Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2327: Offense on

North Gate, South Gate, East Gate, West Gate!

"All, offense!!"

Ho Ho Ho!

Boom boom boom!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

boom! boom! boom!

Huge footsteps, huge roars, and the sound of huge team deformation sounded. The entire gates of God's Domain Resident City were launched in all directions. At the same time, the offensive of the China Alliance was launched. At this time, the onlookers were all stunned. What about the shadow of God? Why did the shadow of God that was still at the north gate suddenly disappear? Moreover, what does it mean that China Alliance suddenly attacked at this time?

"Where is the shadow?"

"How did the boss disappear?"

"What happened to the people in the alliance?"

At this time, Mei saw A Jiumei quickly came to the sky above the north gate, and then shouted at Ling in the air: "Brother Zero, brother-in-law asked me to tell you that God's Domain must hold on for an hour!"

Ling Wenyan was startled, then looked back at Xinye Dao and Chen Yongqi and others.

Everyone nodded and said: "Hold on for an hour!"

"Good! Hold on for an hour!"

Dispersed in an instant, and began to rush towards the gates they guarded.

No matter what Su Mu meant, but now that he wanted to guard the realm of God for an hour, he had to do it. No matter what Su Mu had planned afterwards, this order was issued at least the moment Su Mu disappeared.

Therefore, the battle team prepared by the members of God's Domain at the North Gate has opened the first round of defense!

Zero personally commanded the North Gate and shouted: "Start fighting!"


"Boom them to death!"



Rumble! ! !

The huge construction fortifications flew into the air frantically, and the offensive party would inevitably be at a disadvantage, but after all, there were a large number of people, so the fortifications of the China Alliance also started bombing. The first minute that various bombings started, the instant deaths exceeded one. Millions!

This number is terrifying! It's just a minute!



Together with the architectural announcement, the offense of the China Alliance is even more unique, because at this time, the Paladin below has already rushed over, completely ignoring the fortifications of God's Domain, rushing up like crazy!



Boom! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

What kind of scene is the crazy charge, the charge of thousands of people?

The onlookers finally saw this scene, and they were finally shocked. The entire onlooker scene was shocked!


Bang! !




Long swords, long knives, long spears, arrows of archers, daggers of hunters, and claws of druids frequently appeared in the battlefield at this time.

The defensive melee army outside the moat of God's Domain collapsed instantly!

With a loud bang, the crowd rushed directly into the moat. Even the members of the China Alliance could not stop the car themselves, and fell completely into the moat, and then filled the entire river into a flat ground...

The players watching the game on the spot were dumbfounded and dumbfounded!

When did the war become paving the way with the player's body? How many people are there in Nima?

Fortunately, this is reincarnation. If it is the real world, so many people can't team at all. Therefore, at this time, the shock of the players is beyond repetition. The entire scene is shocked and terrifying!






The members of God's Domain were instantly overwhelmed.

Sigui, Sangui and others shouted wildly at this time: "Brothers! Hold on to me! Hold on!"


Puff puff puff!

Knife light sword shadow? It's already all kinds of flashing lights...

Batches of members of God's Domain fell, batches of Chinese Alliance rushed up, and the entire assault battlefield, fortifications, instantly became a tasteless existence.

The heads of the Hall of Gods watched the people of God's Domain fall in batches. At this time, they could only crush their teeth! Rushed madly.

"Go to death for Lao Tzu!"


boom! !

"Goran Stone Man!!"

Roar! !

"The Art of Ice!"

Kaz Kaz...

Rumble! !

"Brothers! The boss asked us to hold on for an hour! Only one hour! Hold on!"

"Kill! One hour! Hold on for one hour!"

However, the slogans are loud, but the reality is that the people of God's Domain are madly defeated, and the suppression of the number is completely uncontrollable. The people of God's Domain will be overwhelmed by the crowd as soon as they come out. There is no suspense, and coming out is a death !

Even if you don’t die, you’ll be overwhelmed instantly...

Suddenly, the intensity of the battlefield directly reached white-hot, without any warm-up or preparations, it directly entered a white-hot state and directly stunned all the players watching the game and the projection of the game between countries... …

What the fuck! It's people hitting people! This is not a fight!

However, Su Mu at this time, he flew in the air, and then suddenly landed on the ground trying to block the Huaxia Alliance people, but at the moment Su Mu fell, he directly overlapped with the charging Huaxia Alliance members, like dozens of them. Like a person wearing a computer game years ago, Su Mu was penetrated by the player like a ghost...

Standing in place, watching the crowd in front of him continuously charge towards the resident city of the God's Domain Guild, Su Mu raised his hand and looked at his body.

This is the ability of the scroll just now?

Dominate the scroll?

Su Mu was taken aback. It turned out that China Alliance had several plans for him. At first, he was singled out. He tried to kill himself with the Supreme God Year. After that, Bai Heshang attracted his attention, and only Bai Heshang's ability could be close to him. Close to Su Mu, so after using this scroll, he can't participate in the battle at all!

Then it formed the way it is now, unable to participate in the war, and can only watch the people from the China Alliance charge the resident city!

"What a Huaxia Alliance! I took great pains to target myself." Su Mu smiled slightly.

Really think you can win this way? Really think that as long as you control yourself, you can win the battle?

Su Mu himself does not believe that he can resist the attack of tens of millions of people. This is impossible. Even if all his skills are released, even if all the nine goddesses appear on the scene, Su Mu may not be able to defend even a north gate. , How about the peace talks to defend the entire God's Domain Resident City?

Therefore, this China Alliance is totally unnecessary. Their worries are superfluous. Su Mu himself will not be able to turn things around at all. The personnel gap is too big!

Slowly turning around, Su Mu sneered at the members of the China Alliance who were charging away. These confident, excited charges and command made you more embarrassed and embarrassed when you lost!



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