Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2537: Naughty Zhou Wenling

At this time, a team came down from behind. Among them, there were five male players and one female player. What made Su Mu frowned was that this female player was Zhou Wenling who was scattered with Su Mu, and they were talking and laughing when they walked together. As if familiar, Su Mu knew that this woman must want to play with others again.

What made the Scourge Legion frown was that everyone in this team was all players from the start of Scourge, and it was a guild without asking, and it was also a family vest, but... Su Mu felt that the Scourge Shura and others were a bit wrong, obviously. It's a teammate, but it looks like he saw an enemy.

"Haha, Shura, you came here for more than an hour first, and finally got stuck here." At this time, the man who joked with Zhou Wenling, ID Scourge King Kong, was at least 1.9 meters tall, plus that burly shoulder and The angular features are a bit handsome.

The man laughed, then looked sideways at Zhou Wenling with a charming face and said: "Sister Zhou, they are also our guild. Although our Scourge Legion is a bit famous and the members are very powerful, there will be any guild. Some **** isn't it?"

"Haha, that's right, even in God's Domain Guild there will be some low-level players." Zhou Wenling smiled.

"Haha, yes yes!"

At this time, Su Mu clearly felt the Scourge Shura behind him took a few steps forward and shouted: "Damn, King Kong, don't **** fight against Lao Tzu in front of outsiders. This is not good for you or me."

The Scourge King Kong narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, then walked to Shura of Scourge, and looked at him with a condescending look: "What? Isn't what I said is true? Say you have been here for more than an hour? Why are you still stuck? Is this? Is there no way to get past? Ha ha...the second group of waste!"

"Fuck! King Kong, keep your **** mouth clean!"

"I want others to speak well." Listen, first of all, your own mouth is clean, and, God's Scourge is right, there is no point for you to speak! "The Scourge King Kong glared at the swearing Scourge and shouted.

After finishing talking about the Heavenly Scourge King Kong, he didn't forget to look back at Zhou Wenling, and then saw the woman slowly walking up.

"Sister Zhou, they are members of our second regiment. Ignore them. I will take you through this difficulty." Scourge King Kong smiled with a strong chest.

Zhou Wenling pursed his lips and chuckled, nodding, "Okay."

After speaking, the woman didn't forget to take a peek at Su Mu, and then showed a begging look, as if she wanted Su Mu to pretend not to know her.

Su Mu snorted in his heart, then turned around and stopped paying attention to the wind woman. Although he knew she was playing, Su Mu couldn't help but want to beat her. He didn't know who he was!

Therefore, Su Mu went directly to the edge of the Ziyun Bridge.

With a cry...

Su Mu has to rush up with a jump, because Zhou Wenling has already found it, so Su Mu doesn’t have to worry about anything, just go straight to the next level. Moreover, Zhou Wenling is obviously going to anger herself, so Su Mu won’t give her this opportunity. ...


A rope appeared at the position of the back waist for an instant, and then Su Mu was suddenly pulled back.

With a sigh, Su Mu staggered back a few steps, and then looked at Shura Scourge in surprise.

"What are you doing? Didn't read those introductions just now? Do you want everyone to get through?" Tianqi Shura glared at Su Mu.

Before Su Mu had spoken, the laughter of the Scourge King Kong came.

"Haha, Shura, who is this person? Isn't it because you found a stranger to block this Ziyun Bridge, and then you are afraid of us passing by if you can't get there?" God's condemned King Kong's smile was abnormally beaten, but look like this Asura and King Kong seem to be like this often...

Su Mu glanced at Zhou Wenling at this time. The latter pursed his mouth and smiled in his eyes. Because this copy cannot transmit sound, Zhou Wenling could not talk with Su Mu privately, and could only use his eyes to convey information.

Scourge Shura untied the rope around Su Mu's waist. He ignored the Scourge King Kong, but took the rope to his body, and then looked at the Scourge Righteous Dao and said: "I will try again, the liquid has not spread to my neck. You don't have to pull me back."

"Sura!" The Scourge was ashamed and shocked when he heard this. If there was an error, he would die directly, and it would also cause the Ziyun Bridge to be disconnected for at least a week.

Heavenly Scourge Righteous Way also looked at Scourge Shura in doubt.

The latter nodded and said: "It's okay, do as I said."

Because the Scourge King Kong waited for the group to arrive, Scourge Shura could only fight, so the three of the Scourge Righteous Dao also knew that Shura was angry, but why were they not angry?

That being the case, that could only be the case, Su Mu was also a bit speechless, but on the contrary, he didn't have the right to speak for himself.

The Scourge King Kong walked to Zhou Wenling's side at this time, and then he wanted to use a low voice to approach Zhou Wenling, but he was avoided by Zhou Wenling's unmoving expression, so Zhou Wenling always stayed with the Scourge King Kong from the beginning. The distance of meters, this woman, let's not say that she is a veteran in love, but she is always a lively fairy, so this Scourge King Kong wants to take advantage? Still tender!

"Sister Zhou, let me tell you that in our Scourge Legion, except for these two teams, we are all members of around 400, and everyone has participated in at least three trade union battles with more than 100,000 people. It's a complete victory every time!" Scourge King Kong said with a superior look.

"Wow? Really? A war of 100,000 people? I haven't seen so many people yet." Zhou Wen was shocked, and the acting was like it. If Su Mu had not known her, she would have been deceived. , Nima, women are born actors!

"Yeah, and you see me, it’s only level 389 good, but my weapon, artifact level, and equipment is level 300 Faerie, and I already have 5 natural defense attributes. The lowest level equipment in my body is Faerie. Level." Scourge King Kong said proudly after taking a look at his equipment.

Zhou Wenling even had stars in his eyes, and at this time the few people behind the Scourge King Kong also looked proud. It was clear that the Scourge Legion Guild was quite famous in Nanzhou.


At this moment, the purple liquid of Ziyun Bridge instantly spread to Shura's waist, and then the blood began to fall.

On the shore, the Scourge Shame and others were worried, while the Scourge King Kong had a disdainful smile and Zhou Wenling was talking and bragging.

Having been waiting for the purple liquid to reach Shura's neck, Heavenly Scourge could only say coldly, "Pull it back!"

Hh hh...

Scourge Shura was pulled up, with a look of loss and depression.

"Haha, the second group still doesn't work, how about Shura? Let us come in one group?" Scourge King Kong laughed.

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