Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2376: Pingyun Town, Nanzhou

Nanzhou, Pingyun Town.

In a small town like a gloomy canyon, there are crowds of people standing at the door of the town, as if to welcome some big people. At this time, standing outside the door of the town, there are at least a dozen guilds in this town, almost every guild. The bosses are all there and are always looking ahead.

In addition, at the forefront of the crowd, there was a little girl standing ill and babbling on the spot. She was a little unsteady while being supported by another girl.

Samsara is a full-fledged game, so the player's physique can be perfectly reflected in the game. This is why people with better physique in reality are relatively better in the game.

The original Qi Qiqi was unable to enter the reincarnation because of this reason, and her body was too poor. This girl was a bit like Qi Qiqi.

"Cheng Xiaochu, I think you can count on you today? If your brother can invite the shadow of God, I will change Li Hu’s name to Li Mao! Don’t pretend to be special. All the **** invited four people who pretend to be the shadow of God Isn't it shameful to be human?" Li Hu stood there and looked at the sick little girl with a sneer.

The girl holding Cheng Xiaochu couldn't help frowning and said: "Li Hu, you are shivering. Brother Cheng said that if you can invite it, you can do it. Don't dare to admit it after you lose!

It turned out that in this town of Pingyun, Cheng Zhuang established a sect, which was then excluded by various guilds, and Li Hu and others were taking the lead in trying to expel the guild of Cheng Zhuang. In addition, Li Hu also gave this Cheng Xiaochu a The appearance of the illness was quite amazing. Therefore, living in a city and being an old classmate, all these factors caused Li Hu to know his brothers and sisters well, so he wanted to make friends with this Cheng Xiaochu...

However, Cheng Xiaochu’s current physique is too bad, let alone playing games, even in real life, it’s hard to take care of himself, but Li Hu is rich, so he plans to marry Cheng Xiaochu, a little girl. Not willing at all, so there is the present scene.

Because of the forces, they are in the same city, so Li Hu wanted to intimidate Cheng Zhuang and Cheng Xiaochu. For this reason, Cheng Zhuang lay a big lie, saying that he knew the shadow of God, if he dared to harass his sister again Let God's Domain Guild destroy the entire guild implicated by Li Hu.

This incident really caused Li Hu to retreat a bit, and he was honest for several months, but afterwards, it was understood that the guild within God's Domain was in charge of the Liu family for a long time, and the shadow of God had disappeared for many years, so Li Hu just wanted to understand that this was just Cheng Zhuang’s lie, so Li Hu started targeting Cheng Zhuang a few months ago!

In order to keep his sister, and for the sake of his own guild, an honest and friendly person in Chengzhuang actually made people impersonate the shadow of God, and this impersonation was four times! And every time a different person appeared, Li Hu was treated as an idiot, so he naturally suppressed Cheng Zhuang's guild.

At this point, Li Hu has also determined that it is impossible for Cheng Zhuang to know the Shadow of God. So there is today's thing.

Yesterday players all over the world saw the appearance of the shadow of God. Therefore, Li Hu also used this incident to threaten the growth. If he does not agree to his business, he will immediately destroy the growth guild and begin to put pressure in reality!

As for Cheng Zhuangneng, he can only lie after telling a lie, so I found Su Mu today, and I have to ask Su Mu to help me anyway.

Originally, this matter violated Su Mu's rights, but this Cheng Zhuang was considered responsible. He told Su Mu everything and promised Su Mu that he could agree to any request, so that Cheng Zhuang knelt down and begged Su Mu.

He really had no choice. Cheng Zhuang was not Li Hu's opponent in the game or in reality, so he had to come to Huangtianzhou District to find Su Mu in person.

Because Cheng Zhuang knows that as long as Su Mu agrees to this matter, the game will be solved even in reality. After all, the name of the shadow of God has too much influence in China. Even if Li Hu is not convinced, he will have to think about future games. Can you get mixed up?

Cheng Xiaochu glanced at Li Hu, and then coughed slightly: "Brother must be able to find the shadow of God, why are you worried? Cough...cough..."

"Little Chu, stop talking, wait a minute, it should be coming soon... Just now, Brother Cheng sent a message saying that he is already on the road..."

"Yeah." Cheng Xiaochu's face turned red with cough and stopped talking.

Li Hu glanced at Cheng Xiaochu, and then smiled: "I don't know, this is the fifth time, right? I don't know who your elder brother will find to impersonate the shadow of God, Cheng Xiaochu, I am Li Why is Tiger not worthy of you? Marry me, you will not only get better medical treatment, but also bring your elder brother's guild to a higher level. Why don't you understand?"

Cheng Xiaochu didn't speak, but the girl beside him pointed at Li Hu's nose and cursed: "You still have the face to say this? You didn't kill Xiaochu's best friend? Now you want to harm our Xiaochu again? Tiger, there will be retribution for evil sooner or later, wait for it!"

Li Hu snorted and glanced at the girl coldly and said, "I am also to blame for Su Jing's affairs? Who made her jump off the building? I didn't force her to jump down."

"You! You are a beast, relying on your ability in Yunshi to harm the good women, I tell you Li Hu, one day you will be retributed!"

"Haha! I'm waiting! I'm waiting." Li Hu laughed.

Afterwards, Li Hu said to a player next to him: "I will become strong in a while, don't say anything, kill me the'Shadow of God' he invited! Lao Tzu wants to see what master he can invite. , Silly, it's still stiff for the fifth time!"

"Come on, boss, don't worry, our brothers in Humen are here, no matter how high a master is, he will come back and forth!" An assassin with ID named Qianlong nodded and bowed.



At this time, Su Mu, Aisha, Cheng Zhuang, Huang Quan and others jumped directly from Nanzhou to the periphery of Pingyun Town. In order to make Xiao Mu Ling unobtrusive, Su Mu specially dressed her as a little girl player, but Mu Ling's green pupils were surprisingly stunning, and there was no way. The mission itself belonged to Mu Ling, and she must be present.

Coming to the periphery of Pingyun Town, Cheng Zhuang's face turned red, because he didn't expect that he could really invite the shadow of God to come to this small place in person, and this big lie turned out to be true in the end. This is the most important thing. The result that he could not imagine.

"Brother Su...This is the boundary of Pingyun Town, thank you! Thank you so much for helping me with this...Thank you..."

Su Mu waved his hand. Su Mu also felt interesting about this. He pretended to be himself four times, and he found himself the fifth time... Su Mu really wanted to see what else was going on in it. Ling's mission is also in Nanzhou.

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