Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2360: Nine Emperors Trapped

Bang bang!

The five sword souls were killed, but at this time Su Mu did not see it clearly from the peripheral players. Therefore, at the moment when everyone exclaimed and Su Mu couldn't hear, a bulging figure appeared on the ground again...


The white light flashed again, and the five Sword Souls killed instantly resurrected, which Su Mu had never expected.

The attribute characteristics of this two-tier world are also the least contacted by Su Mu, so at this time, although the resurrection of the five sword souls surprised Su Mu, the most shocking is the players.

Because at this time, the five resurrected sword souls all rushed to the position of the nine emperors who were standing not far away.

Obviously, these people were irritated by the skills the Nine Emperors had just released, and they also understood that it would be difficult to solve the battle without killing the Nine Emperors first.

Therefore, at this time, the Five Sword Souls were very wise to choose to attack the Nine Emperors first, and then solve Su Mu, who had only ‘brute force’!

When the players exclaimed the Nine Emperors to be careful, Su Mu just saw the figure of these five people approaching the Nine Emperors.

"Xiao Chan!" Su Mu was shocked, his sword wing swung to the extreme, he wanted to rush up at the fastest speed!

However, it was too late.

At this time, the five sword souls have directly brought Xia Zhi Chan by his side, and at the same time, the five attacks have also fallen...

After all the players exclaimed at this time, that was the nervous mood!


The white light flashed again, the Nine Emperor waved with one hand, and a circular gas appeared in front of the Nine Emperor instantly.

Five attacks, fall directly!

Bang! ! !


The crack in the shield was already present when it was attacked for the first time, and this kind of picture made the players' hearts end with a secret voice. This shield only lasted less than half a second? !

However, the players saw that there was not much tension on the face of the Nine Emperors, but raised their hands again, and another white shield rose!


The body of the Nine Emperors quickly retreated and floated, and then constantly waved his hands. The shields were like mirrors in front of the Nine Emperors.

The five sword souls can't get close to the nine emperors in a short time!

Snapped! Snapped!

boom! Boom boom boom! !

Su Mu's attack fell quickly, and the five sword souls quickly dispersed to both sides, and then stood still and stared at Su Mu and the Nine Emperors.

Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief, then glanced at Xia Zhi Chan and said, "I used me to save you if I knew you were so powerful? I scared me to death."

Xia Zhi Chan smiled slightly and said, "Somehow they are Zhu Xian's president, Ying, you underestimate your number two, right?"

Su Mu smiled, indeed, Su Mu ignored the identity of the Nine Emperors, and even the identity of the Nine Emperors as Mr. 2. It's just that Xia Zhi Chan had always appeared as a man before, so whether it was performing tasks or meeting Su Mu would not have the desire to protect the girl.

And now, Xia Zhi Cicada appeared in front of Su Mu with the appearance of a water lotus, so when they saw her being attacked by the sword soul, they rushed over frantically to protect her.

Su Mu smiled and said, "Well, my number two, let's fight together!"

"Okay!" Xia Zhi Chan laughed again, and then suddenly also floated in the air.

With a snap, a long white silk sprang out of Xia Zhi Cicada's hands, and then directly came to Su Mu's hands, Su Mu pulled hard, and the two instantly spun in the air.

But at this time, Jianhun and the others didn't say anything nonsense with Ben, and quickly attacked.

"Ying, throw me out." Xia Zhichan looked back at Su Mu, and then felt lightened all over her body. She was quickly thrown out, and then came directly in front of Jian Soul and the others.

"Zhanxian·Golden Beam Binding!"


A golden light shattered, followed by directly covering the five sword souls, which directly caused the five sword souls to suddenly stagnate in the air, and then quickly fell down!

There was a bang.

The Bai Ling in Xia Zhi Cicada's hand was more like a weapon that directly hit the sword soul's chest.



The huge damage value is nothing, the most important thing is that the body of the sword soul is instantly shot down to the ground, and it is directly embedded in the turf!

At this moment, the players exclaimed again, this attack is simply more relaxed and freehand than the attack of the shadow of God just now. There is no appearance of being suppressed at all, and it is more like Xia Zhi Cicada is a player in the second world, and the sword On the contrary, they are the object of suppression.

At this moment, Su Mu was a little shocked, but it was reasonable. After all, Xia Zhi Chan was the mysterious guild leader of Zhu Xian. Although she didn't know her combat effectiveness was so strong, the ability that Su Mu showed now could also be able to pick up and drop her.

This is like being beaten uninvited before zero.


"Hey, he looks so beautiful, has such a noble identity, is the president of Zhu Xian, and has such a strong combat power, he deserves to be the Nine Emperors."

"Tsk tsk, the shadow of God is so simple, I don't know what identity he has not revealed..."

"However, it seems that the Nine Emperors is also the eighth revolution, and the brutal beating the eighth revolution also said in the past, what is surprising?


The players suddenly realized that at this time they thought that the Nine Emperors had always been in the top three of the rankings, so they were naturally Rank 8 players. At this time, it was the most reasonable to beat the 8th rank.

"Throw a coin! Didn't you see the level of the Nine Emperors plummeting just now? Now that the Nine Emperors can have three hundred levels, it is not bad, but also eight turns to eight turns?!"



Players all kinds of discussions kept appearing.

In the battlefield, Uninvited Frown slightly. He thought it would be easy to deal with Su Mu, but he didn't expect a Nine Emperors to come out on the way, and this Nine Emperors is still an eighth rank job, even though the level of the Nine Emperors just dropped. , But her eighth rank professional characteristics are still there, so at this time, please take a look at the humane next to you: "Take care of this woman first!"

"Okay, let's go together!"





In an instant, more than a dozen figures rushed forward quickly, and the players were still exclaiming the fighting power of the Nine Emperors, suddenly seeing so many people rushing over together, they were shocked again!

"be careful……"

"be careful……"


Rumble! !

A long-range skill instantly landed on Su Mu's body, and then exploded instantly. A super damage value appeared on Su Mu's head, but at this time, the Nine Emperors below were surrounded by a dozen people...



Two ropes directly trapped the Nine Emperors in place, and immediately followed, the other five people rushed out directly, and the long sword instantly came to the back of the Nine Emperors...not only that, there were four people who swung the long swords directly at this time. under……

At the same time, Su Mu clearly saw at this moment that two blood-red traps were triggered at the feet of the Nine Emperors...

puff! !



"Little Chan!"

Puff! !

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