or, in China, there is only one person with this ability!"

What is Su Tianwen's identity? He might give up the mythical empire for nothing? That is absolutely impossible, so the only name Su Mu can think of is...

Bai Heshang stared at Su Mu, but Su Mu faintly opened his mouth...

At the same time, the masters of the Hall of Gods also stared at Zero, but Zero said nothing.

At this time, Mei and Su Mu spoke almost at the same time: "Chonglou Supreme!"

Chonglou Supreme? !

"Zhonglou supreme?!" Everyone was startled.

Suddenly, the four ghosts shouted in shock: "I know who he is! Chonglou supreme, supreme China! A master ten years ago!"

"Ten years ago?!"

At this time, the words of the four ghosts were almost on the same channel as Su Mu.

I only heard Su Mu say: "Ten years ago, shortly after the beginning of the entire game, there were ten masters in the game industry. One of them was the Supreme Master of Huaxi. Although there was no achievement in the national warfare, it was an individual. It is world-renowned for being able to choose, and it has a place in almost Western countries, but it seems to have suddenly disappeared or retired ten years ago. At that point in time, I just became famous."

Chonglou Supreme? !

"Fuck, heavy floor supreme?"

"Who has heard of it? Who is it?"

The onlookers are almost dying, what does this name mean?

At this time, a player said: "Have you heard of a ballad from the Chinese game industry?"

"Don't sell it, just say it." The players said impatiently.

The player pretending to be a mysterious player pondered for a while and said: "It seems to be; the peak of single battle, Huaxia Zhonglou, such as team battle, American Emperor George, the lord of the team, Wadao Kunben... I don’t remember it later, it seems It’s like this, ten years ago, who remembers it so clearly..."

"I know that he is the Supreme Master of China, and he was singled out invincible ten years ago. At that time, the shadow of God didn't seem to appear yet, right?"

"Fuck, ten years ago? How many years has it been?"

"It is estimated that only veteran players with ten years of experience will know it. You little ones know much worse!"

"Day! The shadow of God ten years ago?!"

"Almost, it can be said to be the shadow of God ten years ago."

"Damn, there is a good show to watch now!"

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect a trade union battle to involve a super expert from ten years ago, but why haven't you seen this person in the past ten years?"

However, the players also overlooked a problem. The super heads-up master appeared ten years ago but he also personally led the China League. What about the Nine Emperors? What is her identity? Enough to make Bai Heshang obey?

The most important Su Mu hasn't said it yet.

"Su Tianwen took the initiative to give up the Mythical Empire, only to prove that the person he gave up was Lou Chong... the highest level of Huaxia's high-level..."

"You speak out here, are you afraid of being affected?" Bai Heshang suddenly interrupted Su Mu's next words.

But Su Mu smiled instead, and said, "What is there to influence and avoid? Su Tianwen's identity in China. The mythical empire knows a lot, and the person who can let Su Tianwen hand over is unknown. generation?"

"Have you been calling your father's name like this?"

"You can't control this, right?"

"Just feel sorry for your father."

"Are you worthy?" Su Mu's face suddenly became cold, causing Bai Heshang to frown slightly. This Su Mu played a card and spoke out of common sense. It stands to reason that he is the best friend of Su Tian's question. Now, Su Tianwen's son actually talks to him like this, which makes Bai Heshang extremely embarrassed and angry.

Afterwards, Bai Heshang smiled: "Forget it, even if I educate your father today, Su Mu, this year's national war must be the leader of the Huaxia Alliance. You must obey! Or..."



boom! ! ! !



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