Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2526: Who is it

The goddess Fenghe slowly sat on Su Mu’s lap, and then asked Su Mu to hold her hands, and then slowly said, “Actually, according to Fenghe’s memory, how should I say, the master must know that he What's your identity, right?"

Su Mu was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "You said that the person called the gods?"

"Yes! Actually, the master died a few years ago, isn't it? Later you were resurrected by a certain god, and the soul embedded is the Lord God, the supreme being in the **** zone, so you can be resurrected, and, this kind of Soul inlay is a form of passiveness. In other words, you are the original Su Mu, the master, your memory is yours, your body is yours, your brain is yours, but life has a soul, so anyone who needs resurrection needs a soul. ."

Su Mu frowned slightly and said: "I know, that's why you call it a god. Then the question is again. The baby has been resurrected. Who is she inlaid with?"

The goddess Fenghe was slightly surprised, and then smiled: "Master, what do you think?"


"Ying Ying died after you. Although it may be a dark element, you must know that Ying, a woman, should be resurrected by Sister Lie Yu."

Su Mu suddenly realized it when he heard the words. This point was ignored. If Lie Yu knew the existence of dark elements, he would not know where ta is now, so the infant cannot be the dark element. If the infant is the dark element, then that matter. It's just a big one. Moreover, it has been two months since I came back to the earth and I haven't seen the woman Ying, so I don't know what she is doing.

The goddess Fenghe smiled and said: "So, if the dark element death is treated as a resurrection soul embedded in someone's body, then you must be careful of the other person, master."

"The person who killed the Dark Element?" Su Mu was suddenly startled.

Because human beings need souls to resurrect, and dark elements can only be inlaid after they die, it is said that dark elements cannot die, because Cen must have been resurrected by dark elements, and Cen’s death was much later than Su Mu and Ying.

You know, Su Mu and Ying were resurrected before the resurrection started, and Cen was killed by Su Mu after the resurrection started!

Therefore, the dark element is probably not dead now, and if it is dead, who is the person who killed the dark element? This person is more terrifying than the dark element!

Goddess Fenghe smiled: "Master, in fact, you have to understand that whether it is the Dark Element, Goddess Lieyu, and Fenghe, as long as we die, we can all become the target of being embedded, but at the same time, we can control us. There are only two souls in the **** zone."


"God and holy!" Goddess Fenghe spoke faintly, as if she was not shocked by these two titles.

Su Mu frowned slightly and asked, "No, the **** is dead already?"

"Yes, it's your soul."

"Who resurrected me?"

"Maybe it's the Lord, maybe that person."

"Which person?"

"Fenghe doesn't know."

Things are getting complicated again, and Su Mu is completely troubled by these twists and turns.

The goddess Fenghe smiled at this time, and then stood up from Su Mu's body and said, "Master, you only need to remember one point. Cen was resurrected by the dark element, then it proves that the dark element is not dead. Already dead and resurrected on your human body, then Cen..."

The goddess Fenghe was startled suddenly, and said, "No, there is also the Dark Elemental Messenger."

"Yes! Heyang and Ye Na!" Su Mu finally figured it out. He Yang is not sure, but Ye Na is definitely the messenger of the dark element. This is not the first proof, so Su Mu has great reasons to believe in the dark element. Has died, or has been resurrected on someone.

Su Mu said: "Enable your ability to search for the dark element. You won't be unable to search because the dark element is on someone's body, right?"

"That's not true. The dark elements are always dark elements, and they can't get away. It's just that, according to your master's analysis, who resurrected the dark elements on your humans?" asked Goddess Fenghe.

Only the deity and the deity can use the soul of the rank of Lieyu. Therefore, the resurrection of Su Mu is most likely done by the deity. Then, who operates the soul of the dark element?

The goddess Fenghe lowered her head and thought, then slowly opened her hands.

For an instant, a yellow line-like halo appeared in the room, just like the shield that sealed the feudalism in Washima yesterday, but this time, the perception ability of the goddess Fenghe spread throughout Kyoto...

Because of the need to search slowly, the goddess Fenghe closed her eyes for a short time, and sometimes frowned slightly and sometimes blushed slightly. Su Mu could imagine what the goddess Fenghe saw...

Such a detailed search will probably not miss any room where the atmosphere of dark elements remains, so the pictures that are not suitable for children will probably be seen by her.

What Su Mu is considering now is that He Yang is resurrected, whose soul is in his body?

Ye Na is the messenger of the dark elements, and Ye Na is Heyang’s girlfriend. During the cycle of time, Su Mu can already be sure that Heyang and Ye Na are together, and there is no grudge because of the original time. It is a mystery whether or not what happened. Otherwise, how could a man accept his girlfriend to do such a thing?

Also, who is the resurrection of the baby? Ying doesn't even know who the soul in her body is now, this is what makes Su Mu helpless the most.

In fact, Su Mu knew that these things only need Goddess Lieyu to advance to the heyday, so that he can know more things. For example, Goddess Fenghe can know more things than Lieyu in his heyday, and as a light system, he controls time. Lieyu can only know more than Fenghe.

It’s just that this kind of thing is unavoidable. The heyday of Shuilan, Empress, Wood Spirit, and Fengxi Goddess are all passively triggered tasks. Su Mu has nothing to apply for, so he can only wait for the opportunity, and Su Mu I also know that Goddess Lieyu’s heyday mission is probably the last...


The atmosphere in the room instantly became confused, and then the goddess Fenghe suddenly opened her eyes, and then stepped back, as if she was pushed by someone.

Su Mu quickly stood up to support her and said, "What's the matter?"

Dense beads of sweat appeared on the latter's forehead. She shook her head slightly, and shook her head unevenly and said: "No, it's okay, it's just a bit backlash, the okay owner."

Su Mu nodded, helped her sit on the edge of the bed and did not immediately ask about the dark element. At this time, the goddess Fenghe was in very bad condition.

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