Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2549: Alliance targets

"Ding! World announcement: U.S. Empire: Zeus Guild: Jace; between the shadow of the Chinese God’s sinking incident in the southern half of the Wadao Region, the Global Alliance will conquer China in the name of justice and game balance. Alliance Russia North Empire, Wadao Kingdom, Indo-Three Empires, South Africa, Austrian Empire, Sun Kingdom, Deng Kingdom, Germany, West Africa Empire, Archipelago Empire and other twelve alliances to conquer the shadow of the Chinese God, until the game balance is returned. Wadao apologized, and withdrew from reincarnation and the national war this year."

Twelve consecutive world announcements began to swipe the screen on the World Channel in an instant. The blood red blood red words made it clear to players all over the world. Moreover, this announcement was mainly aimed at Su Mu, and did not propose to target God's Domain. This is the most embarrassing. local.

Zhou Wenling, the people from the Scourge Legion and the Guild for Defeat, glanced at each other at this time, and then stood there not knowing what to say.

But Su Mu was still watching Goddess Jin Ning advance, and at this time Su Mu could imagine that his information bar had begun to explode, but unfortunately he couldn't see it at all.

At the same time, Su Mu checked the items in the backpack, and it seemed that it had no effect on this announcement, but rather it seemed that it had not happened.

Zhou Wenling glanced at Su Mu, and then slowly walked over. At this time, the goddess Lieyu, the goddess Yona, and even the goddess of the blue water returned to the tower of the gods one after another. Zhou Wenling stood behind Su Mu and said: "Su Mu. "

Su Mu turned around, looked at Zhou Wenling's worried expression, and then took her hand and said, "Fairy Zhou, are you so crazy and scared?"

If even Zhou Wenling was scared, then Su Mu couldn't imagine what Wenren Zihan and the others would think.

Su Mu had anticipated this incident a long time ago, but Su Mu did not expect that the Global Alliance would intimidate Su Mu in this way. After all, there are still ten days before the national war. An announcement will be made at this time. Obviously, the Global Alliance is scared. !

Zhou Wen nodded and said, "I'm not afraid, I'm just worried about you."

"Worry that I will collapse? You underestimate your man, right?"


"Fairy Zhou, this matter will definitely continue to ferment. It is far from being as simple as it is now. Therefore, you must be mentally prepared when you leave this map or go offline. Chen Xiaoruan and Zi Han are there. You go to comfort, Lan and Mei will definitely be fine, do you understand what I mean?" Su Mu took Zhou Wenling's hand and said while looking at the sacred golden light of Goddess Jin Ning.

Zhou Wenling can only do as Su Mu ordered, so she also nodded.

"Ding! Goddess Jinning advances, the supreme Goddess Jinning."

The golden silk thread, the gold rim, the gold net, everything is made of gold, especially the gold long hair of the goddess Jin Ning, the golden eyeliner, the golden eye shadow, and the white skin, it is just like an anime. Like girls...

She stepped on the golden liquid lake with a smile, and then slowly walked towards Su Mu...

With the promotion of the goddess Jin Ning, Su Mu's overall strength once again improved a notch.



At this time, Nanzhou, Qilin Town, the headquarters of the Tula Pavilion Guild.

Duomin, who is the president of Tolagak, sat in the hall and looked at his subordinate leader, and asked, "What do you think now? Would you like to see the shadow of God?"

Before that, they were extremely excited and excited after receiving the news. Ruohan’s team sent back a person after they met Su Mu and knew that Su Mu was the Eye of God, and then told Duomin that the Shadow of God would see him. Therefore, the heads of the Tulako Guild were all excited to death.

But now this sudden announcement made them hesitant in an instant. They are not stupid to be able to be the leader for a while, and they understand what the Global Alliance announcement contains. If nothing else, , God's Domain will undergo tremendous changes in the next two days, and will even involve forces in reality.

But now if Tula Pavilion is too close to God's Domain, there may be unexpected consequences in the future. For example, if God's Domain is defeated, which guild will participate in the national war? And if the shadow of God is constrained by the forces in reality, then what kind of attitude the guilds across the country have? For this reason, will some guilds that are closer to the Gods' Domain guild be implicated?

"Boss, this is just an announcement from some foreign guilds. We are Chinese, so why be afraid of them?"

"I feel that Head Liu is right. Even if God's Domain does not have the shadow of God, it is still our strength, isn't it? What we should worry about now is how we can contribute to the national war, so I suggest meeting The shadow of God!"

Duomin said nothing, because Duomin was also worried about another thing, that is, the Alliance of the Twelve Nations could not threaten God's Domain and China on the World Channel so easily. They would definitely do more terrifying things that he was most worried about.

Therefore, you must not act rashly at this time, you can only take one step at a time.

So Domin looked at his heads and shook his head and said, "I still don't feel right. Let's talk about it slowly, and wait until the situation becomes clear before making a decision."

Everyone was silent, since the president made the decision, they could only obey.

Except for Tula Pavilion, the entire Huaxia guild was boiling at this time, because at this time it gave all players a very bad feeling.

A similar thing seems to have happened five years ago. At the beginning, the entire Huaxia players forced the president of God's Domain to withdraw from the game world, and finally caused Huaxia to lose. Finally, players from all over the country called for the president of God's Domain to go online. The ironic thing may be happening again?

What worries the Chinese players the most is that this time it is uniting twelve countries. According to some rumors, the total number of the twelve countries united has exceeded one billion, and it is even moving towards 1.5 billion. The number is growing, although there will certainly not be so many people used in the national war, even the national war map cannot accommodate it.

But the players are worried!

What if the Twelve Nations Alliance does not fight you in a regular national war? What if their twelve countries jointly attack China's territory?

This incident is the most frightening thing for Huaxia players, and it is also one of the problems that Turago Domin thinks of. If this time comes, Huaxia will be really messed up, and many uncontrollable things will happen. .

Just after Su Mu completed the mission of Jin Ning's heyday, just as the players were discussing this matter, another twelve blood red announcements appeared on the World Channel. When this message appeared, the entire China was angry, surprised, and worried. Various moods keep coming...

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