Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2524: Wang Zi and Dairy Cow

Kyoto, shopping mall.

At the door, Su Mu stood in place, Zhou Fairy dressed in casual clothes, gray coat, Gaolong **** wrapped in white sweater, thin waist, white tights, high heels, and a standard royal sister.

On the other side was Aurora, who was a little confused, and the two women looked at each other, in a posture of doing nothing if they didn't agree.

"I said why ask me for clean clothes. The feeling is Jinwu Cangjiao." Zhou Wenling snorted while staring at Aurora, a foreign beauty.

The woman's feeling is too sensitive, especially at this time, Aurora stared at Zhou Wenling unwillingly and said, "You are the big cow, right?"

"Puff!" Su Mu couldn't help it.

Zhou Wenling glanced at Su Mu when he heard the words, then looked at Aurora's chest, and then giggled.

She walked up to Su Mu and directly took Su Mu's arm and said, "I guess you can't hold a bun in my underwear, right?"

The two of them smiled as they walked forward, and Aurora behind them was confused again. She followed Su Mu and asked, "What is the steamed bun?"



Su Mu was a little speechless, and was about to laugh.

As for Aurora, she immediately understood the key point. Although she is not particularly proficient in Chinese, she is quite impressed with the word "too".

"Big cow!" Aurora snorted.

Su Mu was really going to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud, and there was one thing Su Mu was very strange. The fairy Zhou Wenling didn't refute Aurora, but pulled Su Mu directly to the entrance of the supermarket.

"Wait for a while." Zhou Wenling walked in.

In less than three minutes, Zhou Wenling walked out with a red bag, and then directly handed it to Aurora, "When we meet for the first time, I will give you a present."

"Wa hahaha!!"

"Haha! I can't stand it! I can't stand the Zhou Fairy! Hahaha... Wangzai Steamed Bun is too much, haha..."

With an evil smile on his face, Zhou Yaojing handed Wangzi's small steamed bun to Aurora, and then took Su Mu's arm again and said, "In China, steamed buns represent a lot of things, but this one is the best for you, the Russian Northern Ocean Horse... …"

Aurora's face turned red and blue and stared at Zhou Wenling's back.

"Big cow!"

"small bun!"

"Big cow!"

"small bun!"

"Big cow!"


"Stop!" Su Mu couldn't help it at last, being caught between these two women, cursing one by one, I'm in a trash can?

After that, Su Mu still couldn't bear the curse of two people, but fortunately, he quickly picked a few sets of clothes for Aurora, and then gave Aurora a credit card as an emergency. After everything was arranged, Su Mu gave it to Aurora took a taxi to let her go back to the apartment.

Su Mu couldn't stand the two people together, really couldn't stand it.

Only after Zhou Wenling and Su Mu are left, they are more comfortable.

"Why didn't Zihan come?" Su Mu asked Zhou Wenling who was sitting in a fast food restaurant looking at the opposite.

The latter hummed while eating, "The old man can't live without people, so he can only watch. By the way, haven't you noticed that Zi Han has changed in the past few days?"

Su Mu froze, and said, "Change?"

"Well, I didn't find it at all?"

Su Mu thought for a while and said, "It's gentler than before, and the iceberg temperament is much less, what happened?"

Zhou Wenling shook his head with a smile on his face: "It's okay, let Zihan tell you in person. By the way, I'll take you to meet someone in a while."

Su Mu nodded, but he still heard about Zihan in his mind, what happened to this girl?

But overall it is a good thing, because Wenren Zihan is gentler than before, which means that she is in a good mood, so Su Mu doesn't have to worry about anything.

After eating something with Zhou Wenling, Su Mu was dragged by her to the gate of a very ordinary community in Kyoto.

Zhou Wenling said as he walked, "Do you know who lives here?"

Su Mu shook his head.

Zhou Wenling smiled mysteriously, and said: "Go in, you'll know in a while."

Said that the two had already arrived at the door of a certain unit. After waiting for Zhou Wenling to arrive at the door of a house, Zhou Wenling said: "The owner of this house is Liu Zixue, Wendy’s former best friend, and they have been in contact over the years. ."

Su Mu frowned upon hearing this, Wendy!

Wendy has disappeared for several days, and there is no news of her, which makes Su Mu very strange. Moreover, under the investigation of Zhou Wenling and Chen Xiaoruan, Wendy’s two nephews and her sister are still there. Only Wendy is gone, and the most important thing is that at this time, Wendy's nanny also said nothing about Wendy's disappearance.

Therefore, Su Mu had always wondered whether Wendy had entered the second-tier world, and Su Mu didn't know whether entering the second-tier world was simply from the game warehouse or directly transmitted over, this matter has not yet been determined.

Zhou Wenling brought himself here, thinking about finding news of Wendy.

In fact, there is one thing Su Mu has doubts about, and that is about the ninth element. Wendy's disappearance for no reason is definitely not accidental. Su Mu thought that Wendy was the ninth element for a moment, but there was no basis for this, so this matter Su Mu only It can be a little bit to investigate.

And because of the appearance of the goddess Fenghe, Su Mu can directly summon the goddess Fenghe to investigate the position of the ninth element after returning.

The door opened quickly.

It was a girl in her twenties who opened the door. She was wearing a pink pajamas-like home clothes with her long hair wrapped around her head, as if she had just washed her hair. She wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses. She was a bit thin, but she looked thin. A pretty girl.

The girl named Liu Zixue seemed to know Zhou Wenling very well. After seeing Zhou Wenling, she immediately invited Su and Mu in, and then quickly poured tea for them.

After everything was fine, Zhou Wen said: "Xue'er, don't be busy, today I just want you to tell us more about Wendy's affairs, okay?"

Liu Zixue was startled when she heard the words, then her face changed, and then nodded and said: "Okay sister Ling, but..."

"Don't worry, this matter is absolutely confidential. He belongs to Sister Ling...well...male..."

"I am her husband!"

"Huh?" Zhou Wen was stunned.

Liu Zixue stared at Zhou Wenling in a daze, "Sister Ling, are you married?"


Su Mu nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'm also Wendy's friend, so I won't leak it out, just talk."

The latter nodded, and then sat opposite Su Mu and Zhou Wenling, putting his hands on his thighs, and looking a little nervous.

After a long pause, Liu Zixue raised her head and said: "Wendy asked me ten days ago and gave me a bank card with more than 500,000 yuan in it. She said that she would give it to me slowly after she disappeared. Her babysitter."

Su Mu frowned when he heard this, because why didn't Wendy tell Zhou Wenling and Chen Xiaoruan? I just found a girlfriend who she didn't contact for many years?

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