Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2535: Dual wielding power

One dragon, one snake's black mist attack seemed to be seen by Su Mu.

Because Wendy has been attacking Su Mu like this since she appeared.

Therefore, at this time, Su Mu directly summoned the divine phantom sword of the white board.

This sword was obtained during the cycle of time, and has not been used since the return of time. As a result, Su Mu has always thought that the sword is a tasteless existence, but the appearance of Wendy has given Su Mu an inspiration.

Although the sword has no attributes on the whiteboard, it is part of the Divine Venerable Magic Sword. To put it bluntly, the texture and appearance of the Divine Venerable Sword should be the same. Then, when used in the time of reincarnation, it only uses the shock. Jian, but Su Mu ignored another issue.

Therefore, before Wendy's skills had fallen, Su Mu directly summoned the double swords, and then suddenly lifted them high in the sky and shouted: "The death of the gods!"


In an instant, two sword auras appeared at the same time, and Su Mu showed a pleasant smile, because Su Mu used one skill, but under the blessing of the double swords, two skills appeared at once. In other words, Su Mu only needed one in the air. The skill of the sword, and then the magic sword of the **** on the whiteboard will release the skill along with the skill of the real sword!

Su Mu now finally understands the origin of the god-sovereign phantom sword on this whiteboard. It is the god-sovereign illusion sword and part of it. Because the attributes of the god-sword are on the real sword in Su Mu's hands, this so-called' The'fake sword' doesn't have any attributes, but when Su Mu dual wields, the attributes of the fake sword will be the same as those of the real sword. The real sword uses skills, and the fake sword itself will use the skills along with the real sword!

boom! ! !

The death of the gods has never had such a powerful force. The two skills are superimposed together. The skills instantly impact Wendy's body, then disperse their skills, and knock back Wendy's figure!

Rumble! ! !

When the two skills fell, Su Mu looked at the double swords in his hand in surprise.

Calculated based on this power, will the two skills appear at the same time when the **** Venerable Sun is released? If this were the case, Su Mu couldn't imagine the scene of the two gods, Lieyang appearing together, and the enchanting skills of God's Domain Zhu Xin and even the gods sword!

"It turned out to be like this!" Su Mu said in surprise.

The whiteboard is actually the main body of the phantom sword of the gods, but it does not have any attributes and skills when Su Mu alone uses it, and it is only a whiteboard longsword during the cycle of time, but back to the cycle of the earth, the attributes of the data are added. , The whiteboard becomes the effect of syncing the attributes with the magic sword of the gods.

"Hehe...If this is the case, I don't need to stay here anymore, Brother Su, good luck, see you in the high-level game world." The girl in black, Wendy smiled in the air, and then disappeared instantly. In situ.

Su Mu looked at the place where Wendy disappeared and did not use the insight eye, because at this time Su Mu could be sure of one thing. Wendy's arrival was not to destroy Su Mu's confidence, but to tell himself the whiteboard god. Su Mu hadn't thought of this result because of the power of the magic sword.

Moreover, Su Mu believes that the power of dual wielding can definitely kill the current Wendy, because Su Mu can't imagine the result of the two skills being released together. This is not as simple as one plus one.

Therefore, at this time Wendy left Su Mu without blocking, because Su Mu knew that blocking it would only make things more complicated. Wendy's arrival only told herself that the long sword can be dual-wielded and the long sword can be dual-wielded. The sword is more than twice as powerful as a single long sword.

This alone is enough to make Su Mu grateful to Wendy, and Su Mu even suspects that Wendy is controlled by the dark element, so does Wendy's departure at this time represent the dark element's order? If this is the case, is Wendy's arrival also instigated by the dark element?

Everything will be revealed after finding the dark element.

Su Mu retracted the long sword in his hand, and then glanced around. Apart from the black sky and the endless turf, there was still nothing to be seen on the fifth floor of the Holy Void. The communication bar was all gray, and Zhou Wenling could not contact him. , Su Mu can only start to move forward in the direction guided by the God's Domain Tower...


However, Nanzhou City.

Standing in Huashan and split Huashan, standing in the union hall of Tula Pavilion with his head down.

"You tell me that one person killed you all in a second?" a fair-skinned young man stood at the top of the hall and stared at Pi Huashan.

This teenager has white skin as snow, even better than a woman, and the orchid fingers in his hand make people feel a little weird. At the same time, the fashion on his body is also neutral, completely unlike a normal man. The clothes you should wear are more like...a pseudonym? !

"Old, boss, this is true, don't believe you ask Brother Liu and laugh at them..." Pi Huashan said tremblingly at this time.

The pseudonymous boss glanced at Jiutian Laughing and Brother Liu. The latter two hurriedly nodded and said: "Yes, boss, that person killed Huashan with a single skill, and the speed was very fast. It instantly knocked all of us down, and almost In the case of one skill!"

The pseudo-mother stared at those'beautiful' eyes, then pinched her waist and shouted: "Fart! It's all fart! Your blood is close to 4 million, at least more than 1 million! A skill killed you? Do you think it is the **** of the shadow of the **** that respects the blazing sun?!"

Everyone took a few steps back after hearing the words, and there was a bitterness in their hearts. Although the pseudonymous told them before, as long as they do not provoke God's Domain, few people in China, and even the entire Samsara, can kill them, after all, millions of them. Qi and blood are an invincible existence for any player.

Moreover, Pi Huashan and the others knew that, except for the shadow of God’s signature perverted skills such as the **** of the sun, no one seemed to be able to hit more than one million damage, even the other ordinary skills of the shadow of God. .

So, now they say that their looting team was destroyed by an unknown player group, how could this make the pseudo-mother believe it?

But at this moment, the pseudonymous boss's message was beating, he glanced at it, and then frowned slightly.

Witnesses also said that they were killed by a person without ID, and it was a skill, and the speed was very fast, and most importantly, this person was also carrying a coquettish woman.

But witnesses did not have photos of the two men.

"I ask you, what weapon did the one who killed you use? What color? Shape?" the pseudo-mother shouted.

What kind of weapon? what colour? This is really not noticed.

"I'm telling you, unless that person is the shadow of God, Tugla and him will swear to the death! Don't tell me!" The fake mother shouted again.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

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