Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2346: Spike the league executives

"Compression·God respects the blazing sun!!"

Hum! ! !

Buzzing! ! !

Ling Tian and the others were surprised when they saw this skill. They had seen the end of Wadao, so they naturally knew the power of this skill, and because the people in the alliance could be sure that Su Mu would not use this skill. After all, this is China. Region.

If Su Mu ignores the feelings of the players in the Huaxia Region and directly destroys the entire Huangtianzhou area in order to win, then God's Domain will lose in the end even if it wins. Therefore, the talents of the alliance will treat God's Domain this way because they know that Su Mu cannot do this. responsible!

However, Su Mu still used this skill now.

Ling Tian couldn't help regretting now. He should have destroyed God's Domain when Su Mu was unable to appear long ago. So many things have spawned now, making them a little embarrassed. Although this skill is small... But the loss of China Alliance will be. Continue to expand...

"Hurry up!!!" Ling Tian shouted!

At this time, all the senior leaders of the Huaxia Alliance ran fast, using as fast as they could, not only them, now the members of the Huaxia Alliance began to avoid Su Mu's skill!

However, since Su Mu would release this skill, he would not give them a chance to escape, so in this case, Su Mu gave a cold smile!

boom! ! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! !


In the shocking gazes of players around the world, the god-sounding sun, like a small sun, instantly descended from the sky and directly landed within the square of God's Domain Resident City!

There was a loud explosion, followed by the rumbling terrain destroyed floor tiles, soil and all other debris...

However, unexpectedly, at this time, everyone saw that Su Mu's figure quickly disappeared in place at the moment when the skill was released, and then came directly under the skill, instantly blocking Huang Quan's body!

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! !

Huge flames rose to the sky, mushroom clouds rose, and the entire scene was no longer able to see the sight of this range of kilometers, only the mushroom clouds rising into the sky and the rumbling explosion!

But at this time, Mei, Ling, and the people in the Hall of Gods clearly saw that Su Mu was protecting the Huangquan of Zhu Xian... It's all this time, but also protecting women? !

The members of God's Domain are puzzled. Although they know that there are many women around Su Mu, at this time, Zhu Xian is taking the lead in attacking God's Domain, and Su Mu is still protecting Zhu Xian's elite leader? This Su Mu! Is there any sense of reason?

However, in the entire Divine Realm, the entire people who saw this scene did not see Mei and Ling's calm expressions. Their expressions seemed to be reasonable for Su Mu to do this...

However, does Huang Quan have such an important place in Su Mu's heart?


But why does Su Mu want to protect her?

Not only was the people in the Hall of Gods puzzled, even Huang Quan was very surprised at this time. She was one of the members who attacked Su Mu just now, but why does Su Mu want to protect herself now?

Unexpectedly, protecting Huangquan by Su Mu is equivalent to protecting Meng Niang and Wu Changyan... So at this time all three women were surprised to see Su Mu's huge blade wing turned into a shield and surrounded them. In it.

The bombing was right beside them, but the flame did not hurt them.

At this moment, Su Mu looked at Huang Quan and Meng Niang with a smile, but did not look at Wu Changyan, although this was just an accident...

"You..." Huang Quan stared at Su Mu blankly at this time, and didn't even know what to say. He was obviously the enemy, why did he do this? This incident has been seen by many people. How should Huang Quan deal with it?

However, the smile on Su Mu's face was so calm and wise!


Only Wu Changyan’s expression is a bit weird, but I don’t know what is weird...


Boom boom boom boom! !

The explosion completely shocked the entire range of players, shocked by hundreds of millions of people, and surprised by billions of people!

The mushroom cloud...slowly disappear...slowly disappear...

And at this time, the square of God's Domain Resident City... was in a mess, and a huge black pit appeared in front of everyone...

The equipment in one place has been damaged. Ling Tian and other nearly 500 people have escaped, but only a few dozen have escaped. Naturally, Ling Tian and others are included. However, all the senior leaders of the China Alliance were almost killed by this skill. Exhausted!

What puzzles the players most is the picture of Su Mu protecting the three girls of Zhu Xian...

At this time, I saw Su Mu loosen his blade, then looked at Huang Quan and smiled: "If it wasn't for this war, we should be friends, right?"

Huang Quan was startled, Meng Niang and Wu Changyan realized at this time that they were just Su Mu who had been rescued incidentally. The person Su Mu wanted to save was Huang Quan!

So, at this moment, an order was issued in their channel!



"Old and small!"


The people in the Hall of the Gods were shocked, and everyone's heartbeat was raised...The players on the scene also stared wide-eyed and watched Meng Niang and Wu Changyan, your weapons instantly pierced Su Mu's body!

Puff! Puff!



Although the difference between the two damage values ​​is very large, but the actual hitting Su Mu still made the crowd exclaimed... and Su Mu's blood, there was only a trace...

"Meng Niang!!" Huang Quan was shocked!

At this time, Meng Niang and Wu Changyan looked at Huang Quan and said, "This is war! It's not the place where you talk about love!"

Huang Quan was startled, then looked at Su Mu sadly. They were obviously rescued by Su Mu, but now they wanted to kill Su Mu.

However, Su Mu at this time still looked at Huang Quan with a smile and said, "It's okay...It's all trivial...Haha..."

"Domain Fist!"

boom! !

puff! puff! ! !

In an instant, the bodies of Meng Niang and Wu Changyan were knocked into the air, and the two directly exploded in the air with a huge damage value, but they did not die, but they were knocked into the deep pit dozens of meters by Su Mu... …

"Why?" There was something in Huang Quan's eyeballs that kept spinning...

Su Mu smiled slightly and said, "What do you think?"

Huang Quan's pupils shrank slightly, and then he couldn't help but remember what he had experienced with Su Mu these days...

Two copies, many conversations, and Su Mu's troubles in Zhuxian Resident City, plus today's group leader, and Huang Quan's knowledge of Su Mu's identity and past in the Nine Emperors... Especially what happened on the island of terror. Is vivid...

Su Mu smiled slightly: "This matter, you will soon understand..."

"?" Huang Quan looked dull.

At this time, Su Mu's energy and blood were no longer enough to continue the fight.

Bai Heshang suddenly shouted: "All attack!!"

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