Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2556: Mysterious Giant Ding

Back in the apartment, Su Mu became more and more angry as he thought about it, but there was no other way. Although Su Mu said that there are few rivals in the real world, things are unpredictable, and Su Tian asked them about Su Mu's concern. Moreover, this Su Mu would not do such things either. After all, Su Tianwen was Su Mu's biological father, although he had no affection. One more thing, Su Mu now knows that compared to the country, Su Mu is too small.

Moreover, Su Mu just waited for Su Tianwen to send someone to serve as the president of God's Domain. After they couldn't control God's Domain, it was naturally Su Mu.

Therefore, Su Mu directly summoned the goddess of water and blue, and then entered the four-dimensional space. The earth reincarnation would not let Lao Tzu go. Then the four-dimensional reincarnation could not be prevented, right?

"Susu, why are you in the mood to come here today? Isn't it very busy with the national war?" The goddess Shuilan seemed very happy every time she came to the 4D space, and she didn't know if it was because she was alone with Su Mu or because Here is the reason for her world.

Su Mu took the water blue goddess's little hand, and then walked to the outskirts of Huangtianzhou District. Because Su Mu is relatively free now, he directly flew the water blue goddess to the bronze cauldron that was left in the mind cycle.

This tripod has been placed here for more than five years. Su Mu has not studied it carefully. Moreover, this weapon-like thing Su Mu has not been able to bring it into the reincarnation of the earth. Now, Su Mu has turned eight, and if nothing unexpected happens. After going through the national war, you will enter the second-tier game world, so in theory, this thing should be able to bring it into the second-tier world.

The water blue also watched the giant tripod in a circle, because it was not something in the backpack, so the giant tripod is still more than two meters high, and the whole body is bronze. Su Mu was put in the backpack. However, it could not be used later, so it was simply placed in the cycle of thought.

At this time, seeing this huge bronze cauldron again, Su Mu also felt a little weird.

"Su Su, did you win this bronze tripod in the Centennial Samsara?" The Goddess Shuilan looked at Su Mu with a smile on her face.

"Yes, I just don't know how to use it." Su Mu directly put the bronze cauldron into his backpack, and then tried to use it in his hand.

"Ding! The data is wrong and cannot be used. You need to unseal the seal of Ding."

Su Mu was startled slightly. The data error is the same as the prompt five years ago, but the last half sentence is different. Need to unblock the seal?

"Shuilan, can you analyze the data of this big tripod?" Su Mu suddenly asked, because the Shuilan goddess has advanced to the heyday, many skills and abilities have been significantly improved.

The Shuilan Goddess nodded, then stood on the edge of the big cauldron and stretched out his hands, and immediately surrounded the big cauldron with the long blue silk.

For an instant, the blue light slowly revolved around the giant cauldron, and it also exuded bursts of cyan glaze, which looked very weird and very aging.

Su Mu frowned slightly, what is this thing? And it was passed from Wadao Island, which is a bit puzzling.

The equipment and gods of each country are recorded in accordance with the history of the earth, and Wadao never recognizes that their country is the descendant of the first emperor of the Chinese Qin Dynasty. Isn't this bronze tripod the most prosperous product of the year? In other words, this thing is likely to be inherited from China, from Wadao Island.

Following the analysis of the water blue goddess, Su Mu also clearly saw that ancient Chinese characters were quoted everywhere on the bronze cauldron, but Su Mu had no knowledge of Qin Dynasty characters, so he could not see why.


A blue light rushed straight into the sky, and the water blue goddess slowly fell on the ground and panted slightly. However, there was an incredible expression on her face, and she looked very surprised.

"How is it?" Su Mu asked.

"Su Su, you're rich!" The goddess Shuilan looked at Su Mu in surprise: "If Shuilan is not mistaken, this bronze cauldron should be something similar to a fist or a furnace cauldron. , And didn’t Su Su also know that this thing was equipment? But did Su Su know what it was?"

Su Mu frowned, the Goddess Shuilan said something upside down.

"Hee hee, Su Su, come and take a look." The Goddess Shui Lan pulled Su Mu to the left ear of the great tripod, and then pointed to the words on it.

Su Mu shook his head.

The goddess of water blue pointed to those words and said: "This is the record, if you taste the herbs, you have to record, the power of the eternity, a certain family of Tianji, can only be made by nature."

Su Mu still looked at the goddess Shuilan with a dazed expression. What do these words mean? What do you want to express?

The goddess Shuilan dragged Su Mu for a few more steps, then came to the right ear of the bronze tripod, and pointed to the floating words on it again, saying: "Da Tiancheng, everything is contained, the inner Jingluan, Dingnong also."

Su Mu stared at the goddess Shuilan and said, "What are you going to say?"

The goddess Shuilan said in surprise: "Nothing, Susu, you must unlock this bronze cauldron. Now Shuilan dare not confirm what it is, but according to this record, it is definitely something from China, and , It’s probably something that surpasses the God Sword."

"Nani?" Su Mu's eyes widened, something more powerful than the Divine Venerable Illusion Sword? Stop joking, okay.

At the beginning, the goddesses said that the material of the god-zun sword is the top quality thing in reincarnation, but now you tell me this bronze tripod of unknown origin is more powerful than the god-zun fantasy sword? This made Su Mu a little unacceptable.

"Susu, don’t be discouraged. Susu needs to know that there are not only the earth, the Centennial Reincarnation and our galaxy, but also various aspects. In terms of material, it may not be the most powerful magic sword of the gods. People can be sure, because before there is something more powerful than the magic sword of the gods, we can conclude that the magic sword of the gods is the strongest, but when something appears, the magic sword of the gods cannot match it. It’s also Shuilan’s guess."

Su Mu shook his head, and then looked around the giant cauldron, but he still didn't see anything strange, that is, it was no different from the bronze cauldron in the museum.

"Susu, this tripod comes from a century of reincarnation, so you must tie the bell to untie the bell."

"Go to a hundred years of reincarnation?"

"Yes! You can only go to Hundred Years Reincarnation. Moreover, according to Susu's identity, all tasks are passively triggered. As long as Su Su goes to Hundred Years Reincarnation, this task will be triggered because this bronze tripod has been in harmony for five years. The previous is different, that is to say, the trigger condition of the mission has been reached." The blue goddess happily pulled Su Mu and flew to the Huangtianzhou area.

However, when Su Mu looked back at the bronze cauldron in the air, he suddenly saw a line of words...

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