Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2545: Shock of shock


"This is impossible!"

The members of the Guild for Defeat were all dumbfounded. Everyone looked at the Scourge skills in the sky. They couldn't imagine that the person they met here was actually the most powerful guild president in China? Moreover, it is also the legendary shadow of God, and it has sunk the shadow of God in the Wadao area twice in a row, a shadow of God that led China to the peak!

How could he appear in this small Saint Void map?

For them, the map of Shengxu is very large and high-end, but it is not worthy of the identity of the shadow of God, right? And this map is only in a small town in Nanzhou, why does the Shadow of God come to such a place?

Moreover, the members of the Guild for Defeat are all stunned, because the person they are attacking now is the legend of China, the mythical figure of China!

Dare to ask for a defeat is completely stunned. At the same time, the Scourge Legion and Turago behind at this time have a strong feeling of gloat, because they targeted Su Mu before, causing them to be shocked and speechless. Now this ignorant guild for defeat directly allowed the shadow of God to use this enchanting skill, it is conceivable that the shadow of God is even more angry than it treats them.

So at this time, whether it's the Scourge King Kong or standing on Huashan Mountain and splitting Huashan Mountain, it feels refreshing.



Rumble! !

The thunder and lightning fell intensively. The thunder skill itself is high damage and has a paralysis effect. Therefore, the pets that are attacking Su Mu in the air are instantly paralyzed, and then the hit tentacles shrink, which directly causes all the summoned **** pets. Quickly fell into the lake!

Puff puff puff puff! !

More than twenty **** pets fell into the lake in an instant, and then -1 damage came out one by one, but it was actually a spike damage!

The atmosphere at the scene calmed down instantly, and Su Mu quickly jumped onto the wooden bridge with the help of lotus leaves.

But now, if they dare to be defeated, they have not been killed in seconds. God's Domain Scourge no longer cares about killing players close to the 400th level in seconds. At this time, the players are too strong, so the members of the Guild for Defeat at this time are all resisting Less than half of his energy looked at Su Mu...

If I dare to lose, I even watched Su Mu muttered in a daze: "You, you, you are God, the shadow of God!"

Su Mu nodded with a dumb smile, "You are acquainted."


Su Mu glanced at the people and said, "I'm not in the mood to play with you. Just stand here and watch. Don't disturb me doing the task."


Su Mu instantly fell to the boss's position with a jump, and then joined the eighth clone to attack the boss's body.

However, every time is a miss attack damage.

However, at this time, no one paid attention to whether Su Mu’s injury broke the defense. All members of the Guild for Defeat were dumbfounded at this time, because they could not understand Su Mu’s presence here, let alone imagine the embarrassment just now. How intense.

I used to say that people don’t know each other, and even disdain to fight with Su Mu, but how embarrassing is this situation now?

The most important thing is that at this time they finally understood why Turago, the guild that they saw before them, didn’t bother this person from fighting bosses. They knew that the shadow of God was this person, so Turago didn’t want to do anything. intend!

Dare to make a defeat. At this time, he looked at his teammates around him, who also looked helpless.

In addition to shocking Su Mu's identity, what they have to consider is how to save this matter? If the shadow of God is not forgiving, then their defeat guild will disappear in China, in Samsara!

God's Domain Guild has hundreds of millions of members, and any branch in the Forbidden Continent can blast the defeated Guild into scum. Therefore, at this time, it is cold sweat all over if you dare to be defeated.

It would be worthless if the entire guild was destroyed due to his own fault!

So I dare to ask for a cool and shady back...


boom! ! !

The huge explosion drew them back to reality, daring to ask for a defeat, turned around, and then looked to the direction of Turago, he quickly walked over, and then came to Ruohan and Pi Huashan's side.

"You knew it a long time ago, right?"

Pi Huashan snorted: "We are not the only people who know."

Dare to make a defeat and looked at the people of the Scourge Legion again, and Scourge Shura said: "What? Are you going to grab the boss and blame us? What reason?"

"you guys!"

Zhou Wenling said at this time: "Don't be noisy, don't worry, the shadow of God is not as small as you think, and it does not offend his inferior scales. What are you worried about? Just watch!"

I dare to be defeated at this moment, but who is this coquettish woman?

However, he could suddenly think of the woman next to the shadow of God, one of whom was a violent woman, and also Yujie, Zhou Wenling, the vice president of God's Domain? That coquettish and **** woman?

Boom! ! !

Boom boom boom!

The ground shook, and everyone's attention came to Su Mu's side again.

At this time, Su Mu stepped on the lotus leaf, and then quickly jumped up. While in the air, he stepped on the shoulders of his two clones one after another, and then came to a height of 20 meters.

At this height, Su Mu's long sword pointed at the giant tiger's front door and shouted: "Compression·God respects the burning sun!!!"

Hum! ! ! !

A huge golden light rushed in, and everyone on the shore was instantly overwhelmed by the shock wave. At this time, the Scourge Legion, Tula Pavilion, and the defeated guild were completely confused, because they were too familiar with this skill. It should be said that the memory of this skill is too deep. Although they have only seen the release of God's Shadow twice, they know what it is when this skill is released.

"God respects the burning sun?!"

"I'm going! Used it so soon?!"

Everyone exclaimed and excited, but they saw the super skill of God Zun Lieyang with their own eyes.

Although we have seen the shadow of God release this skill many times in projection and live broadcast, the visual impact and shock brought by the scene is completely indescribable, so at this moment, everyone looked at the golden circle with an expression of excitement. Ball formation...

However, Zhou Wenling frowned slightly, because she knew that Su Mu was using the compressed version of the gods to respect Lieyang so quickly, which only proved that the defense of this boss was too strong, and Su Mu directly gave up those below the gods. Power skills, which means that the skills of God Honoring the Scorching Sun have no effect on this boss!

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! !

Just like the atomic bomb experiment, a huge wave spread out in the golden liquid lake in an instant, and the giant tiger was suddenly enveloped in it. Zhou Wenling and others on the shore were directly affected by the shock wave of the heat wave and couldn't open their eyes, but even they were closed. I can see the dazzling golden glow through my eyelids...

Rumble! !


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