Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2542: Defeated Guild

Golden Tiger Lv399 (God) (Gold Series) (All Elements)

Grade: Supreme God

Qi and blood: 100 million

Energy: 100 million

Skills: the body of the King Kong, the crane that flies forward, turn gold into rain...

Introduction: Golden Battle Tiger, Jin Ning Goddess promotion mission, full elemental resistance blessing, ignoring any defense system, ignoring any physical defense system, ignoring all combat power, divine power attributes, ignoring cuts and bleeding of weapons below the gods level, ignoring the master and one Scroll, including dominance-level scrolls, ignore all negative effect occupation skills below level 500, ignore group damage skills, and ignore all elemental **** skills.


This attribute is public, so Su Mu and Zhou Wenling directly see this attribute panel.

Zhou Wenling had a dull expression on his face, and then hid behind Su Mu with a scream. The two stood on the bridge that was only one meter wide... there was a shivering feeling.

"Damn, ignore this, ignore it, just mark this thing as unkillable?" Zhou Wenling also rarely swears at his mother, this attribute is really numb when people see it.

All kinds of ignorance, but also specifically aimed at the Supreme God Elemental God, this giant tiger is simply invincible.

Roar! !

With a tiger roar, the golden liquid on the entire lake shook, and the tiger's feet stepped on the lake, and the liquid on the body continued to flow to connect to the lake. The giant tiger, which was ten meters tall, was completely visible and not gone. The desire to attack.

Su Mu did not summon the goddess Jin Ning, because this attribute has already been marked, ignoring the skills of all the element gods, that is to say, no goddess Su Mu can be summoned, and the summoning is just a cumbersome.

"Fairy Zhou, go back!" Su Mu shouted loudly. Zhou Wenling could not resist this level of boss.

And Zhou Wenling is not like Chen Xiaoruan's personality. After hearing Su Mu's words, she quickly backed away and quickly returned to the entrance.

Boom! !


One million damage value instantly appeared from Su Mu’s body, just a forward pounce of the golden giant tiger. At this moment, Su Mu seemed to have used the ghost jumping method. He directly avoided the wooden bridge, and then wiped it on. On the lake.

At the same time, Su Mu deliberately drank a bottle in order to test the effect of the suspension potion. However, it was invalid on the golden lake. Su Mu could only give up. Fortunately, the God's Domain ring was close to infinite space, and Su Mu carried a lot of lotus leaves on his body. .

Swishly beating, Su Mu's body was too small, the giant tiger's claws drew a line of golden silk, and then hit Su Mu's back.

The God's Domain backpack was passively triggered. Although Su Mu's body was knocked into the air, it did not have any damage value.

However, after Su Mu left the giant tiger one hundred meters away, the giant tiger suddenly roared, and then the bang turned into a puddle of golden liquid and fell on the lake!

boom! ! ! !

Boom! ! !

Su Mu's presence instantly rose, and the giant tiger's figure formed again, and the giant tiger's claws had reached his chest!

Bang! !



The white light flashed and death came.

However, the mission did not seem to be over. Su Mu's figure quickly appeared on all sides of the lake, and a dozen Su Mu appeared at the same time.

He almost roared, then quickly turned into a golden liquid and fell on the lake, and then appeared at the position of the closest Su Mu clone, another kind of teleportation with the help of golden liquid!

boom! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

Bang bang! ! !


"Okay, amazing!" A voice suddenly came from behind Zhou Wenling.

She glanced back, and it was Ruo Han who came over with the people from Ling Tianqi Army and Tula Ge.

And at this time, it happened to see a dozen clones of Su Mu fighting fiercely with the giant tiger.

Scourge King Kong, Scourge Shura and others were once again sluggish. This person who was mocked by himself was fighting alone with a 399-level Supreme God boss! And the fight was so intense, and they were still the shadow of God!

Seeing Zhou Wenling's **** figure and glamorous face again, the only thing left in God's Scourge King Kong's heart is embarrassment and disappointment, and there is no need to continue to "soak" Zhou Wenling...

As for the Pihuashan and others of Tula Pavilion, at this time they can only watch the battle and fight for a chance to talk to the shadow of God, and can't let the shadow of God anger Tula Pavilion.

Zhou Wenling glanced at Ruo Han and said, "Why did you go to Tula Pavilion?"

Ruo Han smiled awkwardly: "I was curious about Tula Pavilion's qi and blood blessings at the beginning, so I entered, but it made you laugh."

Zhou Wenling smiled slightly: "It's nothing, this is normal."

The latter nodded and said, "What are President Su and President Su doing? It seems that they have been avoiding without attacking."

At the scene, more than a dozen Su Mu frequently avoided, and did not have an offensive skill, which made Ruo Han and others very strange.

Zhou Wenling shook his head and said, "Maybe it's paving the way. This map cannot fly, so I can only walk on the ground. The lake water is golden liquid, and suspension potions cannot be used, so I can only use this method... "

She didn't know if Su Mu was going to do this, but it looked like this before her eyes.

Everyone calmed down and watched Su Mu wrestle with the supreme **** boss. After tens of seconds, Ruo Han suddenly said, "Chairman Zhou and Zhou, is God's Domain still accepting people now?"

Zhou Wenling was taken aback, then smiled and shook his head and said: "I don't care about personnel, you go to the Gods Domain branch to ask, but there shouldn't be any major problems. The national war is imminent, and the Chinese players must do their best."

"Yeah that's right!"

At this moment, another sound suddenly came from behind, and then I saw a dense crowd of more than 30 people approaching.

"President! There is a Supreme God boss ahead! Come on!"

"Fuck? The Supreme God boss?"

"Awesome, this trip to Sheng Xu is worthwhile!"

"Haha, good! Set up immediately and start robbing!"

"it is good!"



The crowd rushed up quickly, and after seeing Zhou Wenling and the others, they didn't say a word to bypass them, because Zhou Wenling and the others didn't play the boss at all, so these people seemed to not care at all.

However, at this time, the people of the Scourge Legion and Tulako had their eyes widened. Nima, is this the boss who wants to grab the shadow of God?

"Who are these people?" Zhou Wenling frowned slightly.

Ruohan immediately replied: "It is the current overlord guild in Nanzhou, and defeat the guild!"

"Guild for defeat?" Zhou Wen was startled, and then asked: "Is it the guild for defeat that has more than one hundred **** pets?"

"Yes! They say that there are more than a hundred **** pets, and no one knows how many they are. There are only 10,000 people in this guild, no more than one, and all the requirements are summoners and pet owners. It's very difficult. At first, Shen Luan Zhan beat them three times without success. The reputation of this guild is not very good. Chairman Zhou, do you want me to call for some support?"

Zhou Wenling said nothing. She was a little impressed with this defeating guild, and at the critical period of Su Mu's mission, what would happen if this guild made trouble.

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