Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2563: Just don't let me help

Long Xueji ran forward a few steps, and then shouted: "Ginkgo Xiangtian, you will die if you go on like this, let Su Mu help you!"

The buzzing sound kept ringing, the Bumblebee was like a helicopter forcing Ginguo Xiangtian to fall slowly, and at this time, the Bumblebee seemed not to attack actively, but was constantly staring at Ginguo Xiang. God, they seem to be looking for something.

At this moment, Ginguo Xiang Tian looked back at Long Xueji and said, "You don't need to interfere!"

Long Xueji frowned again and shouted: "Okay, we don't need to intervene, we will take over when you are all dead! Old stubborn!"


"What am I? You are an old stubborn, stubborn stubborn! No wonder my grandfather said that your race deserves to be where you are today. It's all your **** inheritance. Now when are you still bitter Carry it yourself? I'll ask you, is this reincarnation or the real world? Do you retain your own dignity or retain the dignity of your race? Being beaten by a big bug has no power to fight back, so what dignity can you talk about? !"

"Long Xueji!" Ginguo Xiangtian's face was flushed.

But at this time Su Mu was smiling. This is Long Xueji. The previous Long Xueji made Su Mu feel a little speechless, so Su Mu smiled: "Xia Feng, this woman is better than you. Is Linglong enough?"

"Brother, you are a hornet's nest, watch me go back and not ask Sister Han to complain!"

"Cut, do you believe me or not let Qiu Shuishui order Linglong not to be with you?"

"Don't, brother, I was wrong, I was wrong..."


When the two of them were fighting, Long Xueji walked back angrily, not to mention her anger, she was also blushing, yes, blushing!

"It's flat? Haha." Xia Feng couldn't help but look funny when he looked at Long Xueji.

"You **** fucking my mother! Believe it or not, I can't buckle you down with a slap on the wall?!" Long Xueji stared at Xia Feng with fiery eyes.

Xia Feng looked dumbfounded, while Su Mu was smiling.

"This Ginkgo Clan is a bit interesting, it doesn't even sell Miss Long's face."

Long Xueji glared at Su Mu and said, "Don't be proud of you, their stubbornness is their business. We will take over this boss when they are all dead!"

Su Mu nodded, this is indeed a good way.

However, at this time, Xia Feng looked at Long Xueji bashfully and said, "In other words, what is the origin of this Ginkgo Clan? Listening to Brother's meaning, your identity is really awesome?


"Uh...I just asked for my brother."

"piss off!"



Puff! ! !

With a ding sound, Bai Guosu bounced and stood up, and the long knife in his hand quickly looked at a antenna of the bumblebee.





The tentacles were not cut off by Bai Guosu, but directly inserted into Bai Guosu's chest. After a huge injury came out, a burst of white light rose.

"Su!" Ginguo shouted loudly.

However, at this time, they seemed to have no way. The bumblebee suddenly turned around, then flew into the air, and kept beeping and screaming... But, although the bumblebee flew into the sky, but There was a dense layer of yellow liquid around Ginguo Congkuan and Ginguo Xiangtian, which seemed to be honey, but Su Mu and others knew that this was definitely not Fengming.

"Is this bumblebee scared away?" Xia Feng couldn't help being curious after watching the bumblebee fly away.

Su Mu sneered, "How easy is it, do you know bee eggs?"

Xia Feng staggered and almost didn't fall to the ground when he heard the words. His face turned yellow and looked at Su Mu and said, "Brother, don't be disgusting. If Bumblebee feeds the children, why don't they take them away?"

Long Xueji looked at the position of Ginguo Xiangtian and said, "That's because this bee's nest is extremely secretive and will not be known to anyone."

"I'm afraid our ultimate mission is to go to this bumblebee's nest."


If Su Mu's analysis is correct, this hornet is set by the system to hide its nest, because this Fuhu dungeon's final mission should be there, so this hornet will not even feed children. Take the food away, this may be a forced system setting.

"Ginkgo Xiangtian, if you continue like this, wait for a while to feed the maggots!" Long Xueji continued to shout.

Ginguo Xiangtian and Ginguo Congkuan were startled when they heard the words. They were stuck on the ground by the yellow liquid and could not stand up. At this time, the buzzing sound came again, and it was obvious that the bumblebee was flying again. come back.

Xia Feng smiled and said, "How about? Do we need to save you? You beg me, beg me, maybe I will help you."

Ginguo snorted to the sky: "You don't need to interfere! You never need to interfere!"

"You!" Long Xueji was so angry, Xia Feng looked helpless.


The bumblebee flies again. This time, the analysis with Su Mu and Long Xueji is correct. Under the bumblebee's feet is a bee egg the size of a human body. The large fleshy bug is in the body of the bumblebee. With the constant squirming below, Su Mu saw this picture and the stomach rolled for a while, and Long Xueji turned around and vomited. It was disgusting... and with that sticky liquid...

Ginguo Xiangtian and Ginguo Congkuan both turned pale. If they were killed by a monster, it would be fine, but now they are actually going to be eaten by a bug? Moreover, just seeing this fleshy bug is disgusting...

"Elder Xiangtian..." Ginguo looked at Ginguo Xiangtian pleadingly, as if asking him to let Long Xueji and others help.

This kind of bug is too disgusting. Although it is reincarnation, the physical contact and facial features are 100%. This kind of thing makes Ginguo Conglin intolerable.

At this time, Ginguo Xiangtian felt nauseous in her stomach.

Xia Feng even shouted: "I feel that you won't die immediately after being eaten by this bug. It is very likely that you will die after a little bit of blood is lost!"


Long Xueji hurriedly yelled: "Ginkgo Xiangtian, let us help you, otherwise you will be eaten by bugs as Xia Feng said. Moreover, if you die, we have a big deal to continue fighting. You can't work around. ? Even if the Ginkgo Clan has the rules of the ancestors, it is in reality and not in the game."

Ginguo said nothing to the sky. At this time, Long Xueji continued: "If you don't object, I will treat it as you agree..."

Xia Feng suddenly shouted: "Their promise does not mean that we promised to help them, Long Xueji, are you too affectionate?!"

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