Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2502: 2500th, what did I promise you

The goddess Fenghe looked at Su Mu blankly and said, "Then the dark element should be by your side!"

Everyone was shocked.

The goddess of water blue and the goddess of fire, etc., looked at each other. Su Mu has been searching for the dark element for six years, and now there is no news, and now the goddess Fenghe suddenly said such a sentence, which made all the goddesses They were shocked to add up.

However, at this time, the goddess Lieyu slowly floated to the side of the goddess Fenghe and said: "Fenghe, do you mean that the person who resurrected the Lord God was the dark element?"

The goddess Fenghe glanced at Lie Yu: "You know the best? No! Lie Yu, you haven't reached the heyday yet?"

"Yes, so even if you turn the light element, you can't spy on the original things, what do you know?" Lie Yu was also very surprised, because she is still an ordinary supreme **** level, not even the water blue and the female emperor. She might not know many things, and she couldn't do it even when she actively released her skills and adjusted herself to the heyday.

The goddess Fenghe thought slightly, and then shook her head and said: "I am a little confused, master, everything will be summoned to me after you go offline. The dark element will know when I am not by your side and when I appear in China. Up."

Su Mu nodded, but still looked at Goddess Fenghe with a little suspicion and asked: "Dark Element, he shouldn't be someone who was resurrected? I mean, he shouldn't be someone I know, right?"

What Su Mu is most worried about right now is this. The people around Su Mu are not terrible. The terrible thing is that Su Mu suddenly thinks of people he knows, such as Zhou Wenling, Wenren Zihan, Chen Xiaoruan, Zero, Mei, Kuanglan, etc. These people, this is what Su Mu fears most.

However, the goddess Fenghe immediately shook her head and said: "Everything is unknown, and I will know when Fenghe goes to China Capital."

At this moment, Cen Dao floating in the distance: "Mr. Su, this is the end of the matter. If you want to talk about the past, you should go back to China."

At this time, the chaotic Dongdianzhou area suddenly became quiet, and all the players watching the game in the world finally calmed down. At the same time, all the goddesses also looked at Cen, including the goddess Fenghe. To Su Mu.

Su Mu didn't go to see Cen, but looked at the goddess Fenghe and smiled slightly: "I know what you are thinking, I will definitely not burden you with today's matter."

The goddess Fenghe was taken aback when she heard the words, and then nodded with emotion, "Thank you, Lord, Lord God."

Su Mu showed two rows of teeth and smiled when he heard the words. Then he waved the blade wing and flew to a higher position with a hula, then looked down at Cen and said, "When did I promise to go back to China?"


"what happened?"

The players instantly exclaimed.

At this time, Cen was shocked suddenly, and then stared at Su Mu in disgust, with a feeling of gritted teeth, but he still endured the hatred of losing the goddess Fenghe and the anger towards Su Mu and said: "The shadow of God! Don't forget, Why should I give you the goddess Fenghe!"

boom! ! !

The minds of players around the world exploded instantly.

What does this sentence mean? It means that the goddess Fenghe was not conquered by the shadow of God, but given to him by Cen?

So the question is, why would Cen give a goddess to the shadow of God at all? Could it be said that Cen and Wadao were afraid that the shadow of God would destroy the entire Wadao alone? Is this crazy? Or is the kid too timid?

Players from all over the world were shocked. The players from Huaxia exclaimed. What's more, they have begun to cheer for Su Mu, especially the worshipers of the Shadow of God. At this time, they don’t know what to say. It turns out that everything is a kid The goddess was given to the shadow of God in order to curry favor with Su Mu, not yesterday.

After this incident broke out, more players are still gratified. At least it proves that other people's goddesses cannot be easily subdued, otherwise the meaning of **** pets will become too worthless in reincarnation...

At this time, the voices of the players' discussions suddenly covered the entire area of ​​Wadao, and when Su Mu smiled slightly, the needle fell quietly.

This phenomenon has shocked players all over the world, even greater than the visual impact caused by killing the Supreme God alone.

Immediately after the silence, Su Mu reached out to the goddess Fenghe.

The latter was startled, and then slowly flew towards Su Mu's position. Su Mu's arms were wrapped around his waist, and the goddess Fenghe was held in his arms. Su Mu said: "You are not willing to become a traded item, so Yesterday, your body was the most exchanged for the safety of the Wadao area. Today, if I destroy Wadao, you will leave a knot, and if I don’t destroy Wadao, will you also leave a knot?"

The goddess Fenghe stared at Su Mu blankly, and then whispered: "No matter what, Fenghe's ability to submit to the deity is entirely the credit of Cen. This is undeniable."

"Yes, so, it's me who is in distress now." After Su Mu said these words, he suddenly looked at Cen and shouted, "Do you want to use your goddess as a deal?"

Cen stared at Su Mu, gritted his teeth, and then shouted: "If I could do something, it wouldn't be the case. I hope you don't break your promise!"

"What did I promise you?"

"You! Fenghe! Didn't you tell him?" Cen looked at Goddess Fenghe in surprise, at least before Goddess Fenghe and Su Mu were combined, Goddess Fenghe still had to obey Cen's orders, so now Cen couldn't help it. be surprised.

However, the goddess Fenghe shook her head and said, "I have said that it is the Lord's business to do or not, and it has nothing to do with Fenghe."


"Lie Yu! Start the Chaos Array!" Su Mu shouted.

Goddess Lieyu was startled, she hesitated, because this matter is related to the heart knot of Goddess Fenghe. Once the heart knot of Goddess Fenghe is ignored today, it will be greatly affected when entering the world of the gods in the future. To put it bluntly, the promotion of gods, the destiny of gods is more complicated than that of mankind, mankind has only been a few decades, but what about gods? I am afraid that this knot will follow her for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, and even affect her future promotion...

Moreover, this will even affect the mood of the goddess Fenghe. After all, this is because Su Mu cares about her relationship. Isn't a goddess Fenghe enough to exchange Su Mu for letting him go? This is a very serious issue.

However, Su Mu's order Lie Yu would not defy, so I saw a white-haired goddess Lie Yu instantly stretched out her hands and shouted: "Get up!"



Shui Lan, the female emperor and other goddesses all stretched out their hands, and the elements from all directions flew over like ribbons, and then enveloped the entire area of ​​Wadao...

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