Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2517: Strength gap

Hh hh...

The three skills struck again, and the players were completely stunned. They had seen too many PKs, but no one had seen such a breathless PK. It was launched in almost two or three seconds. Two attacks, and there is cooperation in the attack.

All players who watched this kind of PK were out of breath, especially the world-level masters who were PK. Su Mu just turned around and blocked the damage with the passive of the Gods Domain backpack, and this time? Passiveness can only be used once in a short period of time, and now, the Cyril trio don't give Su Mu any chance to release their defensive skills. They are completely trying to force Su Mu and the three of them to harden steel!

So at this moment, Su Mu could only take a few steps back abruptly, his body almost left the ground, and the long sword pointed at Cyril's trio. When they released their skills, Cyril smiled...

At this time, both Su Mu and Cyril knew that these three skills would inevitably fall, and although Su Mu had time to release his skills, he could not kill the three Cyril together!

Range skills must take longer to release than other skills. Therefore, the three Cyril attacked Su Mu separately in order to avoid being trapped by Su Mu, and it was precisely because of this that Su Mu could only release single skills.

So at this time, the importance of the singing time of some skills is reflected. The release time of 0.2 seconds and the time of 0.5 seconds are completely two concepts.

As the players exclaimed, Su Mu smiled faintly: "Look at your luck!"

"God's realm kills wildly!"

A super skill on God's Domain belt. Su Mu uses this skill very rarely, because the attributes of this skill are too enchanting, but sometimes too tasteless. However, at this time, Su Mu used such a skill. , Completely out of the Hall of Gods and those who are familiar with the shadow of God!

Hum! !



Cyril’s trio’s skills suddenly fell, and at this moment, a skill also came directly on top of Cyril’s head, but Cyril was smiling. The player’s current skill is nothing more than hundreds of thousands of damage, even if it is. The same is true for the Shadow of God, and his damage value is as high as one million, and it is impossible to be killed in a second.

But for Su Mu, the three skills did not evade or defend. These three skills would definitely cause spike-kill damage if they fell on Su Mu's body. Therefore, now Cyril is forced to accept Su Mu's attack if he doesn't evade!

boom! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

The three colors of white light, golden light, and purple light exploded in the center instantly.

The breathing of the players at this time is still awkward, because the scene of Su Mu can not be seen clearly... But the three Cyril figures are outside the range of skills, and only one of Su Mu's golden light skills fell in Xili On your head!

Bang! ! !



The smile on Cyril's face stopped abruptly. At this moment, the players shouted in exclamation!



"one million?"

"Is I blind?!"

The exclamation of the audience exploded in an instant, but some players were still breathing, because Su Mu's figure had not yet appeared...

However, Cyril's vitality was instantly emptied, which was also the most unexpected thing for him!

Buzzing! ! !

Cyril was killed, and the left wing and Tian Lei were also surprised... Cyril had more than a million blood!

However, the three people had discussed before that even if one died, they had to put the skills on Su Mu's body together. Therefore, at this time, the two remaining people could only stare at Su Mu, who was covered by skills...

The special effects of skills disappeared, and Su Mu's figure disappeared in place!



"Hang up?"


At the scene, Su Mu could not be seen, the most likely thing was that he was killed...

It's just that this sound didn't last long at all, and then I heard the exclamation of the players...

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, Su Mu's voice came from the air, Tian Lei and Left Wing could not help but raised their heads, and then saw Su Mu's figure slowly appearing from mid-air...


"how is this possible?!"

"This, this is impossible!"

"No, no..."

Everyone opened their mouths wide, and the muscles on their faces started beating...

No one thought it would be like this, no one thought that Su Mu appeared in the air unscathed... Just now the three Cyril attack was the limit the players saw, even the limit among the limits, God’s It is obvious that there is no way to avoid the shadow, why?

The left wing stared at Su Mu in the air, and then suddenly said, "Is it a clone?!"

boom! ! !

The audience exploded!

Su Mu's body did not participate in the battle at all?

In other words, from the very beginning, Su Mu used his clone to fight Cyril's three people, and his body has been hiding in the air. Then, the wonderful attack of Cyril's three people just now was completely aimed at a clone of Su Mu's!

What surprised the players the most was that Cyril's three world-class masters did not distinguish between the clones and the main body? !

Su Mu hovered in the air and smiled: "It's still a bit weak..."

As for Cyril's second kill, it was because of this skill released by Su Mu...

God's Domain Kills!

God’s Domain Killing: The ability of mad killing, combined with the combat power attributes of all the equipment of the God’s Domain suit, can bless multiple damage, 10% second kill attribute, can target any enemy, skill penalty drop level 2, skill CD 7 days.

Although it looks like a 10% chance, after the God’s Domain suit is promoted to the gods, to some extent, many chance skills are completely sublimated, so even Su Mu doesn’t know how much this 10% chance has been increased. Probability.

However, it can be seen that Cyril's luck is not very good.

Therefore, the damage value of 1 million just now was not played by Su Mu at all, but the seckill attribute instantly emptied all Cyril's blood...

The real body split, this skill was released before Su Mu came down, and then let the clone fall to fight Cyril three people, and Su Mu himself has been hiding in the air, so no one would notice that Su Mu who just participated in the battle was actually one. The clone, because players know that even the clone of Rank 8 is different from the main body...

However, some players suddenly realized at this time that the shadow of God's clone could split several, or even more than a dozen, in an instant, and it was impossible to tell which one was the main body... Therefore, Cyril was too careless when fighting just now. They just thought they were fighting fiercely with the shadow of God, fighting in front of tens of millions of people in northern Russia... But in the end, the big one was actually a clone of the other party, and they had not even fought a clone...

"This is the gap between you and me!" Su Mu was in the air, staring at the left wing and Tianlei with a slight smile, and shouted: "All the gods, attack!! Stepping down on Royev City!!"

"Ho **** ho ho!!"

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