Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2552: Strong defense

"Pull this guy out for me, take off your own equipment, and beat me to death!" Chen Yongqi was originally a bit older and from the underworld, so the cold temperament on him makes everyone a little bit older. Cool, let alone the feelings of Brother 26.

"Liu, President Liu..." Brother 26 saw Hei Tan stand up and smiled and immediately looked at Liu Zhi.

Liu Zhi just stood up but was held back by the tears and flowers beside him: "Vice President Liu, you have to get involved in this little thing? Do you know where this is? Look at the level of the people sitting there. Be careful to lose your share!"

At this time, Liu Zhicai suddenly realized that the lowest level of those present was the level of the elite leader. Therefore, the 26th elder brother was not even the leader. It was illegal to participate in this kind of meeting, so Liu Zhi seemed to want to save the 26th. Brother is also impossible.

"Chairman Liu! Save me..." Brother Twenty-Six was stupid. It was the same twice in a row, and it was the same last time. Originally Liu Zhi promised to tell him that it was all right today, but what happened? The results of it? !

As Heitan pulled the twenty-six brothers out, Su Mu once again looked at the people and said: "In fact, the people of the Global Alliance are not afraid at all. Just do your own thing. Everything awaits my arrangements. District, Panguzhou District, Killing Godzhou District, and even Huangtianzhou District, all the borders of the four continents are all arranged with the elite and core forces of God's Domain. The continents no longer retain any strength!"

Everyone was startled, and Xia Hai said, "In that case, wouldn't it be the case that the foreigners did it?"

In this way, if there is any war within Huaxia, the headquarters of God's Domain and the branches of all continents will not have any defensive forces.

Although Su Mu alone can hold up a piece of sky, the people in the halls of the gods can also be alone, but in a war of more than a million people, even Su Mu will be powerless. Once the headquarters of the gods is broken, what will be the picture Got it.

Liu Zhigang wants to stand up and oppose...



Moments came from outside the hall. Liu Zhi swallowed what he said to his lips, and then sat on the spot with drooling expressions, looking at the people around him with a smile.

Su Mu also smiled and said: "At this time, if there are still people in Huaxia who are in trouble, it can only be said that this guild does not want to get mixed up. At this critical juncture, I believe that there will be nothing in Huaxia. The public opinions are just It's just some players who have been bought, so let's decide."

Some people agree, but some people are still worried.

So when everyone got up, Su Mu said: "Xia Hai, Lao Chen, Ling, Luo Li, Fan Hua, Xiao Ruan, Zi Han, Zhou Wen Ling, etc., you stay, I will assign you some tasks."

The people who were named glanced at each other, and then stopped where they were.

After waiting for everyone to leave, Su Mu stood up and said, "Excluding the method I said before, if there is any problem within Huaxia, you must consider the team that can support first, do you understand?"

Everyone nodded.

Su Mu continued: "There is one more thing, if I just set up, if I really develop in accordance with the requirements of the Global Alliance, then you must act as commanders to cheer up the Halls of Gods and God's Domain, and absolutely not because of my business. It has affected the entire guild. The guild today is not as simple as it was five years ago. Now our God's Domain is responsible for the future of the entire China, do you understand?"

Everyone frowned, Su Mu meant that if he was forced to leave, or was no longer the president of God's Domain, then they would support these things.

Luo Li said at this time: "Brother Su, if this thing you said will happen, then I guess there will be a new president in God's Domain. If it is Liu Zhi, what do you want us to do?"

Su Mu frowned slightly.

Yes, what if it were Liu Zhi and Long Tianci? Su Mu still couldn't figure it out. Xia Ming and Su Tian asked them why they still didn't do Liu Zhi? Could it be that this made him Huo Huo God's Domain Guild fail?

Also, if there is a real change in reality, Su Mu must think that Luo Li’s analysis is not wrong. Xia Ming may really let Liu Zhi and Long Tianci be the commanders. In that case, what should the Gods and Gods do? ?

Su Mu glanced at everyone and said, "First of all, Liu Zhi’s chances of being a commander are very small. Xia Shou...cough, Zhi Cicada’s father wouldn’t fail to think of this. Even if something like this happens, you have to obey it completely. Defending, as long as it is for the sake of God's Domain for the good of China's players, you must obey orders, and this must be done."

"Can't do it." Zero said.

Su Mu said helplessly: "I didn't say you again."


A thought became a devil and said speechlessly: "Zero can't do it, we can do it?"

Su Mu looked at the people and said, "I will contact Zero at that time. If there is a major change, just listen to Zero. As for Liu Zhi, I will find a way to kill him sooner or later."

Everyone was relieved.

Then Su Mu arranged some details and left the hall facing them.

At this time, people stood outside the hall.

Hei Tan held Brother Twenty-Six on the neck and slapped him one by one. Standing on the side, Liu Zhi felt more painful than hitting his face.

After waiting for Heitan to beat Brother 26 to death, he stood up and said, "Damn, this beating with bare hands is too tired, even more tired than Lao Tzu killing thousands of people."

"Hahaha!" everyone laughed.

Liu Zhi's expression was extremely ugly. He turned around and was about to leave, but Su Mu called out, "Vice President Liu, people like Brother 26, I advise you not to, and let me see him next time. You are not beating alive, you should know that there is a way of death called Ling Chi?"

Liu Zhi was startled when he heard the words, and then left the scene with a grunt.

"Okay, let's all go away, and start preparing for their respective tasks." Su Mu clapped his hands to signal everyone to leave the headquarters.

Hundreds of people walked to the position of the teleportation array and began to teleport to their branch.

At this time, Su Mu's news bar jumped again. Su Mu had a bad feeling after seeing it. Now Su Mu dare not read his news bar anymore, because the information sent is all about the Global Alliance and there are various negatives. Public opinion etc.

However, when Su Mu opened the news, he was stunned. The time to come was still coming, but Su Mu didn't expect this to develop so quickly, which was many times faster than Su Mu expected.

The goddess Fenghe was still asleep, so she couldn't tell the news of the dark element at all, and now that this kind of thing happened again, Su Mu was simply one head and two big people.

"Okay, I see." Su Mu said in the message, then closed.

"I'm offline ahead of time." Su Mu glanced at Wenren Zihan and others and chose to go offline.

Wenren Zihan and the other girls were startled, Zhou Wen said, "It is estimated that there is another trouble in reality."

"Looking at Big Brother Su's appearance, this trouble is not small..." Chen Xiaoruan said worriedly.

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